• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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moving problem, menus not accessable


Dear all,

I've got myself into a pickle...

I quicksaved the game (while at sea in combat), later on, when I travelled to another island and attempted to enter sail mode off the main map, I crashed to the desktop... weird but no problem, I'll just restart and reload the quicksave, and all will be well...

I start the game...

I quickload...

I cant move... I can turn, but I cant move... my keyboard is largely useless, I cant get into the main menu or any other menu... I can turn off logs and quick run, and turn it back on... but neither keyboard or mouse allows me to move... I cant access F2, or use enter or F3...

yarrrrr!.... help please!
Try starting a new game and saving a game by pressing F1 & selecting Save Game instead using of quick save. Then load the saved game & see what happens then.
that works without a problem, I do it all the time...

The issue is if I can save this problem...

I can save and load, start a new game etc... but if I load this quickave, I'm pinned to the world without the ability to change anything...

is there a way of using a command to jump to a specific location? that may unlock the situation
Saving while sailing doesn't work. Even if you CAN save, the save is messed up and you can't load it. You can only save properly on land and during sailing on the 3D worldmap. I will try to put a check on the quicksave code so that it can't run if you are sailing or are boarding.
Saving just before boarding or whilst sailing was 1 of the advantages of Sea Dogs. Pity it wasnt the case with POTC......... Such is Life.