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Modeling Application

Anthony Parker

HoO Team Member
3D Artist
My name is Anthony Parker and I would like to apply for a modeling position on your Hearts of Oak project. Trunks518 referred me to the project. I have a screen shot of another project that I am currently working on to show my skills. I am still fairly new to the modeling world.


  • Proof of work.png
    Proof of work.png
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Ahoy Anthony, welcome aboard mate!

Are you specifically wanting to work on ships? Or 3D modelling in general? We need both, I am just curious what you prefer to work on.
We certainly need both, I reckon @Ashinokami or @Bava or @Captain Murphy should be along shortly to give him an assignment.

In the meantime, I have added you as a provisional Hearts Of Oak 3D Modeller team member Anthony.
I would like to do 3D modeling in general, I don't have a preference to what I model. I would just really like to help out in anyway that I can.
Your help would be much appreciated. Best to start with something relatively "simple", I suppose.
We need all sorts of items and models to liven up the game world. :yes
Hi, my name is Anthony Parker and I am new to modeling and I was working on a ship in my spare time to help out and I have run into a snag with the model. The model that I was working on was based on the frigate Essex. I am using blender for my modeling.
The issue that I am having is with the haul of the ship. I was able to make the haul, keel, and the ribs no problem. When I went to add the gun ports into the haul the model wouldn't act right. I have a solidify modifier on and I took it off and the model doesn't mess up but then it becomes paper thin and I have no idea on how to fix it. I have tried many different combinations to try and resolve the issue and it has been in vain, if there any of you have run into something like this in the past and know how to solve it I would be extremely grateful for some assistance on the matter.
Could you post some screenshots of the model? That would help to illustrate the problem.
If you extruded the hull for thickness, maybe it breaks previous modifications? Are you using booleans? What program are you using? pics would help. I built a 3d model of the Essex myself, so I'm certainly familiar with the vessel. :yes However, seeing as she isn't from the 7yw era, could a moderator maybe move this discussion to Anthony Parker's recruitment thread?
I am new to modeling and I do not know exactly what booleans are. I am using the program Blender 2.71. I am building the ship to help teach myself more about modeling so that once I take different project I can make a model that will meet the requirements for the game. Here are several screen shots of what is happening before and after. The first one is off just the hull without the modifiers. The second one, w_modifier, is when I apply the modifier that I had when I started the project, it is the solidify modifier, and the last one, w_new_modifier, is when I delete the old modifier and re apply it


  • wo_modifier02.jpg
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  • w_modifier.jpg
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  • w_new_modifer.jpg
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Hmm, unfortunately I'm not quite familiar enough with blender to know the problem. I might try setting up support groups for various modeling programs within the team, so hopefully someone will be able to help you. Unfortunately one of our most well-known blender artists, Bava, is on hiatus right now.
Have you tried http://blenderartists.org/forum/?
Also, if this is your first foray into modeling, you might want to consider trying something smaller than a ship. I started with ships and it took...quite some time for me to learn, probably a fair bit longer than had I worked my way up with smaller objects. If you want to stay on ships, that's a-ok:onya but be forewarned; it can make certain challenges require more patience. :modding