What I have currently done and tested - quickly and dirty as it is:
- Reduced ball damage to the hull. It's now extremely difficult to sink a ship (as it should be), but the hull can still lose integrity (armor) and start a fire. It now takes about 10 concentrated broadsides by a 74 to sink a brig - and that's historically accurate. And the balls are required to crumble the forts. I think it is possible to reduce the number of guns according to received damage (and adjust number of guns and/or reloading times to lost crew), but this is slightly more difficult and requires more work.
- Removed restriction on killing crew, so it's possible to stand off and pound the target with grape into submission.
- When the number of active crew reaches undermanned status, the ship surrenders as if she was boarded.
If enemy side fires on her, she will surrender to the enemy and so on. Can be retaken by boarding. Surrendered ships do not fire. Maybe the amount of killed crew for surrender should be adjusted depending on faction, but that's for later also.
- Made repairs possible from 90% hp, at the same price of not firing/reloading for the duration.
Planned more like general thoughts (
remember, it's not a serious project or anything, I just toyed with the game to test it's flexibility) of what I want and can
possibly be done without too much effort, in order of difficulty of implementation:
- Increase the ammo spread at distances beyond cable length. They are really too accurate now.
- Edit ship stats. Make smaller ships slower.
- Reduce the FOV or make it adjustable. I really hate the fish-eye camera, but I have yet found this particular setting and how to set it. It is there, I just don't know the format.
- Rework the whole encounter system. Make intrigue targets to be convoys with merchantmen (the light sloop is ideal for this role, the model just screams "I'm a civilian") with escorts, and add distinct civil and military encounters to the map itself. Yes, I read the concept on steam discussion forum

- Take the wind direction and force into account for ship movement, and make it possible to back sails to move backwards.
- Restore the hidden vessels.
@Armada, I really hope you see this, as your input may be invaluable