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Michiel de Ruyter


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Admiral Michiel de Ruyter

When the young republic of The Netherlands is attacked by England, France and Germany and the country itself is on the brink of civil war, only one man can lead the county's strongest weapon, the Dutch fleet: Michiel de Ruyter.

Opens January 29'th, 2015 (Netherlands)


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Did I see Grand Turk at 1:45? Curious what other vessels are.
Some of the scenes shows something similar to Batavia's deckworks, and there's at least one other late 18th c. frigate dressed up as 17th c ship :)
If you liked that one, you will love this one! :woot

I am not sure about the other vessels, but that certainly is Batavia. You can see her at the end of this video with several clips shot from the set of the film.

I am really hoping this gets a worldwide Blu-ray release, though I would certainly love a worldwide theatrical release too! I will post here if I find more info.
Yeah, I noticed that! xD

I am hoping that was just a rehearsal and not an actual take, but I certainly prefer bad cannon loading to no cannon loading!

Nice find with Raetsmarine article mate! :onya
Trailer #2

The movie is directed by Roel Reiné, judging by his IMDB page, I am a bit concerned for this one. Then again, he does have much better material to work with here. I have been able to find out a few more things, and tracked down the official movie web page. The film will be released in Germany as well, and is scheduled to open in Berlin on February 11.
I am not sure about the other vessels, but that certainly is Batavia. You can see her at the end of this video with several clips shot from the set of the film.
You can't keep THAT ship out of Dutch period films! :rofl

The movie is directed by Roel Reiné, judging by his IMDB page, I am a bit concerned for this one.
Director of a Scorpion King sequel? Wow, the guy has been INTERNATIONAL! :woot

They already royally screwed up "De Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe" a few years back.
Nova Zembla was a bit better, but contained some definite misguided aspects too.
I have never ever been positively impressed by any Dutch film. I sincerely hope that will change at some point.
So far, I really like what I have seen from the trailers. That seen with the powder monkey is pretty intense well done! They also seem to have a pretty good grasp on special effects, aside from the cannon loading scene, but in all fairness, that was not shot from the regular movie cameras.
I just hope that the battle will not be only the shots you see in the trailer.
It had better actually play a proper role in the film, rather than being some sort of background event you see just about 5 seconds of.
Looks very interesting. I hope they bring this in german too.
At the very least I would hope they release it at some point on DVD with English subtitles.
Then most people could watch it and understand it.

I can't seem to find any reference of a release outside The Netherlands, though. :facepalm
As a fellow Dutch citizen, like Pieter Boelen, I too have never been impressed with any Dutch film. If it's not the Dutch language (om een of andere reden klink onze taal altijd zo saai en houterig in films), then it's the budget restraints. Honestly I just don't think any Dutch production company can offer the budget a movie like this really needs. Maybe they should have just gone international and made the entire movie in English for a larger audience, but then they tried that with "Crusade in Jeans", and that movie was just awful.

I personally found Nova Zembla overrated, especially after all the Dutch media hype.
I really want to give this movie a chance, but honestly I'm not getting my hopes up.

I'm surprised they decided to do a movie about Michiel de Ruyter and not Piet Hein who's story is probably more commonly known among us Dutch, not that the average Dutch person really cares about history, most people in my school only cared about WWII and slept through the rest.
Apparently they also hired one of the actors for Game of Thrones to play an important English official. It seems that the focus is not only on Michiel de Ruyter, but also on the Disaster Year of 1672.
If not, I try to watch in Dutch and only enjoy the pictures :)
I hope very much it will come in german and or english.
I'm surprised they decided to do a movie about Michiel de Ruyter and not Piet Hein who's story is probably more commonly known among us Dutch, not that the average Dutch person really cares about history, most people in my school only cared about WWII and slept through the rest.

Believe me mate, that sentiment is true pretty much everywhere. There are a lot of people who couldn't care less about WWII as well. That is why you are seeing a lot of the problems in the world today, no one is learning from history. Putin thinks he is Stalin, Obama thinks he is Lincoln, and ISIS thinks they are Saladin's empire reincarnated. None of them have a clue about who these people were or exactly what they stood for. All they see is power and couldn't care less how their use of it effects anyone else around them, let alone the rest of the world.

Most of the great conflicts in history have been fought over a lot of the same territory, there are several exceptions of course, but if you take a look at a map of the old Ottoman Empire, you can map out most of the bigger conflicts of the world and where they started. Unfortunately, not learning from history is not a new problem, it is an issue that has been around for thousands of years.

On a lighter note, I would absolutely love to see a movie about Piet Hein, the only person in history to successfully capture the Spanish Treasure Fleet! :woot
Just watched this film in the cinema today and have to admit I'm impressed.
Probably the best Dutch film I've seen and not a bad film in general either.

Seeing the 17th century Netherlands come to life was pretty cool. That is something you do not often get to see.
The Sea battles were pretty awesome and felt quite realistic. Other than the one quite entertaining shot where de Ruyter swings to an enemy ship in Erroll Flynn style.
My fear of the sea battles taking up 2 minutes of screen time were also thankfully not true.
In fact, they may as well have called it Sea Battles: The Movie as there were a lot of them.
If there exists any film with more of them, then I've never heard of it so LET ME KNOW!

The music was unfortunately heavily inspired by Hans Zimmer's overly modern sensibilities and was a bit distracting at times.
The bwaaap sound that apparently started with Inception got a lot of use.

That being said, the first half was more fun than the second where politics and human stupidity caused its usual terrible damage.
Not pleasant to see, though of course that never is pleasant in real life either.

All in all, definitely worth a watch for pretty much everyone here.
Even if you cannot follow the story, the sea battles are just plain cool. And did I mention the amount of them yet?


Awesome, thanks for the review mate! :onya

I was planning on at least buying a DVD, hopefully a Blu-ray, even if I had to import it and watch subtitles! I am hoping for a theatrical release in the states too, but I would be very surprised by that.