Pining for the Fjords!
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I just ran across this story from back in March, Mel Gibson is currently working on making an epic Viking movie! After the way Hollywood has treated Vikings over the years, I am excited about this idea, but a bit cautious. The historical accuracy of most Hollywood films is questionable at best, and down right laughable when it come to Vikings! There is only one Hollywood film I can think of that even came close to showing Viking culture, The Thirteenth Warrior, and even that one was far off base. The European film Outlander comes as close as any film I have ever seen to showing Viking culture, but it focuses more on it's Sci-Fi elements.
This last statement has me a bit concerned though, Vikings were brutal, no doubt about that! However, they did live in a brutal age! There are many other civilizations of the Dark Ages that were just as brutal, but came no where close to creating the culture the Vikings had. They settled Iceland and Greenland, two of the most brutal climates on the planet. They were fierce warriors, but they were also great craftsmen, their longboats were more than a match for any other vessel of the age. Their metallurgical skills were second only to that of the Japanese. Their pantheon of gods rivaled that of the Greeks and the Romans. They were good farmers and great story tellers, their Saga's are still being told today. At the time, the Vikings had one the most expansive trading empires on the planet, stretching from Russia and the Middle East to North America. They were the best sailors of the age, and great explorers, reaching the New World over 500 years before Columbus! Unlike most other European cultures of the time, they bathed regularly, Vikings were actually quite clean comparatively speaking.
Anyway, I am really hoping that this film is done properly, and that he is as meticulous with his research on this film as he has been with his others. You can read the full article HERE!
Gibson recently reflected on the meeting as a special moment for him – a chance to get underway with a project that started as a daydream during his youth. “It was the first movie I ever thought about making," Gibson said. "I saw it in my mind back when I was teenager. Seriously, it’s the first movie I wanted to make. And I think it will be the last film I direct. It’s the thing I have been going toward, in a way, since I was young, and I think when it’s done I may be finished.â€Â
"We're going hammer and tongs on the script right now,†Gibson said. “When I was 16, learning about the history of the English language I became fascinated with Vikings. And I imagined what they would sound like, how would they talk and that’s what I will be going for in this film. It’s a challenge though. There's never been a good Viking film, not that I've seen. I think I have found the right way to get into it, though, but I don’t want to say too much. The real problem is making those guys sympathetic. They were monsters."
This last statement has me a bit concerned though, Vikings were brutal, no doubt about that! However, they did live in a brutal age! There are many other civilizations of the Dark Ages that were just as brutal, but came no where close to creating the culture the Vikings had. They settled Iceland and Greenland, two of the most brutal climates on the planet. They were fierce warriors, but they were also great craftsmen, their longboats were more than a match for any other vessel of the age. Their metallurgical skills were second only to that of the Japanese. Their pantheon of gods rivaled that of the Greeks and the Romans. They were good farmers and great story tellers, their Saga's are still being told today. At the time, the Vikings had one the most expansive trading empires on the planet, stretching from Russia and the Middle East to North America. They were the best sailors of the age, and great explorers, reaching the New World over 500 years before Columbus! Unlike most other European cultures of the time, they bathed regularly, Vikings were actually quite clean comparatively speaking.
Anyway, I am really hoping that this film is done properly, and that he is as meticulous with his research on this film as he has been with his others. You can read the full article HERE!