For cloning ships do the following:
1) <b>PROGRAM/SHIPS/Ships_Int:</b> It seems best to copy data from an origional ship where possibile, a lot of the added ones have info added to them which can cause problems if you tinker with. Try to use the info of the model you'll be using so the bottom information (on draft, etc) is preset and correct.
2) <b>PROGRAM/BATTLE INTERFACE/Battle Interface:</b> there's a list of ships in there, copy and paste the one of the type you need based on ship model) and just change the name.
This provides the 3rd person sailing icon in the lower left while sailing. There seems to be no info to change so I don'ty know how the information is set so just pick the aproprate type to copy. Ship class AND picture are taken from here.
3) <b>RESOURCE/INI/INTERFACES/pictures:</b> The list here sets the shipyard pict. Add a line and simply change the name to that desired. Use the numbers of a simmiliar ship present.
4) <b>RESOURCE/INI/TEXTS:</b> There are two files to change here. The "common" files in both this folder and the ENGLISH subfolder. Just add or coppy and entry (doesn't matter which) with the desired name. Note that here is where you set the Presented name of the ship (as it appears in game) as opposed to the refrence name which can't have spaces for example.
In this case, the first name is the refrence name and the second (in quotes) is the presented name.
5) <b>RESOURCE/MODELS/Ships:</b> Copy the folder of the ship model you want to use. Rename it after your ship and change the internal files names as needed with your new ship name.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/keith.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="
" border="0" alt="keith.gif" /> Restart and commence menacing the high seas! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/par-ty.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="
" border="0" alt="par-ty.gif" />