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Solved Making Citizen Dialogs

Started a new game, but they still don't show up without executing the console..
Can you show your character init file?

The dialog is somehow messed up.. What I dont understand because it worked on douwesen/bonaire and I didn't touch it again. I swapped it with another existing dialog and they get messed up -.-
Messed up in what way?
the lines are swapped, so you have sometimes answers from the citizen in your dialog and sometimes he answers one of the questions you ask :D But i figured it out, I had some , . ? mistakes. Also the douwesen-dialog, which I used was a bit chaotic, I'm rewriting it now with the saint-pierre, think it should work now.


  • Turks.c
    22.6 KB · Views: 163
Try this one attached. Those lines you needed for the console shouldn't be in the character init file.
I hope that makes it work. :doff


  • Turks.zip
    3 KB · Views: 110
whole Hispaniola has now proper dialogs! But I changed only the important responses so they will all answer more or less the same^^
That's fair enough. As long as the directions are in there, the rest doesn't matter so much.
ok got Havana through, but I noticed that my female citizens don't have sounds.. I thought they were model-related:confused: well, shouldn't be that bad, is it?
Probably have to set their greeting properly. Have a look at other female citizen characters.
yes I did, but they won't say anything :shrug
But I think that's better than a dark male voice :D
I look over it later, when I work on, maybe I can find another greeting..
seadogs2_0278.jpgSantiago's marketplace looks a bit odd these days :D anyway, I finished Santiago, and thus cuba.
well there is nor error log, and I recently did a full installation from beta 2.1 to beta 2.5 to beta 3 :shrug all other town sections work fine
System.log then?
I just went ALL around Santiago Town. Looks fine to me. :confused:
resource\models\items\\.gm: can't open geometry file
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx

this error like 100 times..
seems like a missing name for the textures?
That's not it though. I get those by the dozen too. Not sure why, but they don't cause that. :facepalm
hmm maybe my game is a bit sleepy today :D I think I had that before, it was gone the next day :shrug I could still see the locators, so that isn't/wasn't that bad ;)
Okay I finished Saint Martin, so I have now:
Saint Martin
I will upload it for testing..

Missing is still:


  • Dialogs.zip
    57.4 KB · Views: 98
Cool! :woot

I think you can skip on Antigua. The navy officers there provide directions to some extent. :yes
Some test results from Santo Domingo and Turks:
- There are no characters using "PoPrince citizen_dialog.c" yet
- For Turks, Sao Feng is ONLY the governor in the Jack Sparrow storyline. So that text looks a bit strange.
- I noticed some coding errors, so I changed those. Please see attached. Recommend to use WinMerge to see what I changed:
Sometimes character names are not the same as their ID. Make sure to use their IDs from the character init files.
For towns and islands, get their correct IDs also from their init files. The "s" in front is required too.

Didn't have time for the other towns yet, but hopefully this gives you something to work from. :doff


  • new_dialogs.zip
    24.6 KB · Views: 113