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Solved Making Citizen Dialogs

Just occurred to me that it doesn't matter for soldiers, because it's the citizen dialogs we need anyway.
You'd have to add some new characters in the towns with the Character\init files and have them use your new dialogs.
How do I make sure the dialog initiates for the correct citizen in the correct town? Also, the soldiers do matter as they give out "directions" also.
Make a copy of a character init entry for your new helpful citizen character in the appropriate file, adjust his location and locator as required and make him use your new dialog file.
Except when you decide it'll be a "her" of course. :wp
Lots of life drama going on which is why I've paused up on doing this, I'll make all the dialog files now, but Pieter or someone else is going to have to write the initiate files since I really don't know how to properly do that, each island will have it's own dialog file once I'm done. Should be done in 24 hours most likely, 48 at the most.


Hispaniola, Port au Prince
Hispaniola, Santo Domingo
Hispaniola, Tortuga
Turks, Grand Turk
Cayman, Grand Cayman: Working on it.
Cuba, Havana
Cuba, Santiago
Guadeloupe, Pointe a Pitre
Saint Martin, Marigot
Saint Martin, Philipsburg
Antigua, St John's: These dialogs are already made for the island, no work needed...
Curacao, Willemstad
Eleuthera, Governor's Harbor: Soldiers don't give directions, citizens done.
Eleuthera, Alice Town: Soldiers don't give directions, citizens done.
Aruba, Oranjestad
What file do the grand cayman soldiers and citizens use?
What file do the grand cayman soldiers and citizens use?

The Cayman soldiers use :- Greenford soldier_dialog.c

I don't think there are any citizens on Cayman set up to give directions - at least I could not see any listed in the file cayman.c - in PROGRAM \ Characters \ init.

All that was there was - the Governor - John Coxon - and the soldiers.

Putting in new citizens is easy enough; just open the character init files, copy an entry and change the character ID, location, locator and dialog file used.
Name and character model are optional, though it would make sense to do that too. :cheeky
okay, thanks, the american ones are all done, and antigua's already been done.
hey pieter, where are the character init files you're talking about?
oh, thanks, sorry, still learning, lol (I'm recopying the list, this is the one I'll be updating)


Hispaniola, Port au Prince
Hispaniola, Santo Domingo
Hispaniola, Tortuga
Turks, Grand Turk
Cayman, Grand Cayman: Working on it.
Cuba, Havana
Cuba, Santiago
Guadeloupe, Pointe a Pitre
Saint Martin, Marigot
Saint Martin, Philipsburg
Antigua, St John's: These dialogs are already made for the island, no work needed...
Curacao, Willemstad
Eleuthera, Governor's Harbor: Soldiers don't give directions, citizens done.
Eleuthera, Alice Town: Soldiers don't give directions, citizens done.
Aruba, Oranjestad
Hey pieter, neither the soldiers, nor the citizens are set up to give directions, do you want me to try and add them? It seems kinda useless though considering that you can just use the fast travel...
With Realistic Game Mode, you CAN'T use fast travel, so it'd definitely be good to have them. I know there's no direction-giving people in those towns; they need to be added. :yes
k, I'll just rename the init from another town, change all the locators and dialog it uses in order to make it work for cayman, and I'll do that for every town I come across with no citizens or soldiers giving directions.
well, any sort of copying isn't going to happen, a little too complex and idk what I'd have to change half of the things in there too, how do I simply add a section to the characters init for citizens on cayman? could you possibly give me an example?
Open PROGRAM\Characters\init\Cayman.c and add an entry like this one:
//Áàðòîëîìüþ Ïàðäíåð - Ìåñòíûé êàïèòàí êàáîòàæíîãî ïëàâàíèÿ
ch.old.name = "Bartholomew";
ch.old.lastname = "Pardner";
ch.name = TranslateString("","Bartholomew");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("","Pardner");
ch.id = "Bartholomew Pardner";
ch.model = "bocman1";
ch.sex = "man";
ch.sound_type = "seaman";
ch.location = "Oxbay_port";
ch.location.group = "goto";
ch.location.locator = "goto9";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Oxbay citizen_dialog.c";
ch.greeting = "Gr_Oxbay Citizen";
ch.quest.area = "Oxbay";
ch.nation = ENGLAND;
ch.rank = 1;
ch.reputation = "None";
ch.experience = "0";
ch.skill.Leadership = "1";
ch.skill.Fencing = "1";
ch.skill.Sailing = "1";
ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
ch.skill.Grappling = "1";
ch.skill.Repair = "1";
ch.skill.Defence = "1";
ch.skill.Commerce = "1";
ch.skill.Sneak = "1";
ch.money = "10";
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");
AddGameCharacter(n, ch);
Edit location, locator, locator group, character ID and dialog filename as required. You should now have a character in Cayman using your dialog file.
I just recopy what you quoted and replace the necessary info. for each citizen I want to make? It will properly separate? Also, what is the location for the cayman beach (where you come in) and the town itself that you put in place of the "Oxbay_port"? Lastly, do you know a few character sound types and character models? I want to make diverse citizens.
Lastly, do you know a few character sound types and character models? I want to make diverse citizens.

If you look in PROGRAM \ sound \ ALIAS --- in the file greetings_english you will see a list of the sound files (wav ) that are associated with each greeting

So Gr_Oxbay Citizen has --->>

makeref(tmpref, Greetings_Alias[n]);
tmpref.id = "Gr_Oxbay Citizen";
tmpref.minDistance = "0.45";
tmpref.maxDistance = "50.0";
tmpref.volume = "1.0";
tmpref.files.l1.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_a_001.wav";
tmpref.files.l2.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_a_002.wav";
tmpref.files.l3.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_a_003.wav";
tmpref.files.l4.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_a_004.wav";
tmpref.files.l5.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_a_005.wav";
tmpref.files.l6.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_a_006.wav";
tmpref.files.l7.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_b_001.wav";
tmpref.files.l8.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_b_002.wav";
tmpref.files.l9.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_b_003.wav";
tmpref.files.l10.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_b_004.wav";
tmpref.files.l11.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_b_005.wav";
tmpref.files.l12.name = "VOICE\ENGLISH\Eng_m_b_006.wav";

The actual sound files are in Resource \ sounds \ voice \ english

you should be able to listen to them just by clicking on them.
what about the character models and the locators?
Also, what is the location for the cayman beach (where you come in) and the town itself that you put in place of the "Oxbay_port"?

To find location -- open console file in Program folder --- at top of file

// Jerry-rigged console file.
//put code under ExecuteConsole() below.
//NK 04-08-28
// not needed I think extern void InitShips();
#include "SDK\LocatorWrite.c"
#include "Upgrade.c";
extern void InitItems();
extern void InitCannons();

void ExecuteConsole()
ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
if (!bSeaActive) ref lcn = &Locations[FindLocation(pchar.location)];
ref ch;
int i;
int limit;

switch(0)								// Case 0 = Various test and cheat codes
{										// Case 1 = Location coordinate information
case 0:								// Case 2 = Automatic instant cheats in port
//	LAi_EnableReload();

// Give ship

CHANGE -- switch(0) TO --- switch(1)

save and close file

Then go to location you want and press F12 location information will appear top left of screen.

To see the locators ---- open the InternalSettings.h file in the PROGRAM folder

At the bottom of the file


Change this to 1 and save. - will make all the locators visable.

Character models are all in RESOURCE \ Models \ Characters -- they can all be viewed with GM Viewer.


  • PotC_CaymanPort.JPG
    97.7 KB · Views: 98
  • PotC_CaymanTown.JPG
    111.6 KB · Views: 101