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Looking for a new pirate game lika PotC


Hello you scurvy dogs! ehm sorry i am new to the site, it`s just i rember buying Potc when i was younger,
it must have been well 10 years ago? it was the game that made me fall in love with the genre (unfortunatley since pirate games are far and few between)

Even tough it had nothing to do with the pirates of the caribean movies,

and now and then that itch for pirate games pop up, the way i fell in love with the naval battles, the timing of firing, which ammo to use, when to turn, if i should favor canons damage or range, when i shuold turn and so on:)

problem is i have yet to see a game that does it as well, black flag was pretty fun, but no real ship options apart from the upgrades and i`m not overly fond of the sneaking:p,

i thought about booting up PotC again but i doubt it has aged well and would probably look like crape on my 55" ips that i use as my main monitor, i dont even think the game has 16:9 support?

i remember trying the sequel when it was released but i never got it to work on the computer i had back then, im not even sure if it would work on my new rig,

so if anyone knows how to get the best experience again for potc or how to get the sequel running, or even better knows a game which allows you to do the same stuff i would be immensley grateful!
if it helps my current rigs specs are as follow:
i7 4790k at 4.8 ghz, 16 gb ram and a 280x awaiting amds new 380x because i refuse nvidia since the gtx 970 debacle im also running windows 7 X64

So i beg of you if anyone can help me i would be immensley greatfull:D

You have indeed been gone a long time! POTC will run just fine on your rig. Since it is only DX8 it will look blocky on a monitor that big, but it will run. You should check out the screenshots thread.

Some teasers.
8350@ 4.76ghz
16gb ram
24" 1920 X 1080 monitor

Beta3 2014-09-22 10-55-04-48.jpg Beta3 2014-10-04 18-12-06-19.jpg tester 2015-02-02 10-34-04-96.jpg
Ahoy Sirme, welcome aboard mate!

Unfortunately, there are no modern equivalents to POTC, yet! We are working on something that will hopefully be worthy, Hearts of Oak, but that won't be ready for quite some time yet. As Hylie points out, it should work fine on your new system as long as you are using a dedicated graphics card. The games resolution limitations will certainly be noticeable, but you can tweak them to look better than stock, it just takes a bit of work.

There are a couple of more modern games that feature some decent naval action, but not the in depth story's of POTC and the Build Mod. There is the East India Trading Company and it's variants from 2010, you can find them on Steam HERE. Though I am not sure what resolution they support. There is also a very recent multi-player game called Naval Action that is still in development, you can find that on Steam Greenlight HERE!
Get that old copy of PoTC out again. Then grab yourself a copy of the Build Mod from right here:

Graphics are improved, including higher resolution and much better ships, but that's the least of the good stuff. There are several storylines to choose from, including the same one as the original game. If you want something closer to the films, the Jack Sparrow storyline is probably the one for you. There are a wide range of ships for you to choose from, whether you raise enough cash to buy them honestly or get them second-hand, so to speak, and they can now be upgraded.

The game certainly works under Windows 7 64 bit because that's what's on my PC. Just remember when you're installing it, don't put it in the default "Program Files" folder, create some new folder and install it there. (Mine is in "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean", for example.) Windows 7 is over-protective of "Program Files" and games installed there may not work properly, a tip which may be useful to you when installing other games as well.
Wow thank you everyone! it`s so nice to find people that enyojed the game like i did!^^,

wait part 2 seems to be working now! sounds like a dream to be able to play it with updated graphics and 1920 x 1080 unfortunatley thats as high as my tv will go even if 1440p had been nice^^

and the hearts of oak project sounds awesome i really cant wait for it!,

so another question, is age of pirates 2, Potc sequel worth trying to get too work? im wondering if it has more ships or better melee fights, or if Potc with this mod beats it?
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Eh? Where did it stop working for you? The process is a bit involved as you need to go from site to site and answer a survey question, but I am DLing Part 2 right now.
The site where you download the mods content patch said it had no mirrors with it but then i tried again 10 minutes later and it worked like a charm, there was no survey i had to answer though:)
There are independent mirrors available in the ModDB download description.

And indeed if you haven't tried or modpack for PotC any time recently, you definitely won't want to miss out on it.

Age of Pirates 2 is the next best thing. Better in some ways even, but not as heavily improved by us.
At least it's different too so good for variety.
The first two screenies are from Tales of a Chevalier and the third is from the Sea Hawk storyline which I am currently playing.
i seem to have been succesfull now^^ it seems working now so no need;).

man, i must be stupid:/ i can`t seem to get it to work, i am copying the content patch on top of my POTC installation, and then i try to run the installer but it simply says it cant find the resource file, i got it somewhat working but then it had missing textures, so i must be doing something horribly wrong:p

man i would love to see a game like this in the frostbite 3 engine, if it could handle the large scale of the map that would be needed, but imagine to be able to see the ships get damaged depending on where you where hit xD and on iron man mode the cannons could be destryed if they were hit^^ it probably would not be appreciated by the masses but i can imagine how much forethought youd have to put in before going in to battle,

sorry it was a long time ago i got lost in thought about a game i would like to have^^ i must have been more starved then i thought^^
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i just saw the video on hearts of oak and it looks awesome!^^ anyway thank you everyone who answered and helped me:D
This can be a bit confusing, unfortunately, because of file size limits, it needs to be split in to two parts. After installing the stock game, outside of Program Files, make sure that is working. Place both downlands. part 1 and 2 in a separate directory by themselves. Run the installer and point it to the POTC directory. It should install everything you need without a problem, although you may see a few errors purring the install, this is normal. Hope that helps mate.
This can be a bit confusing, unfortunately, because of file size limits, it needs to be split in to two parts. After installing the stock game, outside of Program Files, make sure that is working. Place both downlands. part 1 and 2 in a separate directory by themselves. Run the installer and point it to the POTC directory. It should install everything you need without a problem, although you may see a few errors purring the install, this is normal. Hope that helps mate.

yeah thank you mate i finally got it working because i had made it much more complicated then it was, all you had to do was to install Potc outside of program files and then put part 1 the installer, and part 2 in the same folder an voila done^^! ofc i had to try out the captain jack story first;), and i gotta say the modders have done great things with the tools they have, at first on land i was maybe this isn`t as good as my memory would have it.

but when you finally go out on sea, i finally understood why i fell in love with it again, theres some kind of freedom feeling when roaming the seas which i haven`t felt in a game in quite sometime, so i have to give my thanks to the modders, the owners of this site, and its members who helped me! so thank you for making it possible for me to enjoy this lovely game in an upgraded version:D my love to all of you;)

this version certainley beats my old experience on our slow P4 with integrated intel graphics back in 2003 when i was 13:)
oh i have one last question and i will probably get hanged for this;), but when i went into controls i saw xbox controller, is there any suppoty for my xbox 360 controller for pc for my adventures in pirate dream land?:)
I don't think anyone has managed to make that xbox controller work.
sorry i forgot this game came before most pc games where ports:D, thats why i got the 360 c0ntroller in the first place since some games had lousy support for keybord + mouse or interfaces were terrible, and since i dont remember the controls for this game properly i thought it wold be easier with a hand control but thank you for answering!:D

the only negative thing in all this awesomeness is that you cant seem to alt+tabb with this game:) i had just managed to take over a 5 class ship insted of my 7 class and then i alt tabbed:p
If you go to POTC-->program-->controls-->defaultcontrols.h you can set the controls to your preference.
For alt tabbing, switch the game to windowed mode. If works fine that way.