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Do you have a compile.log as well by any chance?I have the same error log after a crash last night
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 824
Save - ARef to non existing attributes branch
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 824
Save - ARef to non existing attributes branch
Did a couple of tests with your save.I have multiple saves i'll upload the last one i played now.
Same question to you then:@Pieter Boelen. I have exactly the same problems as you mentioned above.
Out of curiosity, did you ever perform a Reinit (F11) on your game?
Yes. Every time you get a new fix , you have to press F11 to reinit the game. I think it goes for an update too@ANSEL So.. I should press F11 and it should fix it?
I found the savegame and I have a crash second time I run into some ships. No error log.Later to night I will try to find a save or replicate the crash.
trace("SEA: !bLoadSavedGame AITASK_MOVE");
if (CheckAttribute(rGroup, "Task.Target.Pos"))
Trace("sGroupID = " + sGroupID);
Group_SetTaskMove(sGroupID, stf(rGroup.Task.Target.Pos.x), stf(rGroup.Task.Target.Pos.z));
Trace("sGroupID = " + sGroupID);
x = 10000.0 * sin(stf(rGroup.Pos.ay));
z = 10000.0 * cos(stf(rGroup.Pos.ay));
Group_SetTaskMove(sGroupID, x, z);
trace("SEA: Done");
void Ship_SetTaskMove(int iTaskPriority, int iCharacterIndex, float x, float z)
trace("Ship_SetTaskMove: iTaskPriority = " + iTaskPriority + ", iCharacterIndex = " + iCharacterIndex + ", x = " + x + ", z = " + z);
ref rCharacter = GetCharacter(iCharacterIndex);
if (CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "surrendered") == true && sti(rCharacter.surrendered) == 1) return; // LDH
rCharacter.SeaAI.Task = AITASK_MOVE;
rCharacter.SeaAI.Task.Target = "";
rCharacter.SeaAI.Task.Pos.x = x;
rCharacter.SeaAI.Task.Pos.z = z;
Trace("Before SendMessage");
SendMessage(&AISea, "lllaff", AI_MESSAGE_SHIP_SET_TASK, AITASK_MOVE, iTaskPriority, &Characters[iCharacterIndex], x, z);
Trace("After SendMessage");
SEA: !bLoadSavedGame AITASK_MOVE
id = egroup__4
task = 7
target =
lock = 0
type = trade
maincharacter = fenc_2000
pos =
x = -207.6431732
z = 246.5685730
ay = -0.7236410
delatend = 1
quest =
id_2000 = fenc_2000
index = 2000
id_2001 = fenc_2001
index = 2001
id_2002 = fenc_2002
index = 2002
sGroupID = egroup__4
Group_SetTaskMove: sGroupID = egroup__4
id = egroup__4
task = 7
target =
pos =
x = -6621.1757813
y = 0.0000000
z = 7493.9995117
lock = 0
type = trade
maincharacter = fenc_2000
pos =
x = -207.6431732
z = 246.5685730
ay = -0.7236410
delatend = 1
quest =
id_2000 = fenc_2000
index = 2000
id_2001 = fenc_2001
index = 2001
id_2002 = fenc_2002
index = 2002
iIndex = 1, iCharacterIndex = 2000, x = -6621.2, z = 7494.
Ship_SetTaskMove: iTaskPriority = 1, iCharacterIndex = 2000, x = -6621.2, z = 7494.
id = fenc_2000
index = 2000
name = Heitor
old =
name = Gonçalvo
lastname = Serpa
chr_ai =
hp = 40.0000000
hp_max = 40.0000000
type = stay
dialog =
currentnode = First time
tempnode = First time
items =
merchantsblade = 1
pistol1-2 = 1
blade = MerchantsBlade
gun = pistol1-2
lastname = Meireles
sex = man
model = corsair1_1
entity = NPCharacter
animation = man
height = 1.8000000
location = none
group =
locator =
from_sea =
stime = 6.0000000
etime = 21.9833298
ship =
type = Schooner1
idx = 7
mode = trade
cannons =
charge =
type = 2
type = 1
speedv0 = 103.8679428
fireangmax = 1.0000000
fireangmin = 1.0000000
borts =
cannonf =
qty = 2
cannonb =
qty = 2
cannonl =
qty = 5
cannonr =
qty = 5
tune =
cplates =
on = 0
bcannons =
on = 0
gchasers =
on = 0
nsails =
on = 0
speedrate = 0.2928628
sails = 0.0205512
ltopmasts =
on = 0
speedrate = 0.6748911
sailcrit = 4
stays =
on = 0
rhull =
on = 0
hp = 366.8414001
incaliber = 1
flushed =
on = 0
speedrate = 1.0903711
turnrate = 7.3414717
hp = -79.0500031
capacity = 134.4715424
tack = 0
tackmod = 0
name = Serpente de Mar
crew =
quantity = 75
morale = 37
minratio = 1.0000000
sp = 200
hp = 991
pos =
x = -3420.05
z = 6736.3
mode = 0
y = 1.53796
ang =
y = -13.1528
x = -0.00557477
z = 0.0332235
cargo =
load = 402
goods =
ration = 0
rum = 0
balls = 290
grapes = 270
knippels = 135
bombs = 0
gunpowder = 3421
sailcloth = 4
planks = 5
gold = 0
silver = 15
cinnamon = 5
chocolate = 0
coffee = 0
wheat = 0
medicines = 0
paprika = 0
wine = 0
sandal = 0
ebony = 0
mahogany = 0
sugar = 0
tobacco = 0
ale = 0
silk = 0
linen = 0
fruits = 0
clothes = 0
bricks = 0
oil = 0
cotton = 5
copra = 0
leather = 0
recalculatecargoload = 1
impulse =
rotate =
x = 0.0000000
y = 0.0000000
z = 0.0000000
speed =
x = 0.0000000
y = 0.0000000
z = 0.0000000
lastballcharacter = 0
speed =
z = 0.4948
y = -0.0401447
x = 0.0238387
strand = 0
sndid = 0
stopped = 0
maxspeedz = 26.7321987
maxspeedy = 0.0503805
correctimmersion = 0.1585401
immersion = 0.1585401
boxsize =
x = 13.2932
y = 29.8282
z = 48.863
lasttgt = 0
plunder =
plunder0 = 53
plunder1 = 35
plunder2 = 290
plunder3 = 270
plunder4 = 135
plunder6 = 3421
plunder7 = 4
plunder8 = 5
plunder10 = 15
plunder11 = 5
plunder30 = 5
maxcaliber = 32
stats =
nation = 5
weight = 4294
capacity = 1475
maxcrew = 92
mincrew = 17
speedrate = 16.1297741
turnrate = 50.6352959
price = 47312
hp = 1192
sails =
gerald = 0
dialog =
currentnode = First time
tempnode = First time
quest = True
meeting = 0
officertype = merchant captain
officerprice = 3812
nation = 5
name = 5
known = -2
skill =
freeskill = 0
sneak =
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 3
sailing = 1
modifier = 0
party = 1
shipclass = 3
fleetsize = 1
importance = 120
ship = 1
leadership = 1
modifier = 0
party = 1
shipclass = 6
fleetsize = 1
importance = 5
ship = 1
commerce =
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 7
defence =
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 2
grappling =
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 320
repair =
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 13
fencing =
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 400
accuracy = 2
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 120
cannons = 1
modifier = 0
party = 1
ship = 1
shipclass = 5
fleetsize = 1
importance = 200
rank = 2
reputation = 45
headmodel = h_corsair1_1
chr_ai =
hp = 0.0000000
hp_max = 62.0000000
type = stay
tmpl = stay
login = 0
group = corpses
abordagemode = 1
issoldier = 0
seaai =
group =
name = egroup__4
task = 7
target =
pos =
x = -6621.1757813
z = 7493.9995117
shiptype = Schooner1
fantomtype = trade
points = 0.7299801
faceid = 11
items =
merchantsblade = 2
pistol1-2 = 1
merchantsdagger = 1
pistol2-2 = 1
gunpowder = 4
pistolbullets = 7
blade4 = 1
blade1-1 = 1
pistol1-1 = 1
blade1+1 = 1
blade2+1 = 1
equip =
blade = blade2+1
gun = pistol1-1
shipmoney = 6
flags =
pirate = 3
texture = 3
features =
geraldsails = 0
tmpperks =
turn = 0
basicdefence = 0
advanceddefence = 0
toughness = 0
criticalhit = 0
swordplayprofessional = 0
rush = 0
gunman = 0
improveaiming = 0
gunprofessional = 0
gunfighter = 0
improvepotions = 0
defendpoison = 0
shipturnrateup = 0
shipspeedup = 0
turn180 = 0
sandbankmaneuver = 0
stormprofessional = 0
sailingprofessional = 0
basicbattlestate = 0
advancedbattlestate = 0
shipdefenceprofessional = 0
fastreload = 0
immediatereload = 0
hulldamageup = 0
sailsdamageup = 0
crewdamageup = 0
criticalshoot = 0
longrangeshoot = 0
cannonprofessional = 0
longrangegrappling = 0
musketsshoot = 0
grapplingprofessional = 0
instantboarding = 0
troopers = 0
lightrepair = 0
instantrepair = 0
cooking = 0
highstakes = 0
improvesmuggling = 0
advancesmuggling = 0
basiccommerce = 0
advancedcommerce = 0
trustworthy = 0
basiclandowner = 0
sharedexperience = 0
ironwill = 0
brander = 0
leadership = 0
sneak = 0
lastsailstate = 2
tmpskill =
commerce = 0.1000000
leadership = 0.1000000
sneak = 0.1000000
defence = 0.1000000
grappling = 0.1000000
sailing = 0.1000000
repair = 0.1000000
fencing = 0.1000000
accuracy = 0.1000000
cannons = 0.1000000
seatime =
lasthit = 502
basecrewmorale = 52
basecrewquantity = 149
timesincelast = 1
tempmorale = 41.4664421
lastfired = 502
experience = 4479
leadership = 0
fencing = 0
sailing = 594
accuracy = 1459
cannons = 1080
grappling = 0
repair = 0
defence = 0
commerce = 0
sneak = 0
skillimportancetotal = 1190
skillsetup = pirate captain
perks =
list =
shipturnrateup = 1
freepoints = 0
canfiretime = 1.6556901
perktypes = 29
combat = 6
sailing = 10
sea combat = 8
boarding = 0
merchant = 0
daring = 0
party = 0
misc = 5
highest = 1
contriblist =
sharedexperience = 0
instantrepair = 0
lightrepair = 0
musketsshoot = 0
status = dead
position = captive
fight = 0
fakelevels = 0
deathx = 13.8888855
deathy = 86.1111145
deathz = -3430.1000977
deathay = 6758.6601563
storedattributes = 1
actions =
idle =
i1 = idle_1
i2 = idle_2
i3 = idle_3
i4 = idle_4
i5 = idle_5
i6 = idle_6
i7 = idle_7
i8 = idle_8
i9 = idle_9
i10 = idle_10
walk = walk
backwalk = back walk
run = run
backrun = back run
stsup = stairs up
stsuprun = run stairs up
stsdown = stairs down
stsdownrun = run stairs down
stsupback = back stairs up
stsdownback = back stairs down
stsuprunback = back run stairs up
stsdownrunback = back run stairs down
turnleft = turn left
turnright = turn right
swim = swim
hit = face_hit
h1 = hit_1
h2 = hit_2
h3 = hit_3
sidestep_left_on = skip
sidestep_right_on = skip
fightwalk = fight walk
fightbackwalk = fight back walk
fightrun = fight run
fightbackrun = fight back run
attack =
a1 = attack_1
a2 = attack_2
a3 = attack_3
a4 = attack_4
a5 = attack_5
a6 = attack_6
a7 = attack_7
a8 = attack_8
attacktl =
a1 = attack_left_1
attacktr =
a1 = attack_right_1
block = block
blockhit = block_hit
recoil = Recoil
shot = Shot
fightsidestep_left_on = skip
fightsidestep_right_on = skip
fightdead =
d1 = death_0
d2 = death_1
d3 = death_2
d4 = death_3
fightidle =
i1 = fight stand_1
i2 = fight stand_2
i3 = fight stand_3
i4 = fight stand_4
dead =
d1 = death_citizen_1
d2 = death_citizen_2
money = 0
killer =
index = 0
status = 2
isfantom = 1
needsaildmg = 24.0000000
Before SendMessage
No worries. I'm posting it mainly for @Levis' attention, hoping that it rings any bells for him.Dont know what most of the codes mean, I know a thing or two about scripting but this is above my knowledge, I'll be glad te help in anyway I can.