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Fixed Leveling: Sudden Huge Amounts of XP Gained

Alright i'll check it out too... still haven't had time for continuing the smuggling quest test, but hopefully tonight i'll be able to oblige :D
With regards to XP, it's quite the opposite.. every kill I do gains me much lower XP than previously.. around 50 exp per kill, and 200 exp for the good kills.
It's quite fair to make the game more rewarding as you gain ranks.

But for the smuggling quest, I'm on my 3rd smuggle and still quest doesn't pop up @ Riley's store.
A little issue however, on my 3rd smuggle now.. I can't seem to open dialog with the smugglers.. I attached save files in Cuba..


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So @A.H you think it's to low now (the xp) ?
For me I don't mind really.. it makes it more fun.. and it would be nicer if the loot on board ships were less valuable.. so to make the gameplay more lasting.. and if the gold loot were to be rarer than it is now, even more fun and make it worth your while to keep hunting merchant ships .. so when you actually do catch a gold loot it would be "wow" :)
@A.H I think those chances are in internalsettings.h If you find better values please post them so we can change them.
Anyone found something weird already?
@HellSailor seen anything weird already concerning the xp gain?
Until now, I haven't seen anything weird with the XP gain. But unfortunately, I haven't recently played too much further onto the game (I am just under level 15), so... Whenever happens something strange, I will notify you :)
One thing I would like to know though: Is it going slower for NPC characters as well?
the changes I made should affect everyone yes.
Good! A longer game is nice.
Also immediately makes officers more important because it is more difficult now to gain skill points by yourself. :onya
YIKES! I have now noticed some weirdness with gaining a stupid amount of skill points.
If it happens through normal play, I do not know. But it DOES happen when using the Numpad 4 level-up cheat.

At first I thought it was related to my recent rewrites of that section.
But then I tried with the original code and it was still doing this:

At rank 1 I still had a normal set of skills, so on one level-up I gained far too many points for some strange reason.

I was able to replicate the same problem with different player types. :facepalm

This is the code that is doing it:
void LevelUp_Cheat(ref rCharacter, int real)
   if (real)
     rCharacter.experience = CalculateExperienceFromRank(sti(rCharacter.rank)+1);
     AddCharacterExpNS(&rCharacter, 1); // NK do it via actual call 05-07-10
     rCharacter.skill.freeskill = sti(rCharacter.skill.freeskill) + ADD_SKILLPOINTS_PERLEVEL; // TIH changed to user configurable setting Nov14'06
     rCharacter.perks.FreePoints = sti(rCharacter.perks.FreePoints) + 1;
     ChangeHPBonus(&rCharacter, 5);
     ResetHP(&rCharacter); // NK 05-07-10
     rCharacter.quest.officertype = GetPlayerType();
     TraceAndLog("Type=" + rCharacter.quest.officertype);
     if (rCharacter.quest.officertype == OFFIC_TYPE_REGCAP)        rCharacter.quest.officertype = OFFIC_TYPE_CAPMERCHANT;   // PB: Because the "captain" type isn't fully operational
     if (rCharacter.quest.officertype == OFFIC_TYPE_CAPPRIVATEER)   rCharacter.quest.officertype = OFFIC_TYPE_CAPNAVY;     // PB: Because the "privateer captain" type isn't used
     if (rCharacter.quest.officertype == OFFIC_TYPE_NAVIGATOR)     rCharacter.quest.officertype = OFFIC_TYPE_CAPNAVY;     // PB: Because the "navigator" type isn't meant for this
     LAi_Officer_SetSkillmodifiers_and_Perks(rCharacter, 0);
Also worth noting that it does that regardless of the "real" toggle, which suggests the problem is either triggered by LAi_Officer_SetSkillmodifiers_and_Perks or by LAi_SetSkill_on_Modifier .
yeah seems to me like it happens double now. Because you set a offic type for the main character now it appears it is also affected by the officer level ups ... or something like that.
I was kind of afraid of this already.
Now first we need to know for sure this isn't actually a problem for the cheat level up function.
As far as I know all level up etc is actually done by AddCharacterExpNS and that calls different functions if needed.
So I don't really know why all the other code is still there ....

Besides that I need to note that I only changed the amount of XP gathered from swordplay, I haven't touched anything else. so this problem must have been there in the past already.
For a REAL level-up, the cheat function does call AddCharacterExpNS.
However, that only gives you the skill and ability points and doesn't assign them to anything.
That is a problem on Auto Skill System because you CAN'T assign them to anything.
So that whole if (AUTO_SKILL_SYSTEM) is something I added to auto-assign some skill points similar to how normal officers get them.
That requires an officer type though. So that's what it does.

As far as I'm aware, when I originally made that function, it did work without strange jumps.
But apparently not anymore....