OK Mates, Just messin around a little and put this together. I've cludged and edited these so the images aren't necessarily from the original book in all cases. I can add more if we want to have a wider variety which I think would be both fun and educational.
1) Wrestling Manual
Klare Onderrichtinge der Voortreffelijke Worstel-Konst
[Clear Education in the Magnificent Art of Wrestling]
Written by Nicolaes Petter, 1674.
"As it is usual, and mainly amongst the Dutch, where if there is any sort of quarrel or discord between people that has risen so high that a physical fight follows, that they punch each other on the chest and use the heavier fist punches later on during the fight. We will cover chest punches, guards and later we shall discuss all grips in order…"
Recommended modifiers: +1 Reaction + 20 Light Weapons +10 Medium Weapons +10 Heavy Weapons
2) Light Weapons Manual
L'Arte Di Ben Manegiarre La Spada, by Francesco Alfieri 1653
The arm has three main articulations: the shoulder, the elbow and the wrist. The cut with the shoulder is the most strong, but also the slowest. With the three articulations one must be well trained and will be able to hit hard with the elbow and the wrist. Eventually the shoulder will be forgotten and one will only use the elbow and the wrist to hit, using, at last, above all only the wrist. To this end, the point requires pushing without withdrawing the hand. For fencing training one must use light swords, because the aim of this art is not to raise heavy weight, but to move quickly.
Recommended modifiers: +2 Reaction +20 Light Weapons + 10 Medium Weapons
3) Medium Weapons Manual
Printed at London by I. D. for John Williams, at the signe of the Crane inc. Paul's Church-yard. 1639.
The Art of Defence may be justly termed next to the liberal, the chief, the most necessary, as well in time of peace as in time of war, at home and abroad, the most part of other exercises of the body being but for pleasure only, or the health of the body, this for pleasure, for health of body and soul too; for if thou bee known to be expert herein, and to guide thy weapon by judgement, thou dost scarsely give any occasion of falling out, that thou may not be accounted a vain man, and because thou knowest what danger there is in, only standing upon thine own defence, when the unskillful having only courage, will quarrel upon any occasion, because the danger he may fall into is unknown to him: besides nobody will easily offend thee, so that skill maketh thee to be respected and feared, and to fear no man, if thou be engaged in any necessary quarrel.
And again, if it bee thy chance to light into a company, where perhaps in thy presence some may fall out, then the reputation thou art in for thy skill may be the cause of their agreement, if thou thy self dost stir in mediating between them, and thus thou mayst deliver their bodies and souls from danger, in hindering the shedding of blood. I cannot but marvel extremely considering the necessity, why this art should be so much neglected, without the want of good and skillful teachers be the cause. For with what confidence can we wear our weapons, with what safety if we cannot use them? There is a great difference between the wearing and the handling of Arms, to wear a Rapier or Sword is only fashionable, to use it, necessary.
If a man be assaulted and hath no skill to trust to, he will be daunted and loose his courage, and although he doth not loose his spirit, but with a resolute mind will strive to gain the conquest, his fortitude becomes temerity, and his own valour will be his rein, because it is not ruled by reason.
Recommended Modifiers: +1 Reaction +1 Authority +10 Light Weapons +30 Medium Weapons
4) Heavy Weapons Manual
by George Silver, Gentleman.
Wherein is proved the true grounds of fight to be the short ancient weapons and that the short sword has advantage over the long sword or the long rapier. And the weakness and imperfection of the rapier-fights displayed. Together with an admonition to the noble, ancient, victorious, valiant, and most brave nation of Englishmen, to beware of false teachers of defence, and how they forsake their own natural fights. With a brief commendation of the noble science or exercising of arms. Fencing (Right honorable) in this new fangled age, is like our fashions, every day a change, resembling the chameleon, who alters himself into all colors save white. So fencing changes into all wards save the right. That it is so, experience teaches us, why it is so, I doubt not but your wisdom does conceive. There is nothing permanent that is not true, what can be true that is uncertain? How can that be certain, that stands upon uncertain grounds? I verily think it my bound duty, with all love and humility to admonish you to take heed, how they submit themselves into the hand of Italian teachers of defence, or strangers whatsoever, and to beware how they forsake or suspect their own natural fight, that they may by casting off these Italianated, weak, fantastical, and most devilish and imperfect fights, and by exercising their own ancient weapons, be restored, or achieve unto the natural, and most manly and victorious fight again, the dint and force whereof many brave nations have both felt and feared. Our plowmen have mightily prevailed against them, as also against masters of defence, both in schools and countries, that have taken upon them to stand upon school tricks and juggling gambols. Whereby it grew to a common speech among the countrymen "Bring me to a fencer, I will bring him out of his fence tricks with good down right blows. I will make him forget his fence tricks, I will warrant him." I speak not against masters of defence indeed, they are to be honored, nor against the science, it is noble, and in my opinion to be preferred next to divinity, for as divinity preserves the soul from hell and the devil, so does this noble science defend the body from wounds & slaughter. And moreover, the exercising of weapons puts away aches, griefs, and diseases, it increases strength, and sharpens the wits. It gives a perfect judgement, it expels melancholy, choleric and evil conceits, it keeps a man in breath, perfect health, and long life. It is unto him that has the perfection thereof, a most friendly and comfortable companion when he is alone, having but only his weapon about him. It puts him out of fear, & in the wars and places of most danger, it makes him bold, hardy and valiant.
Recommended Modifiers: +1 Reaction +10 Medium weapons +30 Heavy Weapons