That sounds like an excellent idea. However I do see a couple of coding problems that perhaps some like your self could help me with. As i repeatidly mention I am retarded when it comes to code, so I will do my best to explain.
Being a big fan of the Elder Scrolls Series myself I know that skills cannot be gainned from reading the same book twice. The same goes for having a duplicate of the same item in COAS will not increase the skill it affects. After a book is sold in Morrowind/Oblivion, the player keeps the skill points he/she has learned from reading the book. How do we make this work for COAS? At this point items that influence skill points at the very least have to be in ones inventory.
This is definetly the route that I wanted to go down when the idea of creating books came to me (of course at the time i didnt realise that books had been created for PotC as well)
I havent had much time to do the coding end of things as of yet, as I have been concentrating my efforts on the creative side of things, until I build up the courage to tackle the code end)
FB EDIT: If the code can be worked like the books of Oblivion/Morrowind, there is another little problem. If the books code was made similar to the maps where the books could be 'read' how would one turn the pages? If all of these issues are worked out, i do see a lot of writing in my future.

: )