Sailor Apprentice
Hi, I wanna ask how is it with trading in teho? Because in my opinion in teho is trading impossible. Specifically non profitable? Or am I wrong?
You can more see on these pictures. First example. Why I buy goods for selling price and selling goods for purchase price? Look on this. I wanna buy in Martinique store “Ale”Purchase price is 88 for one unit but I buying it for selling price what is 155. This is any joke or wtf? Is this normal? Yo can see it on this two pictures.
On this picture is different price because it is in another city but is it same. Here I selling goods (Ale) for purchase price. Should not I sell the goods for the selling price? Why is it the other way around?
And result is that I wanna buy 120 units of Ale for 18600 in the the town at Martinique where this goods is exporting so its cheaper. Of course I didnt buy goods for purchase price what is 88 but for selling price what is 155.
So I went to Guadalope because in Gaudalope is “Ale” imported so I should have a little profit from this bussiness. The purchase price in Guadalope is 145 and selling is 255. At Martinique is purchase price 88 and selling 155. But of course… Because I selling this goods for purchase price and not for selling price as it should be so I earn only 17400 and I bought it for 18600. Nice bussiness omg. So what the f*** this is?
So my question is how to be a merchant or how to earn money in TEHO when you cant make money by trading? When I raid some ship and get some goods from loot how I can make money when if I dont profit from it?
Or do I something wrong? Can you help me with this please?
I remember that trading in CoAS working normal. You bought for purchase price and sale for selling price. And you have got profit from that. Why this in CoAS work correctly and in TEHO was changed?
You can more see on these pictures. First example. Why I buy goods for selling price and selling goods for purchase price? Look on this. I wanna buy in Martinique store “Ale”Purchase price is 88 for one unit but I buying it for selling price what is 155. This is any joke or wtf? Is this normal? Yo can see it on this two pictures.
On this picture is different price because it is in another city but is it same. Here I selling goods (Ale) for purchase price. Should not I sell the goods for the selling price? Why is it the other way around?
And result is that I wanna buy 120 units of Ale for 18600 in the the town at Martinique where this goods is exporting so its cheaper. Of course I didnt buy goods for purchase price what is 88 but for selling price what is 155.
So I went to Guadalope because in Gaudalope is “Ale” imported so I should have a little profit from this bussiness. The purchase price in Guadalope is 145 and selling is 255. At Martinique is purchase price 88 and selling 155. But of course… Because I selling this goods for purchase price and not for selling price as it should be so I earn only 17400 and I bought it for 18600. Nice bussiness omg. So what the f*** this is?
So my question is how to be a merchant or how to earn money in TEHO when you cant make money by trading? When I raid some ship and get some goods from loot how I can make money when if I dont profit from it?
Or do I something wrong? Can you help me with this please?
I remember that trading in CoAS working normal. You bought for purchase price and sale for selling price. And you have got profit from that. Why this in CoAS work correctly and in TEHO was changed?