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Solved Intel Graphics Fix

Which was the heap corruption one again? BI_bypassFDC0 or ENGINE_breakpoint_mod? Which one of those should be included in the MAIN modpack again?
Thanks. So is that one intended mainly for Intel cards too, or for all game versions?
I'm sorry; I wasn't keeping up when you did all this and now I'm behind. :facepalm
All game versions (Edit: No, just the vanilla US release). It'll make the game more stable for anyone, but hurts performance slightly.

But, the engine breakpoint mod should be ignored. It's not a fix. The script language was rewired, slightly. In case another programmer wanted my notes and stuff, I uploaded it and two other files before I went away. I wont have time to work on PotC again until after January.
Engine breakpoint not to be included. BI_bypassFDCO to go in the next modpack update for slightly worse performance vs. less crashes. Copy that! :doff
Now that we know a bit more about the MODULES, was this file good for ALL game versions?
It does not always help, but it does not hurt. At least for me. Results may vary.

Wait, are you asking about Build 13? I never tried it there.
This is about the Intel Fix. I want to know if I can post it on the ModDB for use with ALL game versions and mod combinations or not.
The intel fix is being redone for compatability with EU and Build 14. Should have a better one available soon.
Build 14 2.1 has issues with my computer, and I tried Build 13 final without luck either. I think it might be simpler getting Build 13 to work first. The biggest hurdle right now is finding time each day.

This new Build 14 sea.dll intel fix, should work (in theory). I tested the patched module with vanilla US, and it allowed me to start a new game. It wasn't stable though, because of all the extra stuff done to it for Build 14 (it eventually had missing/white textures and crashed). I'm pretty sure that it'll work better when used with Build 14 as it's intended.

I've also attached an alternate patch, but I think the first one will work better.


  • Build14_EU_gmafix.7z
    68.5 KB · Views: 275
  • Build14_EU_gmafix_alt.7z
    68.5 KB · Views: 242
Hmm.... Here's to hoping someone with an Intel card can test this then.

I do wonder what has been done for the Build with that file then? I really have no clue what those edits are for or who made them. :facepalm
I am using the sea.dll you made for the vanilla game with Build 14 Beta 2.2 and it runs fine with now stability issues (especially with the battleinterface.dll, the boarding crashes are now past).
I've been familiarising myself with my new laptop since Monday, and needless to say, I was anxious to see how PotC performed on the Intel HD Graphics 4000 chip.
No surprises then, that I had to install the fix included with Beta 2.3 in order to start a new game successfully.
The game runs very smoothly and hasn't crashed yet, and the water looks fairly reasonable. Most of the time.

The following screenshots show a single scene out at sea from multiple angles. The first looks just fine, but the second (looking the opposite direction) looks extremely weird. The third shows the good and bad views intersecting.


My best guess is that the strange patterns on the surface are caused by the sun's reflection rendering badly. Maybe something to think about for future fixes? :read

P.S. Excuse the lack of anti-aliasing in the images. One thing that really annoys me is the lack of customisation options in the Intel control panel, which lacks anything related to AA. Instead it seems Intel relies on such options being available in-game... useless for old games like PotC.
Um Hey Guys I Have read this whole thread and dang you guys are awesome. I am running Intel and Ive been trying to get Vanilla PoTC to work for about a week and have been having no luck with any of the threads I find, I tried switching the sea.dll with the one amplificar posted up and now it crashes isntantly, when before i was able to play a little tiny bit until redmund and then crashed non stop at port, but now when it load the game it crashes instantly each time. I have done a lot of things to my setting because of threads on this topic so I might need a lot of help plz.
This game had become my favorite game in the world since i got it on my xbox and havnt played it in forever cuz there is no version for the 360 and I just decided to look for a PC version, so I would be so most grateful if someone can help me figure it out and get me playing again so I can finally beat the game for once.
Ouch! But it runs. It does run.

EDIT: :ahoy

Read the FAQ first. That should be enough to get you started. But DO NOT install into Program Files. That is an instacrash.
Not any more, worse then before, and I got a little lost after reading so much cuz I am fairly new to the PC/IT field