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Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]

Ah ok u understand.

I will finsh this later I need help with the Codes for Pirate which have Items. After talk they give the items to the player. You can later read this in the text files.
Why not finish the dialogs first? You're almost there! One line to put back in each of the files, then you can try them out. Besides, if the pirates give items to the player after they talk, then they can not give the items until they have talked. That means finish the dialogs first, then we can deal with items.
The dialogs we were working on are no longer there so I can not check them.

"Skullface.h" looks alright.

        case "The_Deal1":
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[9];
            link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[10];
            link.l1.go = "Exit";
            link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[11];
            link.l2.go = "Skullface_Quest";
You have no "Skullface_Quest" defined in "Skullface.c" so that won't work. link.l2.go must point to another case section inside "Skullface.c". Remember, for a dialog to trigger a case in "quests_reaction.c", use AddDialogExitQuest.
Add another couple of lines to "Skullface.h" - perhaps Skullface asks you to give him the money, you agree, and that is when the deal happens. (Don't forget to change the number in the 'DLG_TEXT' line.)
Change the line in "Skullface.c", case "The_Deal1" to:
link.l2.go = "The_Deal2";
Add case "The_Deal2" to use the two new lines in "Skullface.h". Include AddDialogExitQuest("Skullface_Quest"); Then, if the player gives the answers which lead to the deal, the dialog should end at "The_Deal2" which will then trigger quest case "SkullFace_Quest".

Perhaps these files should be renamed to "Skullface_dialog.c" and "Skullface_dialog.h"?

"quests_reaction.c": case "Skullface_Quest" is currently empty. When you have finished correcting Skullface's dialog files, we can work on that.
@Grey Roger
Ok i will Change that in the we.
In 5 min i upload the new files and the dialog for the Salazar Quest.

Can I change In the Quest file the name:
Payroll_ship_setup to Salazar_arrives ?

Last edited:
@Grey Roger
Dialogs 90% Finah

Please can tell me what have to doe to give Character a Quest Item or Quest Blade.

And what have I do. make that a Blade will have only a Character an can not be bought in the stores.

@Grey Roger
Dialogs 90% Finah

Please can tell me what have to doe to give Character a Quest Item or Quest Blade
GiveItem2Character(<character>, <item>);

<character> is either PChar (which is you), or CharacterFromID("insert_character_ID"). For example, to give yourself a cutlass, which is "blade4":
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade4");
Or to give Trafalgar D. Law a Bosuns Choice, which is "blade27":
GiveItem2Character(CharacterFromID("Trafalgar_Law"), "blade27");
Character ID's are in their definitions in "PROGRAM\Storyline\NewPirateAge\characters\init\Story.c", "TempQuest.c" and "TempQuestEnemy.c". Item definitions are in "PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c".

Finish off the dialog for the Dark Assassin. "Pirate_dialog.c" and "Pirate_dialog.h" are done, so you can talk to the pirate who tells you where to find the Dark Assassin. Once you've finished the dialog for Dark Assassin, you should be able to play that scene.

Issho, alias Dark Assassin, already has his weapons assigned in "TempQuestEnemy.c":
    GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC38");
    ch.equip.blade = "bladeC38";
   GiveItem2Character(ch, "PiratesPistol");
   ch.equip.gun = "PiratesPistol";
When you kill an enemy, you automatically take his weapons and gold. So when you defeat the Dark Assassin, you should get his sword without needing any additional code.
Exactly the same way, using 'GiveItem2Character'. It doesn't care whether you're giving the character a sword, a book or anything else from "initItems.c".

There is a problem with an hourglass, though. There is no such item in "initItems.c". You have the choice of "clock1" (basic clock) or "clock2" (chronometer).
Yes, you will need to add a definition for the hourglass. It could go into "initItems.c", but that's normally for objects which are always in the game regardless of storyline, such as the normal clocks and compasses. Quest items specific to storylines usually go into a file specific to the storyline. For you, that would be "PROGRAM\Storyline\NewPirateAge\items\initQuestItems.c". But first, you will need to create an interface picture for it. To do that, you will need:
  • A picture-editing program which can read .tga files. Photoshop will do this. Corel Draw and PaintShop Pro probably work as well, if you have them. Otherwise GIMP, which can be downloaded for free, can read .tga files.
  • TX Convertor, which you can get from here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/cloud/repository/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/TX Convertor.zip The game uses .tga.tx files. TX Convertor converts those to .tga which can be read by the picture-editing program, and also converts .tga files back to .tga.tx for the game to use.
  • An interface picture file with spare space to hold your picture. "RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\itemsAS.tga.tx" would be a good one.
  • A picture of an hourglass. You can get that from Google Images.
Use TX Convertor to convert "itemsAS.tga.tx" to "itemsAS.tga". Note the settings on the line in the middle of the screen:
"Size: 512x512; BPP: 16; Alpha channel (4 bit); mips: 10; A4R4G4B4 - 16bit (4bit alpha, 12bit color)"
Use your choice of picture editor to open "itemsAS.tga". Also open that picture of the hourglass. Cut away the background, resize it to 100x100, copy it, and paste it into one of the blank areas in "itemsAS.tga". Save "itemsAS.tga", then use TX Convertor to convert it back to "itemsAS.tga.tx". Make sure both output textures are set to "A4R4G4B4" to match the original setting.

When you have done that, we can work on your "initQuestItems.c".
You will first need to upload your current versions of "Dark_Assassin_dialog.c" and "Dark_Assassin_dialog.h". Also upload "compile.log" and "error.log" so I can see what problem the game has found.
You can't. The game system draws the eyes itself.

There are some character models which are designed to have one eye, so perhaps you could copy one of those and then create a new texture file for him.