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Need Help Information about periods and ships


Storm Modder

Does anyone know if there is a more recent version of this ( see attached file or use Link (2) below ) - or is this what is currently being used in the game.

The reason I am asking is that I am thinking of replacing this Wiki page :- (1) http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizons-ships/

With this :- (2) http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/test-page/

The blue link gives you a .pdf version of the spreadsheet.

( I am still working on the text for the rest of the page - any suggestions to help explain the document will be appreciated. :checklist



  • Ship Mod- edited version(3).pdf
    516.6 KB · Views: 186
This is the most recent version I have of that Excel file: Ship Mod - Sept 2012 Edition
There's also this one for encounter chances.

However, they're both dated 2013 so probably don't represent the current ship stats very well.
It might be worth running through ships_init.c to update one or both of these files once Beta 4 launches, but perhaps creating a table on a Wiki page might be better so others can easily edit it in future.
I'm not sure how worth it is to have a list on the Wiki; the only place that is always going to be correct is ships_init.c; anything else will be outdated in no time. :facepalm
One ship I can tell you is missing is the Satanist Fluyt of War, which I created for the Animists in the "Strange Things Going On" side quest to use in "Early Explorers" and "Spanish Main" when frigates like the one they normally use didn't exist. You can find its stats by looking in "Ships_init.c" for "FleutWarSat".
any chance we have some documentation concerning the different playstyle? How about a roster of ships in different periods?
Good questions for sure. :cheeky

any chance we have some documentation concerning the different playstyle?
We do have some details on the various custom starts in the Free Play storyline here:
For details of the different play styles during the game, I included a list of differences near the top of the "Build Info.txt" file in your main game folder.

Please let me know if you have any specific questions that aren't answered there so that we can expand on the text that is already there.
Which reminds me.... @Talisman, would you care making a "play styles" page on the Wiki based on the contents in "Build Info.txt"?
Right now that information is still near the top and easily found (if you know where it is), but that won't always be the case of course.

How about a roster of ships in different periods?
@Armada made a spreadsheet of that, but I cannot find it now.
Hopefully he will drop by soon and post the link.

Normally I just ENABLE_CHEATMODE at the bottom of the PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h file and then change the starting date of the Free Play storyline to the period I am curious about.
Then I can use the "starting ship selection" interface and its various filters to see exactly which ships are active in each period.

There is also a Wiki page for ships, but it is quite incomplete for now:
How about a roster of ships in different periods?
Here is the spreadsheet Pieter mentioned. It's a bit out of date, so some ships in the current build are not included.
However, it does clearly show how likely a ship is to appear in each period, and for each nation.

When Beta 4 is officially released, I may go through and update the spreadsheet, but I can't make any promises. :wp
How about a roster of ships in different periods?

For a list of ships try clicking on the link on this this Wiki page :- http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/test-page/

It is not up to date but is pretty complete.

Which reminds me.... @Talisman, would you care making a "play styles" page on the Wiki based on the contents in "Build Info.txt"?
Right now that information is still near the top and easily found (if you know where it is), but that won't always be the case of course.

Exactly what is meant by "Playing Styles" ? - is not most of it already covered here :- http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizons-free-play/ Naval - Corsair etc

Not exactly sure which bit of the Build info you mean

I assume it is the highlighted bits here:

. Specific Free Play Only storyline added by Levis, Pedrwyth, TechnicJelle, Andouce and Pieter Boelen
> Contains various custom game starts linked to player background profession
> Includes all sidequests available in the game
> Possibility to choose from several pre-defined characters
- Includes the Horatio Nelson, Jean de la Croix, Jean Lafitte and Jack Aubrey characters from previous modpack releases
- There is at least one navy and one non-navy character available for each nationality
> Possibility to change starting date
> Many settings linked to character models
as set up in initModels.c
> Select Storyline Interface adapted as required
. Improved Nation Relations by Pieter Boelen
> Receive a book explaining this functionality when getting a Letter of Marque or asking a governor about nation relations
> Player loyalty (Served Nation) impacts game functionality:
- Loyalty is indicated in the Questbook Interface by the large yellow nation name

- Random Relation Change code rewritten and fixed
- Player relations will automatically follow random relation changes affecting his/her Served Nation (but not for Pirate and Personal loyalities)
- Loyalty is set to your chosen nation at game start
- Loyalties are updated on each promotion
- Having multiple Letters of Marque (LoM) will set your loyalty to Personal
- Large acts of piracy, repeated small acts of piracy and joining the pirates will set your loyalty to the Pirates
- If your loyalty lies with the pirates, you may be recognized for this by citizens of non-pirate towns
- When your loyalty lies with the pirates, the only way to undo this is to stop serving the pirates and get a single LoM

> Relation Changes from player actions completely rewritten:
- You gain point with a nation only if you have a LoM with them
- Having multiple LoMs decreases the amount of points you get per nation, though you still get more in total by Grey Roger
- You lose points with nations allied to the nation you attacked if you have no legal reason to do so or if you have multiple LoMs
- You lose your LoM if you attack one of your nation's allies
- Pirates are more forgiving of attacks against them than other nations are, but such an act will still lose you any positive points you had with them
- You gain points with the pirates through acts of piracy; if you have gained enough points, your loyalties shift to the pirates
- A small act of piracy is attacking without having a legal reason for it, which applies to ALL ships you sink/capture without having a LoM or navy commission
- A large act of piracy is actively betraying a nation you were serving or one of their allies

> False Flag detection rewrite [WIP]
- Upon loading the scene, correctly set the relations between ALL ships at sea; most other relation-changing code has been deleted
- Allow changing flags during battle
- Some towns are tolerant of pirates both at sea and ashore, such as Tortuga and in The Spanish Main also Port Royale
- This affects the player if you are friendly to the pirates, flying a pirate flag and the town is tolerant of pirates
- Reset the memory of specific nation forts when buying amnesty, a LoM or on each promotion

- Call generic functionality for when firing on and hitting friendly ships at sea; skip turning nations hostile when doing this
- Generic behaviour for firing on friendly ships, including betrayal
- Flag and betrayal factored into relation change upon capturing/sinking a ship
- Sinking surrendered ships gives you relation points
- Custom ship log entry for sinking surrendered ships

. Skill and Ability System rewritten by Levis
> Three new abilities
> Explanation of officer types added when you first hire an officer; limited to the Apprentice and Journeyman difficulty levels
> All characters have an offictype assigned and will advance accordingly

Is there anything else ? :read

There's some stuff missing from that sein you post. Maybe I deleted it for the release version.
I'll check next week in my files if I still have it.
There were some details on the changes made for Naval officers, Pirates, merchants and privateers.
@Talisman: Please disregard my last message. I just remembered that the information I mean IS still in the current "Build Info.txt" file, but you have to scroll a bit further down until you get to the Beta 3.5 section.

I split al recent changes up into two 'versions' because the list had become overwhelmingly huge.

In any case, all those details you posted are also valid information that might be helpful to players.
Though a simplified and shorter version for that nation relation stuff is of course already available from within the game.
So that would be this I suppose :-

Distinguished between Player Types by Grey Roger, Levis and Pieter Boelen
> Current Player Type is indicated by your captain type in the bottom of the Character Interface
> Commissioned Player Type:
- Triggered by choosing "Naval Officer" at game start
- Gain appropriate ships, officers and uniforms as you are promoted
- Paying crew and officers restored
- Only gain land after rank 6 (Commodore)
- Can only give Captured Towns to your Served Nation
- Free Crew Hire in towns of your Served Nation
- Cannot Swap Ships until rank 7 (Commodore)
- Cannot Buy ships and cannot Sell player ship
- Cannot Sign Articles
- Reduced sale price for ships
> Improved Privateer Gameplay
by Pieter Boelen:
- Triggered by buying a Letter of Marque
- Soldier crew, ship rewards and navy officers removed
- Different promotion titles
- Reduced sale price for ships
> Improved Merchant Gameplay
by Pieter Boelen:
- Triggered by carrying a "Merchant Passport" or choosing "Merchant" at game start
- Possible to buy a "Merchant Passport" from the WIC office on Curacao and the EITC office on Jamaica
- Carrying a "Merchant Passport" prevents your crew from becoming envious of the amount of money you have
> Improved Pirate Gameplay
by Pieter Boelen:
- Can join the pirates if you have no LoM and are not hostile to them
- Pirates sell their design ships if you have no LoM OR you are not hostile to them
- Can gain ranks with pirates after joining them
- Improved Nevis blacksmith functionality after joining them
- No land given upon promotion
- Distinguished promotion ranks from fame level

This makes more sense of the phrase " Playing Styles" - now I understand :yes

Is there any thing else you can think of ?

Yep, those are pretty much all the details I can think of.
I wrote them down when we add those features for future reference.
And because I'll need to remember for the Beta 4 release article too. :cheeky

@andyandy: Does all of that help or are there any other details you'd like to see documented as well?
Which reminds me.... @Talisman, would you care making a "play styles" page on the Wiki based on the contents in "Build Info.txt"?
Right now that information is still near the top and easily found (if you know where it is), but that won't always be the case of course.

The page on the wiki is now here: - http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizons-playing-styles/

I have also added an entry on the New Horizons Main Page here:- http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizons/

If there is anything that needs changing - or you want added/removed - let me know.

I have also added an entry on the New Horizons Main Page here:- http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/new-horizons/
EIGHT storylines now: Standard, Free Play, Assassin, Bartolomeu, Jack Sparrow, Hornblower, Woodes Rogers and The Gold-Bug can be officially included now as well! :cheers

If there is anything that needs changing - or you want added/removed - let me know.
One thing springs to mind: You only need the "Merchant Passport" if you also want to have a LoM.
Otherwise the game considers you an honest merchant as long as you didn't turn pirate and you don't need to worry about "too much money" either.
btw if needed I think I could generate an ingame book which has a list of all ships you could buy in that period. You could get the book somewhere.
Would that be usefull?
That could be a rather huge list in some periods.
And there are already other ways to find that information. Select Storyline does it including screenshots, which is definitely the nicest.
So I doubt that is worth the effort....
That could be a rather huge list in some periods.
Maybe not so much if you had a separate book for merchant and navy ships, for example? Perhaps they could also be listed by Tier, which would make it easier to read.
And although Select Storyline does show all the ships, it's not too convenient if you're already in mid-game.