With this Mod ENABLED (it is OFF by default), the cargo capacities for all ships are intended to be calculated like this:So this would be in the case there is a cargo deck and a gun deck and the guns are all in use.
This means a calculation can be done that says how much "weight" is added by the cannons.
Cannon weight(for max caliber) * num of cannons = max cannon weight
this together ith the max capicity would be the max load.
Now say the cannons are made smaller so they weight 4 less and the num cannons is 32 then you get a extra 128 of cargo hold.
This part is easy and probably implemented already.
TOTAL Capacity =
Weight required for standard supplies: calculated automatically in Auto Buy style
+ Weight required for standard set of cannons: uses weight for default type of cannons (NOT max calibre!) * maximum number of cannons
+ Crew Weight: refShip.MaxCrew * weight per crew
+ Extra Cargo Space: =refShip.capacity
This gives us the following values we can play with:
- Cannon WEIGHT: this is added to the capacity to ensure the cannons do fit on the ship
- Hold capacity: these values should be tweaked so that they represent the CARGO capacity; this is added to the total capacity
- Crew Weight: this is multiplied with Max Crew and added to the capacity
- Supply Multiplier: This increases the Auto Buy supplies but also affects the behaviour of the Auto Buy button
Pretty much.The assumption would be that the cargo hold is large enough to hold <capacity> cwt of cargo of low density, e.g. cotton. You can either fill it with such cargo or part fill it with denser cargo, e.g. gold. Reducing the armament means you can get more of the dense stuff in there. (Of course, the game will let you get more of the light stuff in there as well, but that's probably relatively low value so you're not making much profit on it anyway, so it's not much of a game breaker.)

We may want to forget that certain decks may contain cargo + cannon + crew with a certain ratio between all of those.
It doesn't get any simpler that way and I think just figuring that "the main cargo hold could theoretically hold the FULL capacity (based on volume)" should be OK.
Then the reason why the cargo hold isn't usually filled that much is because the ship cannot carry more weight than a certain amount.
We may also want to distinguish two separate parts of this modification:
1. Getting the functionality to work without GAME bugs, e.g. no random ships capsizing all the time, add checks to prevent overloading and ensure capacity is recalculated where appropriate
2. Getting the numbers to make realistic/historical sense
At the moment we have this mod just past the "proof of concept" stage in that it does work and changing the cannons and crew affects cargo capacity as intended.
However, there are all sorts of game bugs that would need to be addressed before we cna start trying to get the numbers right.
We do need to know what kind of toggles we need to be able to get those numbers right.
And as tweaking the numbers doesn't require any massive coding knowledge, ideally that should be handled by somebody other than the people developing the code concepts themselves.