No worries there. It's not like the lesbian business that happens there is in ANY way intentional.I'm aware that this is a risky discussion, and I hope I won't be mistaken for a homophobe or something.
Just a side-effect from the game originally being very male-centred...

And if gender and preference are separate; then being gay has no business being linked to being female.
Haven't a clue how that happened.The whole system for governors' relatives is a mess! It seems to have been written by a committee, everyone had their own way of doing it, and they were all implemented together. The governor's dialog is run by function 'GenerateMR' in "MAXIMUS_Functions.c", which does not in fact generate the MR - that is done in function 'SetupMR' in "Dialog_func.c"; the actual text is in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\common.ini", translated from keywords such as "MR_1". The lines for chatting up or proposing marriage to the relative are in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Conversation.c", while what you actually see on screen is in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\interface_strings.txt". The rest of what you can say to the relative, as well as dialog for the duel before marriage, are in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\Gov MR_dialog.h". So I've got as far as the governor presenting his relative and you introducing yourself. Next phase: new lines for flirting and proposing marriage.
That was from before I was ever even here.
There were a lot of modders at the time. I think they were working quite actively together.
All tools for the game are stand-alone; so that should work.@Pieter Boelen: can you remember if "Animation View" needs to be installed or if "aniview.exe" can just be run straight from wherever it's located? The file repository is still empty, I don't have the original zip, and if there's an installer then I can't find it. But if it can just be downloaded, unzipped into a folder and run, then I can zip up my "Animation View" folder and put it on the FTP site. It will help a lot in choosing suitable suitors for female characters.
@Keith was kind enough to upload all files from the "cloud" here for now:
Should include all the tools.
We'll still need to figure out how to really sort things out on the forum end though...