Fair enough, that explains where the references to "LandEnc_OfficerHired" and "LandEnc_OfficerJoined" came from in the first "compile.log". Nothing to worry about there, then. (And it was originally my suggestion to hire an expendable officer as a scout.
Also from the first "compile.log":
That message comes from "PROGRAM\LandEncounters\LEnc_login.c", function "LEnc_LoginSelectModel". Someone isn't getting any sex. That doesn't mean a shortage of nocturnal activity, it means the "sex" attribute hasn't been assigned, so the function assigns the attribute with value "". In the second attempt, someone still isn't getting any sex, but this one wasn't detected by "LEnc_LoginSelectModel" so the attribute still isn't assigned. The error messages all point to "Loc_ai\LAi_events.c", line 3556, which is:
WriteLocatorGlobal(corpse.location, "box", newLocName, TranslateString("","body_of_"+corpse.sex)+" "+GetMySimpleName(corpse), sti(corpse.index), stf(corpse.deathx), stf(corpse.deathy), stf(corpse.deathz), true);
So someone has just been killed and the game doesn't know where to put the body or what sex it is. I haven't seen the lack of sex before but errors about "deathx", "deathy" and "deathz" are routine in my games - they appear after a battle, and the battle seemed to have played out to conclusion without any problems, so I just ignore those messages.
Meanwhile, did you try adding the "RemoveOfficersIndex" line and commenting out the "LAi_SetOfficerType" line?