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WIP Improvements to "Manowar" models

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
This is Silehard's flagship Sovereign of the Seas, alias "manowar1".
manowar1_old1.jpg manowar1_old2.jpg manowar1_old3.jpg

The rigging can be diplomatically described as "minimalist". So here's what I've been doing recently:
manowar1_new1.jpg manowar1_new2.jpg manowar1_new3.jpg

I'm particularly pleased with the ropes which are tied to the hull, such as backstays and mainbraces. Because they're not. Though I started by attaching them to "Manowar1.gm" and placing them with TOOL and GM Viewer, I then subtracted the co-ordinates of the "geometry/mast" locators from those of the new rope locators, then added the locators to the masts and removed them from the hull. Why? Because TOOL can read "Manowar1.gm" but it can't read any of the others - "Manowar2.gm", "Manowar_gub.gm", "SP_Manowar.gm". But it can read all their "mast" and "rey" locators. By putting all the locators onto the masts, I can then write them to text files, then import them onto the masts of the other types to give them all the same improved rigging.

There were a few complications, such as "Manowar2" having a spanker instead of a lateen, and "Manowar_gub" has a different bowsprit. There's also locator "ropee17". It's attached to a small projection on the port corner of the stern and it ties down the trailing corner of the lateen sail. It's in the same position on "Manowar2.gm", tying down the spanker's boom, but that model lacks the projections on the stern, leaving "ropee17" in midair. But I found a nifty trick. The system objects with "Bad rope" messages if one end of a rope is not defined but it doesn't object if the same rope is defined more than once. It simply uses the last version of the locator which it encounters. So, if the same locator is defined in both the hull and mast models, and if the mast is read after the hull (which it probably is, after the system has found the "geometry" locator on the hull to place the mast), then it will use the mast's version instead of the hull's version. Which means all I have to do is add a new "ropee17" to "mast4.gm" and the boom is then tied to the stern board, not to somewhere floating above the stern.
you should really use blender...
and bad rope data is in almost every non vanilla ship, and is causing ctd..
just to be said

better less rope than mess rope, buddy
As far as I know, no ships in "New Horizons" have bad rope data. Certainly I have checked all the "Manowar" variants on which I have been working, played them in the game, checked "system.log" and saw no such messages. Name a few ships which have bad rope data and I'll take a look.

But if you're talking about a different game, I can't help there.
after a huge workload i am not sure, but the manowar1 model from vanilla coas has a badrope 1009 and 1008, also the manowar1 models from gof 12 and 20 have the same.
but checking with blender and tool there is no rope 1009 and 1008.
now, it can be the lineship1, i dont remember.
also i did not made a list of all ships bad rope i fixed.....
but this one has for sure: schoonerxebec1. rope 1 2 3 7 71 and 333
unfortunatly i did not now from were,
...also there are tons of other bugs in these shippis
also i am pretty sure you didnt checked all ships...
even not half..
also you shoud stop adding rope with tool...
after a huge workload i am not sure, but the manowar1 model from vanilla coas has a badrope 1009 and 1008, also the manowar1 models from gof 12 and 20 have the same.

That's CoAS - as I said, I'm working on PoTC:New Horizons. The PoTC modders long ago started a project to eliminate all bad ropes. It took some time but they're done now, unless there are one or two obscure ones still to be found:
Fix in Progress - Repairing Bad Ropes

CoAS uses a completely different "Manowar1" to PoTC. Since the CoAS "Manowar1" was never imported into "New Horizons", it never got the same treatment. CoAS probably has a different "schoonerxebec" model to PoTC; the one in PoTC has no bad ropes.

You use what you like for adding or editing ropes and I'll use what I like. :p
the schonerxebec is out of a mod...
however, thx, you made me look for a non bug warship and i found it in eras2 i think.
its just preventing you adding unexpected errors with tool.
my opinion is with tool you do only get coords.
with tool one can make a lot, but not bugfree, i learned that, evolved, and switched to maya then to blender.
good luck to you...
Now done: "manowar2" and "manowar_gub".

manowar2_old1.jpg manowar2_old2.jpg manowar_gub_old1.jpg manowar_gub_old2.jpg

manowar2_new1.jpg manowar2_new2.jpg manowar_gub_new1.jpg manowar_gub_new2.jpg

"Manowar2" now has its aft ensign attached to a rope behind the spanker. "Manowar_gub" originally had a lateen sail in the stock game, then someone evidently tried to convert it into a spanker but didn't change the yardarms, so it has a spanker sail on a lateen yardarm. Instead, I've given it the same spanker, along with the flag on a rope, as on "Manowar2".

And that should have been the project completed, except that there's a problem with those spankers. They turn the wrong way in a side wind. @Hylie Pistof came up with a solution for that on other ships, so I'll need to look at some of them and see if I can do the same here.
And that should have been the project completed, except that there's a problem with those spankers. They turn the wrong way in a side wind. @Hylie Pistof came up with a solution for that on other ships, so I'll need to look at some of them and see if I can do the same here.
Done. The trick is to make an invisible copy of the yardarm model, in this case "manowar2_rey_a4.gm", containing all the sail locators; and another copy, visible, without the sail locators, named something else - "manowar2_spanker.gm". In "manowar2_mast4.gm", the geometry locator for "manowar2_rey_a4.gm" needs its XX value changed to -1, and "manowar2_rey_a4.gm" needs a new geometry locator linking to "manowar2_spanker.gm", also with XX set to -1. That inverts the sail so that it turns correctly while leaving the visible yardarms effectively unchanged. Except that the sail and all its ropes were now shifted to the side of the yardarms. That's because the model in "manowar2_rey_a4.gm" is off centre and also angled, and as it's inverted, all the locators needed their X co-ordinates inverted. That worked, so I copied and renamed the files to "Manowar_gub_mast4.gm", "Manowar_gub_rey_a4.gm" and "Manowar_gub_spanker.gm". And so:
manowar2_new_spanker.jpg manowar_gub_new_spanker.jpg
I left the interface on the picture of "Manowar_gub" intentionally so you can see the wind direction, though the flags are a clue as well.