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I actually did it

Black "Sam" Bellamy

QA Tester
I have been wanting to create a game and I finally took a class. I have been banging my head numerous times but I finally made the start menu. It's not at all finished, fullscreen is a mystery and not all the buttons work except for the version button but hey, we all can't be omnipotent.

P.S if anyone is good with Visual basic program let me know, I bump my head too hard and I got terrible headaches


  • menu.png
    782.6 KB · Views: 314
Congratulations, @9tailedfoxdragon! :cheers

What program are you using to do this?
Most pirate game developers I know (including the Hearts of Oak team) are using Unity these days.
Seems to be working pretty well for them.

So far, I know Unity has been used for:
Hearts of Oak, project led by @Armada and @Flannery
All projects by @Captain Murphy and team
Blackwake by @BlackwakeOfficial
Naval Action
I'm using something called visual basic. It also allows for unity support so ill hopefully get that linked. I wanna hopefully make it similar to Pirates and traders by micabyte but create my own style and stuff.