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How to play on Steam Deck?


Is it possible to run it on steam deck? I've tried but the closest I can get is a black screen with sound, outside of that I haven't been able to do anything else.
I can make video guide if you want, I was wondering if anyone else in the world was trying to get this running on steam deck lol.

I got both POTC and Build 14 working on the steam deck. It's kind of awesome to play with controller support from steam.

I personally haven't tried Beyond New Horizons, but the process should be the same.

The basic idea is this:

Download Lutris:

Get your ISO files for the game, mount them.
Use Lutris to Create a Windows container, I would go with Windows XP since that's what the game originally ran on.
Set the executable file to be the install.exe in the ISO
Run it, and you should see the normal install screen pop up. Install as you would normally.

Set the executable now to the path of the engine.exe. (You can also do config.exe to change the settings btw).
Example path: /home/deck/Games/<name of your lutris game>/drive_c/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Pirates of the Caribbean/engine.exe

The idea of changing the executable works for installing Build 14 as well.

Good luck.
I got it working on Linux Mint using Lutris. All the procedures were done starting Lutris from the terminal, but I don't think that's necessary
- Open Lutris
-Create a 64bit Wine prefix. I did this by selecting the Build 14 .exe file as a placeholder for the installation file.
-Let Lutris set up the prefix
-Create a folder for the game. As it was mentioned in another topic, don't put the game in "Program Files"/ or "Program Files (x86)"/
-The Build 14 installation will fail due to not finding the stock game in the folder
-Extract the game to the folder you created for it
-Add the game manually in Lutris

That's it. It worked well out of the box.