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How to Apply to be part of the GoF! compiling team.

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Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
City Of Abandoned Ships; a great game made even greater by the earliest version of the Combined Mod. This collection of mods added much needed adjustments to make it more enjoyable to play. As a community, you all have added various mods to the collection, and have made COAS even better. In the latest release, we saw a myriad of new ships, characters and goods added, as well as a rebalancing of the entire game. These are all things that we needed to make the game better.

Now something else is needed. The Combined Mod complilers need help. While those who are working the bugs out for the next release of the Combined Mod are all quite talented, the amount of work that needs to be done is great. Without more hands on deck, the progress will be slow going. There is also much to be done in regards to adding new content. There are things that we want to do, yet do not have the necessary skills to accomplish them.

Also, with the new name to be chosen in about a week, there will be a need for graphic artists to lend their talents in the creation of loading screens, splash screens, options menus and desktop icon. While most of us have the skills necessary to make small changes, we feel that the new name, and the graphics to go with it, are deserving of those who are exceptionally talented in this regard.

Therefore, we are asking all Graphic Artists and Coders who wish to apply to do so. Simply type up a message, stating what your skills are, include some of your previous work (or where we can see it) and why you want to be part of the team. Then send it via pm to me. The compiling team will go over all applications and select those most promising for an interview.

Please note that only those contacted will be selected for an interview.

We also must stress this is only for those serious and committed to the project.

Thank you for your time
An interview? Nobody ever needed one to help with the Build mod.
People just did some work that we thought was good and we'd add it.
Sometimes people would do work on request if we'd need it. :shrug
This is not just a matter of adding some content that we think is good, but helping us put all the material together. We have a total of 5 members compiling material for the next release, all of whom (save myself) have other things going on in RL. We do not have the numbers the Build Mod had. The purpose of this post is to help us fill the ranks and make some progress on what we have so far.

The purpose of the interview is more so to get to know the applicant, more so than reading up their posts in the forums. We want to be sure that people are not just applying for the reason of getting thier hands on unreleased material and the like.
structure is never a bad thing.

I have about 4-5 hours of GiMP experience, and the programming class i was in before i quit school (visual basic) made me want to pick the hammer back up and go back to the union hall. :shrug
Well, since I had some time to lurk around the PiratesAhoy forums, and since I'm an enthusiast on modding and on naval military and civilian history (and since I'm working in the Italian Navy - Marina Militare) I wondered if you need some help on the compilation of Gentlemen of Fortune, from what I believe it's a TCM (Total Conversion Mod) for AoF: CoAS. I had previous jobs with the modding team for Freelancer (a space simulator developed by Microsoft) with the DiscoveryGC compiling team four months ago, before I left it, due to me leaving for active service for EUNAVFOR, the joint force of NATO forces down in the Indian Ocean to counter-act the Somalian pirates.

Something about me? Well, I was born and raised up in Rome, my father, my grandfather and the his father were in the navy as me, and our family has a long lasting military career stretching from 1883. I allow everyone to be free to read the following text, but I reserve right if you quote it somewhere, to be removed.

Name: Claudio D'Azeglio
Age: 26
Location: Rome, Italy
Current Profession: Armed Forces
Skype: Claudio.d.Azeglio (You can find me logged there quite often if I ain't busy)

Previous Modding at: Freelancer (DiscoveryGC), The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind and Oblivion, and yes I'm an RPG fag), Crysis and S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Current Modding at: None

I studied informatics and foreign language at the ' La Sapienza University ' of Rome, and related linguistics previously at high school.

What am I good with?
Photoshop / GIMP / TGAEditor (Targa Editing)
Texturing / Modelling
FXEditing and Fuse Editing
Naval history (I have a degree on this aswell, to be precise of early discovery and exploration of the New World)
Strong Knowledge of PHP, HTML and XML
Perfect Knowledge of British English, American English, Strine, Italian, German(?) and Spanish
Note (?): I don't study german from highschool

What I ain't good in?
C++ / RSC

And since I know that this isn't pubblicly allowed to be seen to the outside pubblic, I respect the NCA terms of not publishing nothing related to the mod prior to its release date, granted that you want my help. Well, I don't know if I missed something, I hope that what I wrote is exhaustive enough to be read.

Thanks for your interest! We're going to have an internal discussion soon to see if we have a place for you. :sail
Thanks for the trust. I hope that I can come in handy with something, maybe texturing with Craiggo could be a nice start. Any engine limitations on what textures we can use or how much the poly count of a model should be?
Thanks for the trust. I hope that I can come in handy with something, maybe texturing with Craiggo could be a nice start. Any engine limitations on what textures we can use or how much the poly count of a model should be?

We try to keep the poly count as low as we can because the game does lag with high poly counts. :modding
Luke, I am giving him the GoF EXE and letting him test for us until the release and then we have plenty of projects for him don't we? Does that sound good Imperial?
That sounds good to me bud, and yes we have a lot of projects just waiting to be looked into. :yes

Happy testing Imperial. :onya
Do you have a sort of chat group somewhere so that I can keep in touch with the rest of the team?
Like a Skype Group or something like that.

For those who have Skype: Feel free to add me on Claudio.d.azeglio
We do not, but we do have a modders group here which would give you access to the modders forum. Just PM Pieter and ask him to send you an invite and tell him we sent you ;)
That's me, yes. No need to send anything; I already added you. Welcome to the "Modders" group, mate! :doff
hi! can i be part of the team? :D here's what i can do


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Are you a modeler Ramptor?

Are you familiar with the software used for CoAS? I think it's Maya, and who knows what else :rolleyes:
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