I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work with Visual Studio 2022. I followed the walk throughs (GitHub - storm-devs/sd-teho-public: Scripts and configs for Sea Dogs: To Each His Own) but I end up getting memory exceptions and a crash when debugging from Visual Studio - I think I need some kind of targeting update to tell it to run from the Steam installation directory. I thought I did this in the launch.vs.json file but maybe not. However, I can copy the bin files to the Steam location and then attach the debugger after I run the engine.exe. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?
My other question is, does Storm Engine compile the c files from the Program directory at runtime? It seems like you don't need to pre-compile the code and it will take any updates from the files. Do you only need to build the engine executable if you're adding assets and resources?
My other question is, does Storm Engine compile the c files from the Program directory at runtime? It seems like you don't need to pre-compile the code and it will take any updates from the files. Do you only need to build the engine executable if you're adding assets and resources?