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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)

Hey there Pieter!

Basically i was waiting for the new engine to be more stable and htc to be tested on it, but real life has been busier then usual again, again I'm still here, just busy, but if someone wants to continue or help i wouldn't be against it!

The stoty so far ends right before the fight on the island (over the dead mans chest with the hearth in it) so basically dmc is almost done, location for it is kindly provided by @Jack Rackham, as well as there is a location for Singapore by jack, I'd need around a month or two to finish everything, but again I'd rather not promise anything at the moment, as irl is a priority, but I'm still here no worries :)

I'd be glad to recieve some feedback on my work so far, as far as i have tested it's bug free!
Hey there, @Sebrian! Good to see you in these waters again. :woot

Thanks for the update.
Understandable on being busy.
Hope one day soon(ish) you might have time again?

I'm considering finally doing a playthrough of the game myself again.
And try to record it for our YouTube channel.
We'll see if I can pull that off...
Any feedback would boost my motivation to be honest, as there wasn't much after I've finished it, and I'm excited for the new engine, i have put my hearth into this story so far to make it as bullet proof as possible, there is a lot of code under the hood :)

But yes I'm willing to continue and i will eventually, not as soon as i have planned unfortunately :bonaparte
Any feedback would boost my motivation to be honest
Very understandable.
The players have been MOST quiet these days.

Do you use Discord at all?
@DH27 has recently been creating some activity there with weekly podcasts with various pirate game developers.
Very understandable.
The players have been MOST quiet these days.

Do you use Discord at all?
@DH27 has recently been creating some activity there with weekly podcasts with various pirate game developers.

I don't use discord that much usually but i have joined our channel today, and I'll try to tune in when i can!
With @Sebrian and @Hammie on the Discord, we just discovered that a LOT of his DMC code is missing from the latest updates.
@Grey Roger, could you check against attached latest files from Sebrian?

Also, it looks that there is a ton of Singapore and Bathhouse code in there by @Jack Rackham .
It appears that this may have replaced that added by Sebrian.
And the location init entries that the JRH code refer to, aren't actually there.
Did Jack ever share his latest work on this...? It seems there is some work that needs doing... :unsure


  • DMC_5.rar
    47.7 MB · Views: 91
As far as I can see, everything except "quests_reaction.c" is either the same in the update as it is in "DMC_5", or it has been updated, mostly for the benefit of translations. There has also been some updating of "quests_reaction.c". The attached version should include both the new DMC stuff and the other updates. Could you and @Sebrian try it out and see if anything is broken or is still missing?
Edit: attachment removed, new version attached in a later post.

And the location init entries that the JRH code refer to, aren't actually there.
Did Jack ever share his latest work on this...? It seems there is some work that needs doing... :unsure
@Jack Rackham?
Last edited:
This was the last quest_reaction I uploaded for (Sparrow) Singapore.


  • quests_reaction.c
    487.1 KB · Views: 48
Here are the three last packages I uploaded for @Sebrian.
They should be added in order 6 - 7 - 8.

I remember @Sebrian changed a music file (in quest_reaction). I don't have that change.


  • 8 Bathouse files.7z
    8.3 MB · Views: 71
  • 6 Singapore part 1.7z
    7 MB · Views: 67
Thanks, @Jack Rackham! I did have a "Bathouse files" folder from you, copied the "RESOURCE" stuff into the update but forgot to merge in "QuestLocations.c". But I didn't see any of the Singapore files.

This should be a complete version of "QuestLocations.c" with everything included. The Singapore "RESOURCE" files will be in the next update.


  • QuestLocations.c
    107.9 KB · Views: 49
With @Sebrian and @Hammie on the Discord, we just discovered that a LOT of his DMC code is missing from the latest updates.
@Grey Roger, could you check against attached latest files from Sebrian?

Also, it looks that there is a ton of Singapore and Bathhouse code in there by @Jack Rackham .
It appears that this may have replaced that added by Sebrian.
And the location init entries that the JRH code refer to, aren't actually there.
Did Jack ever share his latest work on this...? It seems there is some work that needs doing... :unsure

Hey there!

The quest reaction that i will upload is the latest for my quest, few small fixes, one major for Gibbs scene, please try to merge it into latest build update if possible, as it's from around the end of 2022 :wp

And i have discovered that the new engine does few things different as it seems, i can't make the scene with shooting a bow work, it used to function just fine before, maybe @Jack Rackham or you could help me out ?

case "spawn_cannibals_2":
        sld = LAi_CreateFantomCharacter(false, 1, true, true, 1.0, "RabBlack", "monsters", "monster1");
            sld.name = TranslateString("", "Cannibal");
            sld.lastname = "";
            LAi_SetHP(sld, 80.0, 80.0);
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            EquipCharacterByItem(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "pistolbow");
            EquipCharacterByItem(sld, "pistolbow");
            sld.id = "Cannibal_j";

            sld = LAi_CreateFantomCharacter(false, 1, true, true, 1.0, "RabBlack_1", "goto", "goto5");
            sld.name = TranslateString("", "Cannibal");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            EquipCharacterByItem(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "pistolbow");
            EquipCharacterByItem(sld, "pistolbow");
            sld.lastname = "";
            LAi_SetHP(sld, 80.0, 80.0);
            sld.id = "Cannibal_g";
            sld = LAi_CreateFantomCharacter(false, 1, true, true, 1.0, "RabBlack", "goto", "goto4");
            sld.name = TranslateString("", "Cannibal");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "bladearrows");
            EquipCharacterByItem(sld, "bladearrows");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "pistolbow");
            EquipCharacterByItem(sld, "pistolbow");
            sld.lastname = "";
            LAi_SetHP(sld, 80.0, 80.0);
            sld.id = "Cannibal_A";

            InterfaceStates.Buttons.Save.enable = 0;
            LAi_QuestDelay("run_to_cave_locators", 0.5);

        case "run_to_cave_locators":  
        LAi_SetActorType(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"));
        LAi_ActorRunToLocator(characterFromID("Annamaria"), "goto", "goto9", "", 18);
        LAi_ActorRunToLocator(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"), "goto", "goto7", "", 18);  
        LAi_QuestDelay("run_to_cave_locators_player", 1.8);      
        case "run_to_cave_locators_player":  
        //Deal with run/walk mode, here must run  
        if(AlwaysRunToggle == false)  {
        LAi_ActorRunToLocator (pchar, "goto", "Goto10", "dialogue_gibbs_cave", 31);
        else {
        LAi_ActorGoToLocator(pchar, "goto", "Goto10", "dialogue_gibbs_cave", 31);
        //Jack it's an ambush!
        case "dialogue_gibbs_cave":  
        LAi_SetActorType(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"));
        LAi_ActorDialog(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"),PChar,"",0.0,1.0);  
        Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Mr. Gibbs")].Dialog.Filename = "Mr. Gibbs_dialog.c";
        Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Mr. Gibbs")].dialog.currentnode = "dialogue_gibbs_cave";
        case "attack_cannibals_2":
            LAi_ActorAttack(characterFromID("Cannibal_j"), pchar, "");          
            LAi_ActorAttack(characterFromID("Cannibal_A"), characterFromID("Annamaria"), "");
            LAi_ActorAttack(characterFromID("Cannibal_g"), characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"), "");
            LAi_QuestDelay("attack_cannibals_poison", 3.2);  

        case "attack_cannibals_poison":
        LAi_ApplyCharacterDamage(Pchar, 15);
        LAi_ApplyCharacterDamage(characterFromID("Annamaria"), 15);
        LAi_ApplyCharacterDamage(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"), 15);
        LAi_QuestDelay("dialogue_gibbs_cave_poisoned", 1.0)

Save file from a player close to when you enter the scene location (road to your left)


  • -Poega-_Cozumel.rar
    1 MB · Views: 83
  • quests_reaction_newest_DMC.c
    558.9 KB · Views: 42
I tried to merge the various copies of the file.
@Grey Roger, @Sebrian and @Jack Rackham, could you check if the attached makes sense to you?
I think I may have merged a bit too much... :unsure


  • quests_reaction.c
    560.3 KB · Views: 45
About the bow. I'm sorry but I don't know anything about the new engine.
About quest_reaction. From my part it's the latest one I uploaded. If @Sebrian has added/changed stuff I don't know.
About the bow. I'm sorry but I don't know anything about the new engine.
About quest_reaction. From my part it's the latest one I uploaded. If @Sebrian has added/changed stuff I don't know.

Could i ask you to post an example on how you made characters to shoot before ? Using LAi_CharacterFireExecute(CharacterFromID("Cannibal_g"), Pchar, 100.0, 1);

Seems to work but there is no animation of gun being drawn or smoke, just the sound of a shot... thank you in advance!