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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)

Another quick fix for:

RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c; line: 9319
Missed array index
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c; line: 9659
Missed array index

Somehow i have missed it :facepalm

Question regarding exp rewards, i awant to add it after each of my quest segments, but kinda confused on the amount, and why durring the wole COTBP
story it's only sneak and leadership ?

                AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Leadership", 1500);
                AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Sneak", 50);
            else { AddPartyExp(pchar, 1500); }

@Jack Rackham i have made a tour of your Jungle_Church location, as i understand this is the only version of it ?

It's great but i will have to change the story quite a bit, you can watch a snippet of the film scene here:

It's upposed to be closer to a ruin of a chuch, and what we have doesn't really fit the story much, i can still make it work somehow but maybe there is something better that we could import or use.

And about the shipwreck location... i now will need it fot sure, it tried to do the scene without it but it doesn't seem right... what you have for Woodes Rogers seems perfect. if only it would be possible to drop the wreck into water with no surroundings and make it walkable :D (screenshot attached)

I only need the main deck.

Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this, i just don't have enough time to learn it right now, but i will try to in the futute.


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I'm working on the deck (again).
It will not have any exterior. (you can see into the lower decks from outside, from a shore for ex)
It will have work-arounds for the stairs. (npc:s and officers do not follow you up and down so best to have the action on the main deck)
You can see through the grids down into the water-filled hold.
I have also made the interior to work together with the walkable weather-deck. Do you want/need the interior too?
I'm working on the deck (again).
It will not have any exterior. (you can see into the lower decks from outside, from a shore for ex)
It will have work-arounds for the stairs. (npc:s and officers do not follow you up and down so best to have the action on the main deck)
You can see through the grids down into the water-filled hold.
I have also made the interior to work together with the walkable weather-deck. Do you want/need the interior too?

Thank you Jack, very much appriciated!

Yet again a snippet from film, so you can understand the scene that i'm doing right now...

Scene lnk

1. All the action is on main deck;
2. Location is supposed to be in the middle of the sea, what i do in my code is move player to HIS ship's deck, then after dialogue move player to the main deck of the shipwreck;
3. Shipwreckis in the middle of the sea (Think: sinking ship that has run into some reefs);
4. Player is teleported to a locator on said wreck's deck;
5. Spawn 3-4 npcs on locators, great if one locator is near ship's mast;
6, Dialogue between player and npcs;
7. Movie scene with Dutcman appearing;
8. Spawn 4-5 enemies and fight on deck;
9. Spawn Davy Jones and talk to player/npcs on deck;
10. Teleport back to players ship.

I hope this makes your job a bit easier, and the whole scene more understandable...

I have also made the interior to work together with the walkable weather-deck. Do you want/need the interior too?

Then leave it please if you can, as i can always disable reload to it if needed, and this whole shipwreck might be useful again in the story or sidequests.

I just recently started playing Woodes Rogers, and i must say your work with sounds and puzzles is something else, makes me want to redo some of COTBP scenes and my own to up the standarts! :cheers
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I think the deck will work.

But as I said the wreck seen from outside is a problem.

Maybe sink the hole thing so less of the cabins/holds are visible. (and the main deck gets partly flooded)
And very bad weather and very dark night...?
I think the deck will work.
View attachment 40589

But as I said the wreck seen from outside is a problem.
View attachment 40590

Maybe sink the hole thing so less of the cabins/holds are visible. (and the main deck gets partly flooded)
And very bad weather and very dark night...?

In Dead man's chest i will set it to be stormy/24:00 as it is in the movie, so for certain weather will be bad and it will be nighttime, and the player will only see the top of the deck where he is located, the whole shipwreck won't be seen in any way, but flooding it more is a good idea regardless, as it is sinking...
and the player will only see the top of the deck where he is located, the whole shipwreck won't be seen in any way, but flooding it more is a good idea regardless, as it is sinking...
Ok that´s good, but if you want to reach the forecastle, the quarterdeck or the poopdeck there are tons of locators that have to be moved.
I have to test everything more.
Ok that´s good, but if you want to reach the forecastle, the quarterdeck or the poopdeck there are tons of locators that have to be moved.
I have to test everything more.

Try to minimise the work needed for this, as other decks could be needed for sidequests but are not necessary at all for the main story, only the main deck is a must, with some room for the swordfight/talking scenes.

The jungle ruin/church location is more complicated, as i can't find anything like it... it doesn't even have to be a church really, just some ruins close to what we see in the scene, just not a fully intact building like we have right now...

I have most of the code ready for both of these locations, only the locations themselves are missing. We could have the whole DMC storyline ready by the next update, depending on how difficult it is for you to make them. :duel:
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Sebrian said:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 735
Save - ARef to non existing attributes branch
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 735
Save - ARef to non existing attributes branch
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 735
Save - ARef to non existing attributes branch
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 735
Save - ARef to non existing attributes branch[/CODE]
That error message is fairly routine and doesn't seem to indicate anything serious. It sometimes happens when saving a game. The game still gets saved and the save is loadable. So I've learned to ignore that one.

I've yet to get as far as "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" but if I remember, I'll check that one and see if I can put a couple of 'DisableFastTravel' lines to disable and re-enable fast travel. Or, since you are in a position to check it, perhaps you'd like to do the honours?

Joaquin Da Saldanha is only placed in Santo Domingo town hall after the main CotBP story is over. I've yet to have Barbossa's first mutiny, so it will be a while before I'm ready to check this sidequest, let alone your new DMC stuff. Meanwhile I'm checking other sidequests for bugs or tweaks, whether caused by DMC or not.

But I did manage to use some console trickery to add your new locations to my existing game. And that leads me to ask - have you checked "KhaelRoa_Jungle_Fake_Bridge" and "Indian_Village2"? According to "QuestLocations.c", locator leads to "Indian_Village2", locator "loc0". But "loc0" is type "rld", not "reload", so the reload to the village doesn't work - I spawn in the village but at the wrong place, unable to move except by sidestepping (I always have "InternalSettings.h" set to allow sidestep). This is usually the result of trying to spawn on a locator which doesn't exist, in this case "reload/loc0". I changed the code for "KhaelRoa_Jungle_Fake_Bridge" to:
    Locations[n].reload.l1.name = "reload4";
    Locations[n].reload.l1.go = "Indian_Village2";
    Locations[n].reload.l1.emerge = "reload1";
And then I was able to spawn in the village properly.
I've yet to get as far as "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" but if I remember, I'll check that one and see if I can put a couple of 'DisableFastTravel' lines to disable and re-enable fast travel. Or, since you are in a position to check it, perhaps you'd like to do the honours?

Yes for sure, i will test the quest a bit more and see what else i can find.

But I did manage to use some console trickery to add your new locations to my existing game. And that leads me to ask - have you checked "KhaelRoa_Jungle_Fake_Bridge" and "Indian_Village2"? According to "QuestLocations.c", locator leads to "Indian_Village2", locator "loc0". But "loc0" is type "rld", not "reload", so the reload to the village doesn't work - I spawn in the village but at the wrong place, unable to move except by sidestepping (I always have "InternalSettings.h" set to allow sidestep). This is usually the result of trying to spawn on a locator which doesn't exist, in this case "reload/loc0". I changed the code for "KhaelRoa_Jungle_Fake_Bridge" to:

It might indeed be my mistake, as during my quest player never walks into the village himself, player gets teleported to the village, and reload to village from the bridge is disabled in the quest. So i never really got to test the reload from the bridge to village, only from the village to the bridge :D would be great if you could set the correct locator!

//Fade before setting actors to sitting/stunned
        case "TP_Indian_village_fade":   
            LAi_Fade("TP_Indian_village", "");
        case "TP_Indian_village":       
            ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Annamaria"), "none", "", "");
            ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"), "none", "", "");
            LAi_SetOfficerType(CharacterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"));
            RemovePassenger(pchar, characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"));
            RemoveOfficersIndex(pchar, GetCharacterIndex("Mr. Gibbs"));
            RemoveOfficersIndex(pchar, GetCharacterIndex("Annamaria"));
            RemovePassenger(pchar, characterFromID("Annamaria"));
            DoQuestReloadToLocation("Indian_Village2", "goto", "goto4", "spawn_cannibals_3");
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If you only get to and from the village by quest teleport then it doesn't matter. I just used console magic to install the new locators, teleported myself to "KhaelRoa_shore_fake", and then walked all the way to the village.

Also, just noticed: "Tia_Dalma_swamp" has 'Locations[n].island = "KhaelRoa";' while "Tia_Dalma_hut" has 'Locations[n].island = "Eleuthera";'. Should those both be "Antigua"?
If you only get to and from the village by quest teleport then it doesn't matter. I just used console magic to install the new locators, teleported myself to "KhaelRoa_shore_fake", and then walked all the way to the village.

Also, just noticed: "Tia_Dalma_swamp" has 'Locations[n].island = "KhaelRoa";' while "Tia_Dalma_hut" has 'Locations[n].island = "Eleuthera";'. Should those both be "Antigua"?

I actually realized that when playing my quest yesterday, fixed in my version :D but yes it should all be Antigua.
@Sebrian, I'm working on the wreck but also with some house repairs so it takes a while.
Do you know how to add new locators or do you want me to place a couple for
npc:s on the wreck deck? For a fight or a dialog maybe?
Hey @Jack Rackham

I have no idea on how to add locators to be honest, i have tried to do something with them using TOOL, but failed :fiddle

I think you adding them will be much faster, i drew the prefered places for the locators on your model, i hope that helps. Of course it depends on which parts of the deck will be accessible.

A short tutorial on how to edit/add them would be much appriciated and ill try to figure it out then...


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Ok, I'll add some then. Don't have time for the tutorial right now.

Thank you!

@Grey Roger Is there some kind of a deadline for next update already ?

I have fixed some more minor things in "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance", and i'm pretty much done with all dmc's scenes besides church fights and the final Dutchman/kraken attack scenes, when @Jack Rackham finishes the shipwreck's deck ill just change the locators around and it should all be good to upload.
There's no fixed deadline. When your DMC work is completed at least to the point of being able to play to some sort of end point, that's when I'll want to release the next update. (It doesn't need to get as far as the end of the film. Just as long as whichever quests have started, also finish.)
Okay cool, right now there is a logical end point in my latest upload, but i think by the time you get to testing it i will be able to add some more, last two scenes won't be ready that fast most likely (for this update), as they will be the trickiest to code.
A short tutorial on how to edit/add them would be much appriciated and ill try to figure it out then...

There is one already, which I didn't remember. :pirate07:
Locators with the TOOL

(I have added your shipwreck locators anyway)