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HMS Surprise

I think I understand what bumpkin is saying. The old Surprise has much larger masts, booms, and rigging. The screenie in this link is not the best to show this, but the difference in size is clear. http://forum.piratesahoy.net/topic/16708-housecleaning/
I think your on the right track miklkit. I think people have the perception that tall ships had extremely tall rigs. I think it is due in part to the photo angle. Meaning low and from the bow or stern which give the rig the appearance of being much taller. In reality the Surprise/Rose (SurpRose, least that is what the Bounty crew member told she is being commonly referred to as these days) is 179 ft over all in length, being 135 feet on deck. The at the top of her main is 130 feet off the water.

Attached is a picture of the real Rose before she became the Surprise.

Alot of nautical terms can be confusing. In many cases the "Main" of is used to refer to the center mast system of the ship. Whereas the term "Fore" In reality the 'Fore' and 'Main' systems on the Rose are made of three separate masts. Starting from the highest named topgallent (pronounced t'gallent) mast, topmast and the mast. The Bowsprit is also a system of essentially masts. The system is comprises of the outboard spar called the Jibboom and the bowsprit itself which is secured to the Knee of the Head (the big piece of wood that figure head sits on) by the Gammonings.

Looking at other photos on the web you notice the jibboom is nearly as long as bowsprit it self.

hope this helps.
It is a beautiful ship. I wish I were as talented as those that draw them.


  • roseAtLunenburg.jpg
    164.1 KB · Views: 158
Thank's Bumpkin... Now i can't remade the masts, but i'll release a beta 1 like the current one, redo the masts and release the final version, for the terms, in italian i haven't got problem, i know that, but in english i don't know all them... Now a question, how can i change the textures file name using hex editor?
Now a question, how can i change the textures file name using hex editor?
In the HEX editor, open the GM file for which you want to change the texture filename. Find the old filename in the list of what looks like a complete mess of characters, then replace it with the new one. The new one MUST be the same number of letters as the old one, or this won't work.
Hope that helps. :onya
I can't find the name, if i upload the file can you change the name from surprise118 to surprise001 or some like this?


  • HMS_Surprise_path.gm
    50.6 KB · Views: 122
I can't find the name, if i upload the file can you change the name from surprise118 to surprise001 or some like this?
Yes, I can make the change for you. :yes

Hi, i'm redoing the last thing, i have fixed the bowsprite, or what is it, in italian it's "bompresso", and some textures... Now export, add the locators and finish it :keith
Looks Very Nice. I like the wood texture ones as well. The white masts & bowsprit in the Rose photo I posted are made of Steel. The topmasts, topgallent masts and jibboom are made of wood. The rope windings around the masts are simply decorations.
Thank's for the textures, i think the rn ships of that period had the mast painted, no?
The modelling work is finished! I removed the name from the name plate, fixed some things and added some arrels and other... Now the converting and the releasing :keith
Amazing! What a fantastic job you've done! :doff
I love what you've done to the model, you've got attention to detail.

There's something about the deck texture that makes me a bit dizzy when I look at it though, I think it's the edges (I can't make textures myself, so I'm not expert)

The wood itself looks amazing :D

If you're interested, I've got lots of high quality close up pictures of the Surprise from my trip to LA, I drove to San Diego just to see this ship :p My intention was to create a model, but I never got around to it.