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Hi, I'm a 3d modeller.


HoO Team Member
3D Artist
Hi guys! I'm interested in contributing to Hearts of Oak. I have always wanted to model a ship so I decided to model one. Well this is my second ship really. I was half way through modeling a galleon of 1577 then I decided to model a frigate of 1720 and I would like to donate it if I get done with it.

I've just started on it and the head of the ship seems to be a little tricky so I was hoping someone could give me advice on how to model the head rails. I'm using 3ds Max 2010. Should I use NURBs or a special spline or is it just a lot of finger work? Also what should my minimum and maximum poly count be for the hull? Here's a preview of it. I've just started on it on my spare time, so be kind. Thanks guys!


  • preview_ScarletWidow_1.jpg
    290.1 KB · Views: 204

There are some experienced shipwrights here so you will get plenty of critiques and suggestions. Have you looked into the ships section of the forum yet?
I can't seem to find the ship section. Is it game specific?

I notice there's the issue of the ocean mesh being inside of the ships in game. I know in Unity there is culling and I believe you might be able to use it to make the water in the hull disappear.
Ahoy, mate! I have added you to the team as provisional 3D Artist. That should give you access to the Ships Development forum.

@Captain Armstrong is supervising the ship modeling; he'll probably be around soon with some suggestions. :doff
That's a great attempt for a first ship! Is that HMS Greyhound?

There's an old tutorial on the PotBS forums for modelling the headrails here, but it seems the images aren't showing up any more.
Ahoy there, and welcome!:ahoy Looks like the Greyhound/Blandford to me! Or maybe a Spanish 6th rate designed by Jorge Juan? While 1720 might be a tad early, you have a really good start! any chance you could post wireframes? the tutorial that armada posted is a good comprehensive overview of all the parts, though IIRC it doesn't go super-in depth with modeling methods. I am more familiar with Maya than max these days, though I used to use a watered down ancient free version of max called gmax. in those days I just made headrails with finger work, but I wouldn't recommend that if it can be avoided with any other method:p in maya I've been using curves recently, does max have a similar function?
I believe this is the ship forum (not sure)
I got a forum error when I tried that link. Let's see if this one works.
Ok, it is the same link as RobinPC posted but his doesn't work for me but mine does. Does this mean that his link works for him but mine doesn't?
lol that's exactly the same as mine :modding

Actually those links are different. Having 'www' in the second one means the browser is going to look for a different subdomain than the one without. This just means that if you login to the site at https://www.piratesahoy.net and then try to navigate to a link at http://piratesahoy.net that your browser will assume that you are going to a different site and not use the cookies or session information that was created at your login. The same is true vice versa. Browsers treat a subdomain (www is a subdomain of the piratesahoy.net domain) as a different site altogether and do not carry over cookies or session info. Sorry, probably more info than needed, but I deal in browsers for my real job and this is a common misconception.
Actually those links are different. Having 'www' in the second one means the browser is going to look for a different subdomain than the one without. This just means that if you login to the site at https://www.piratesahoy.net and then try to navigate to a link at http://piratesahoy.net that your browser will assume that you are going to a different site and not use the cookies or session information that was created at your login. The same is true vice versa. Browsers treat a subdomain (www is a subdomain of the piratesahoy.net domain) as a different site altogether and do not carry over cookies or session info. Sorry, probably more info than needed, but I deal in browsers for my real job and this is a common misconception.
I didn't have the faintest clue about that! Thanks for explaining it. :cheers
I believe it. It seems ya'll are on the ball with this project and I can only imagine all the effort that is put into this in addition to normal work and personal lives. I'll be sure to include the appropriate amount of edge loops for the curves. Speaking of, I have found a way to make my head rails and some other parts. In 3ds max, you can create an object and add a modify to deform that object along a spline. Well I set up splines for the headrails and modeled the headrails straight up and down, then deformed them along the splines. Now I can tweak the headrails in it's default state and still have it deform along the editable spline. I have 4 done with one more to go, then I'll make the head timbers to support the headrails. It'll be awhile before I get them done though but I feel a lot better about making the head rails than I did before.

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Hi. Can you send me link with that picture of the ship?
I'm a little confused Swordar. Picture of the ship I'm basing it off from?