Maybe City of Abandoned Ships could be something to move this Build on to..?
It basically looks like what we have wanted all the time - historywise accurate content - all the important islands of the caribbean mapped accurate with their initial names - quests for every nation/faction (even the actual historical events)
Also, a translation of the Akella forum for "City of Abandoned Ships" with Babelfish:
- "Simulation of urban life in the ports"
- "Computer enemy is capable to the qualitative and quantitative comparison of the squadrons"
- "Improved animation of faces of the characters"
Also, a <a href="" target="_blank">review</a> at says (in this weird translation) <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="

" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
<b>Corsairs:City of the lost ships - in the West the game is known as: City of Abandoned Ships
Afterthe "returns of legendBrief information about the game" andthe "trunk of corpseBrief information about the game" many players for sure thought: "it is healthy... What now? So we will to the termination of century heat Spaniards, seize cities and search for treasures?". Inthe "city of the lost ships" the means of the life of daring captain no longer is not so customary and ordinary. Certainly, the task of governors (with exception of Englishmen), the pirate "rule", which is completed by the assault of panama, Quests from"KVLBrief information about the game", random commissions, and interesting "Easter eggs" — all this in the program of entertainments. But next...
Next, for example, is a flight to thus far not well-known Pieter's anyone Blada from the plantations in Barbados: several missions with the different versions of development, rescuing By dzheremi Of pita, collection of the old friends, whom then can be left with themselves to "sinko Of l'yagos". It is it's a pity, upon Colonel Bishop not to take vengeance, and there is no miss arabelly. Strictly, with the seizure of Spanish galeona topical twig concludes, is further in Pieter the same way as in other heroes — to wealth, glory, Tenochtitlanu with its wall of fire, idols, totems and bright views forgotten in the jungle, and... To city of the lost ships.
Even if in addone and not there was nothing, except this dump of those squeaking, that moan, as if discussing it was ship, it nevertheless produced indelible impression. The main thing, which succeeded for developers, — completely not new location and not the idea (is understandable, where we heard about this floating "prison"), but the disturbing sensation of participation to the large and dangerous secret. On the inattention it is possible generally to pass past it or simple not to recognize under usual Quest's mask. Intrigue podogrevayet the fact that some solutions do not lie on the surface; now and then it is necessary to think over, in what edges to search for the dropped small filament.
The atmosphere in GPK is sustained lustrously. Oppressive foul weather, which meets new inhabitant, alarming melody (by the way, the likable musical themes Of tenochtitlana and city — the creations of the habitue of forums Seaward of Nikolai "Claus" Makarov, and several excellent compositions are written by folk- group"road Of vodana"), helplessness... The matters, although entire islet consists of one-and-a-half ten habitable vessels, be sufficient: p'yanchugu because of the lattice take out, reconcile friends, with two murderous clans be dismantled, and the the very important — find the method to shed from the imprisonment. Sometimes, true, everything is abutted against scurry from one character to another, but incandescence this does not diminish. Moreover the standardization in Seaward came out memorizing, the remarks of majority of them were supply with sounied (!), and already Admiral chad's voice Kappera, which repairs by city, — priceless finding.
By the way, for the first time inthe "corsairs" we swim (rarely), and we walk along the bottom (still thinner). With the special attachment, certainly. Alas, on videokartakh Radeon sea depths appear palely, whereas to owners GeForce it transported more.
But if we speak about the mechanics, then changes in it a little (role system, let us say, the authors in no way they touched), then they are well noticeable. Very properly behaves ai: captains deftly maneuver, trying to constantly fire purpose, and no longer tyuey zastrevayut in the coasts; however, the once pursued me pirates thus was absorbed in pursuits, that they heated two of their three ships, once five after encountering with each other. In the hand-to-hand the enemies learned to jump aside back before shooting; furthermore, in the game appeared NPC, armed by mushketonami, which inflict big enough loss.
Briefly, struggles not a bit did not grow dim and did not bore, especially as the animation of those being fighting now — it is higher than any praises, any failures into the walls. The finished cursor Storm of series 2. *, for which"GPK" it became last project, worthily holds brand (altered effects, sea, weather and t. d.), in spite of age. Only, perhaps, which warped, — Pieter's Model Blada. Unprepossessing short-legged young person — weak means.
* * * 3 stars (85%)
New portion of captivating sea and not only adventures. But still — the very strong bridge, on which developers, I hope, they will switch over to"corsairs 4".