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Having Problem getting POTC to Work

Righty well I removed the tagged part of the bladeitem file - but it still crashes - and I don't have FFDSHOW AUDIO.
The compile file says the same as before, but the system log has changed. This is what the system log says -

<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
Techniques: 9 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 180 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 156592341 ticks.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

This really isn't looking to hopeful - any more ideas? Do you think it just doesn't want to work?
Thanks for all the advise and help so far!
The problem with ActionInterface wouldn't have happened until Build 14 as it didn't exist prior to that. If we're trying to get the stock game working, we need the logs from the stock game.

Check your Build 14 MODULES folder to make sure the file ActionInterface.dll exists.

EDIT: Actually, I don't know why it works at all considering it's spelled differently in the code. Let's just stick with getting the stock game working, then we'll worry about Build 14 bugs.

This is the logs from the stock game as when i reinstalled it I decided not to reinstall the builds to.

However, I did look for ActionInterface.dll in the stock game modules file - and it doesn't exist! Is this the problem then?