Well, I finally got around to installing this latest version. All went well until it was almost finished and then it said it could not find the ERAS2 readme and aborted.
EDIT 2 hrs later: This mod installer does not work right. I installed it manually and got the game running, sailed away on my first trade mission and got as far as the merchant store. Went in and got the loading screen and then it went black. No sound either. Did it twice with the same results.
E2: In the older install I thought that the boarding was broken in that once the fighting is done you are stuck there and can not go further.
This is not strictly true. When the last opponent falls an open lock appears in the top right of the screen and stays there for a few seconds. If you hit the space bar in this time you can continue, but if you wait too long it disappears and you are stuck. This happens on every deck so any looting results in you getting stuck.
It would be nice if this could be fixed.