I would like to change the GOF version of Jack Sparrow to the MadJack model, how do I do that?
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GOF 2.0 is built on GOF 1.1, this is because this was more stable and allows for a platform for future improvements to be done. Some changes to this have been made like realistic costs been changes, RTBL settings etc. This version is not going to have all the features you are use to in GOF 1.2, this is back to basics in a way. This doesn't mean that at some point features from GOF 1.2 will not be implemented, that will happen but at a very slow pace because of testing and trying to make sure the bugs from GOF 1.2 aren't also brought into this new version.
This is up as beta testing because its the stability of the game that requires testing, and i figured it would be nice for you guy's to feel involved. I am also hopping that some of you might be interested in helping develope GOF 2.0, the main aim is not to add new features just yet but to fix issues within the mod and game. I am limited in what i can do, for example i am no coder so i can't rewrite coding that isn't working correctly, i don't play the questlines so i don't work on fixes for them.
With help from coders and other modders this would be a great way to finally have a stable version of GOF and in time implement features from GOF 1.2 (again focusing on bug fixing and game stability). So please send me a PM or post your interests bellow. Sorry to say this but due to no way to upload the mod in a single line i have had to split it into parts, there are seven parts at 1.99 MB's per part, apart from the final part been (i think) 134MB's or there abouts.
///////Change Log:
* Improved RTBL settings.
* Goods prices changed for realistic costs mod switch.
* Ship reductions done, now less than 100 ships.
* Ship rates changed.
* Ship speeds, lowed for more realistic speeds.
* Ship turning speeds reduced to be more acceptable.
* Cannon/culverine HP increased.
* Moon texture changed.
* Sea calmness changed.
* Can't go to shore after starting as pirate nation = fixed
* Cannon/culverine ranges increased.
* Red Leg Greaves starts with ship "Schooner".
* Jerremy Pitt starts with ship "Empress".
* Can't load texture resource\textures\WORLDMAP\INTERFACES\EVENTBKG.TGA.tx = fixed
* Can't load texture resource\textures\WORLDMAP\INTERFACES\BUTTON.TGA.tx = fixed
* Almost all features from GOF 1.2 included now.
////////Explinations Of Above Changes:
Improved RTBL:
RTBL is a feature you can toggle on or off in the mods options, with it on you will see improvements to the tactical side of naval battles. Battles will take longer and skills will play a larger roll in how well you can do during battles. The first thing you will find when just starting out is how little damage you receive or deal to enemy ships and their crew, this is because the codding for shot types has been modified in a way that each shot type plays a role. Round shot is more for damaging ships at a distance, and although it will kill crew and damage sils it is more for damaging the ship while chainshot is for damaging the rigging and will also kill crew easier than round shot. Grape shot is the crew killer, this shot type will do next to no damage to the hull and rigging but till kill the crew easier than any other shot type. Bombs are a close quarters shot type, these are designed to do damage in all area's but can leave you in a position where your in boarding range of the enemy ship(s).
Realistic Goods Prices:
This was changed to give you a more realistic feel to trading because no merchant got rich fast from trading, it took time and time is what it will now take. You will still make more than enough money to cover your monthly upkeep. But it will mean your going to be more busy at the start trying to get money to buy a new ship, hire a officer, cover the ship upkeep etc. To make sure that it was more realistic (due to game/ my limitation) i have increased the cost of important goods such as food, shot types, medicine, weapons etc. Luckily you won't be resupplying your ships at every port so you don't need to worry to much about this. Just keep a note that when you do need to restock a ship that its going to cost you a lot fo money.
Ship Reductions:
We was planning on doing this before GOF 1.2 was released but those ofus who had been working on COAS from the start or who had ported/ worked on ships was finding it hard to see ships be removed. So rather than remove ships i simply added ships (started with a blank text document and went from there). It was the easiest way for me to do it, there are a few ships that may make it in but for the most part this is now finished. You will find a nice spread out feel to the ships now and most ships been more unique.
Ship Rates:
We have alway's ranked ships by the amount of guns mounted, less than 10 guns means its a class 7 ship, more than 100 use to mean a class 1 ship. This was the problem though, you would find powerfull ships in class 5 with 30+ guns. Took away a lot of the fun. So i have redone the ship rates to match what i wanted to achieve, and now you will find that the classes 5, 6 and 7 are more for small to medium sized ships with 29 guns or less. Class 4 and up is where the big boy's start to be seen.
Ship Speeds:
I looked at the ship speeds and decided to do a little look to get a more suitable basic ship speed, in stead i found the fastest every record set durring the age of sail, that was set by a French Corvette at 14.5 knots. So i figured lets do all the ship speeds and make it a little more realistic, i like the new ship speeds i think it adds more fun to the game and to naval battles.
Ships Turning Speed:
Not much to say about this one, apart from the ships turing speeds for all ships has been modified in one way or another to give each ship a more acceptable feel to them.
Cannon and Culverine Health Increased:
This was to make naval battles last longer, i know in real life a ship could loose many guns froma single broadside and as much as i would love to see that been made possible in COAs i feel that it would need to be a toggle switch because its not for everyone. So i took the route of increase the HP means less chance of a gun falling out that quickly and more difficult naval battles.
GOF 1.2 Ships And Textures:
Well its been proven that the ships in GOF 1.2 look better and most of them work perfectly, but to kill 2 birds with 1 stone it would be nice to see the GOF 1.2 ships outside of GOF 1.2 and see if they could be the soal reason for the game crashing durring big fights (i personally don't think it is just the ships).
New Moon Texture:
I have never liked the moon in COAS, its almost as if you could jump onto it. So after seeing the one in POTC's latest build mod i decided to add that to this mod and it works very nicelty.
Sea Calmness Fixed:
I have now looked into the sea again and have made many changes, now the sea will be much more rougher, so you will have times when it will be calm ish and times when it will be rough. The sea is no longer a constant similar thing, in GOF 1.2 the sea had been made to change to a more rougher sea as the night drew in. GOF 2.0 has been made in a different way, although it keeps the same concept it doesn't have the level of calmness that you found in GOF 1.2.
Cannon And Culverine Range Increased:
The 4Ibs cannon had a range of 300 and the 4ibs Culverine had a rane of 500. Now all calibure ranges have been increased by 100, so 4ibs Cannon is now 400 and 4ibs Culverine is 600. This doesn't mean that you can sit a long way from your target and pound them, although you can sit a little further away now. In fact the maximum range is 650, so the changes still keep with the idea of close fighting.
Characters Starting Ships Changed:
Don't worry this isn't every character its Jerremy Pitt's ship that has been changed because the Colonial Schooner is no longer in the game, so his ship is now the Empress. Red Leg Greaves also has been added to the small group of characters who start oout with a spacific ship, Red Leg starts with the Schooner.
Ship Interfance Textures.TGA.tx Fixed:
For some reason the ships interfance imagies must also be placed in the reasource/textures folder, don't get why that is but if they aren't then the system log stats texture missing for these ships. Although not game breaking it was done to reduce the amount of reported issue's and also a step into the right direction in hopefully having a more stable version.
1. Install a fresh copy of COAS.
2. Download and install Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0 Full Mod ( requires 7zip and is a self installing file, just guid the installer to where you installed COAS.)
3. If any patches download and extracrt them, copy the files and folders from within the patch folder and paste them into the directory you installed GOF 2.0, when asked if you wish to overwrite say yes, if you do not see this message then start again as you have done it wrong.
4. start game and have fun.
/////Link To GOF 2.0 Full Mod Please make sure you read the install directions above. 2/GOF 2.0 Full Release.exe
/////Link To GOF 2.0 Full Mod Patch V1.3 Please make sure you read the install directions above. 2/GOF 2.0 Full Mod Patch 1.3.7z
/////Link To GOF 2.0 Full Mod Patch V1.4 Beta V1 2/GOF 2.0 Full Mod Patch 1.4 Beta V1.7z
Known Bugs:
* AI reloading faster than you (needs testing, but this is also dependent on game difficulty as I believe the AI get bonuses for each level of difficulty).
/////Link To Tags: This is not a mod, in less you need to update the tags to play the game, do not download and install as this will not improve gameplay in any way.
I need my Rum damn it!!!!!
Nope. Didn't get into any combat. Sailed to Martinique, stored the frigate got a level 6 ship but couldn't get the store to trade got the I'm busy message for 5 days in a row. So I'm neutral to the dutch so went to Curacao and got the same message for another 5 days.Been a long time since I've done the Blood story line, but I don't remember EVERYONE being hostile at the end. Did you go full on marauding after you got yer frigate?
Yes. I'm experiencing frequent crashes with 1.4b, however, so I would be prepared to roll back to 1.3 if you need to.Hello there! Do I understand the installation properly?
1. Get CoAS.
2. Download GOF 2.0 Full Release.exe (2+ gb-sized file) and run it.
3. Download GOF 2.0 Full Mod Patch 1.3.7z and run it.
4. Download GOF 2.0 Full Mod Patch 1.4 Beta V1.7z and run it.
5. Enjoy the game![]()
I'll have to test it again. Perhaps it was a combination of mod settings I was using. If it's stable I'll want to work from there most likely.I don't have problems with crushes. Maybe it's a luck. And thank you.
Maybe if you send a PM to @ChezJfrey, he can help you out getting into the other site.I have a question about AOP 2 COAS and I think this is the best place to ask . I recently heard that there is a new mod called ERAS. I insta downloaded it from the site Welcome to the Reef! -. Now you may ask me why on Earth am I not writing my question on that site but rather here. Well, the login of the site buccaneersreef does not work for me. I get always a faulty mail to confirm my account.
Done. Message sent. Do you have any idea how can I solve the game issue yer old Seadog?Maybe if you send a PM to @ChezJfrey, he can help you out getting into the other site.
I know virtually nothing of CoAS. I know even less about Eras.Done. Message sent. Do you have any idea how can I solve the game issue yer old Seadog?![]()
the main COAS quest, the city was not appearing when I went to ship mode west of Havana
The game always crashes at a specific place, around 2m long from the stairs of the pyramid that lead to the 5 entrances. I tried to go around the pyramid, restart the game, my PC etc. I even tried to teleport to the totem slots in the pyramid. I managed to place the totems but I can't leave the location afterwards, I get the lock icon because the Aztec warriors spawn and I can't kill them because I can't move when I place the totem. Anyways, this "invisible crash box" around the pyramid is still there. I am not a programmer but I presume there is some sort of hitbox that represents the pyramid and maybe this file is missing or it is corrupted. Can anyone help me with this problem because I am running out of ideas here....I am opened to any suggestions - cheats, program modification or others to skip this annoying bug.
Eyyyyy, EYYYYY, HEHEYYY. It works! I can cross the hitbox now without a problem. Thanks a lot! As for the other site I am going to try to log in tomorrow. Have a nice day!This was a problem recently brought to my attention and was fixed in a recent update.
Coincidentally, the same user with the COAS problem, reported this same thing at Teno. He sent me a save file and you are on the right track about a 'hitbox'. Turned out to be a problem specific to the character model this person had selected and that area's 'collision detection' that is constantly running as the character moves. It had gone unnoticed because I do not have the luxury of testing every single one of the 130+ characters and that problem had never happened during my testing. The user sent me a save game file and through a step-through debug of the geometry code, I found the problem and rectified it; the particular character model must have been built in such a fashion that is not accounted for in the geometry collision detection written into the game. Anyway, that was recently fixed and is available in the latest at:
This character you are using may very likely cause those other random crashes during the game (as my personal testing never results in crashes), and might also account for your inability to move during those other scenes. Please download the latest and see if it solves the issue. If you continue to have this problem, contact me and let's arrange for me to get a save game so I can discern. The last user that brought this to my attention received a fix within hours.
Also, the registration has been problematic, with little help from GoDaddy concerning the issue, but a manual process can be done to approve your user ID. I was told that would be taken care of today, so please try your membership again and let me know how it goes.
My registration works as well. Thanks!This was a problem recently brought to my attention and was fixed in a recent update.
Coincidentally, the same user with the COAS problem, reported this same thing at Teno. He sent me a save file and you are on the right track about a 'hitbox'. Turned out to be a problem specific to the character model this person had selected and that area's 'collision detection' that is constantly running as the character moves. It had gone unnoticed because I do not have the luxury of testing every single one of the 130+ characters and that problem had never happened during my testing. The user sent me a save game file and through a step-through debug of the geometry code, I found the problem and rectified it; the particular character model must have been built in such a fashion that is not accounted for in the geometry collision detection written into the game. Anyway, that was recently fixed and is available in the latest at:
This character you are using may very likely cause those other random crashes during the game (as my personal testing never results in crashes), and might also account for your inability to move during those other scenes. Please download the latest and see if it solves the issue. If you continue to have this problem, contact me and let's arrange for me to get a save game so I can discern. The last user that brought this to my attention received a fix within hours.
Also, the registration has been problematic, with little help from GoDaddy concerning the issue, but a manual process can be done to approve your user ID. I was told that would be taken care of today, so please try your membership again and let me know how it goes.
You kiddin? This mod is buged AF, not only the beta but the stable too, there is no GOF stable version, all are full of bugs, its the game fault. Russians cant make decent games. There are worse things than crashes, like getting stuck, broken AI, and shit like that. I WONT RECOMMEND TOUCHING ANY GOF FOR YOU MENTAL HEALTH, just play Vanilla or dont play COAS.So it's truly to call GoF 2 with patch 1.4 beta the latest official version without too many bugs, isn't it?