Hello, I just signed up to say this is a fantastic mod, I've dabbled with the Pirate games over the years and tried out some mods, but I love this one. I just recently decided to try out COAS for the first time and soon looked for the mods. Of course this is the one that appears to be the "main man" and I'm really enjoying it. I've only started out on Captain difficulty and with some of the more difficult mod options switched off.
Though strangely I couldn't seem to budge the cost to recruit crew members, with the mod options turned on or off there was no difference on the costs to recruit a sailor. I was struggling for hours as the few sailors I could afford were so easily killed in any kind of conflict, sometimes it would be a matter of one broadside from an equally shitty ship and I'd lose 2k worth of sailors and never stand a chance at winning a boarding battle. I did however manage to find the scripting for the crew recruitment costs and I lowered the multiplier so I could buy probably 3 sailors for the same price as it used to cost me for 1 and I began progressing. Should there have been an option for me to lower the recruit cost?.
I did have a small rage moment where I finally captured a merchant ship, to find he had 450 8lber cannons in his hold ( I think it was 8lbers if my memory serves me right ). Seeing that I had got really lucky and just got myself a fair amount of gold for a new character, I prepared both ships to sail back, thinking how I was going to spend my gold. But as soon as I returned to the world map a pirate vessel that I thought I remembered being miles away was now instantly on top of me, attacked me, then spawned right in the middle of my two damaged and low crewed boats, completely owning the both of them,

I did get my revenge on the Pirates later on though when one of them relentlessly chased me blindly into a port, as he tried to escape the forts cannon fire I pursued him for miles until I eventually caught up with him, the crew had been wiped out and it was an easy victory. The boat was the class 6 "Sophie", a Pearl, which was apparently Jack Aubreys once upon a time. I'm still using it now actually as it has a nice hold size, carries enough crew to overpower merchant crews after wearing them down with cannon fire, it has a nice speed and seems to deal with the wind well. With it I captured a class 5 ship, I can't remember the strange name but it had 20 12lb cannons and only a slightly higher crew amount than my own ship, now I am sailing with both ships to plunder enemy countries Merchant shipping and having a lot of fun.
Anyone have any tips for a new player like myself of other ways I might find more fun to be had?. I am planning on building a cheap fleet and searching for an enemy war ship to attack. I will use my lesser ships to take the bulk of the punishment whilst hopefully gunning down the bigger ships crew and sails so I stand a chance at capturing it, is this a good idea?.