Hello everyone!
First, this is awesome mod! I just love it!
Second, I have few questions.
1. How can I change damage done to hull and crew by cannonballs and bombs?
I tried changing it in mod options between COAS, inbetween and GoF settings, but always there is some unbalance.
In coas setting you kill with cannonballs (and bombs) too much crew and do nothing damage to hull, inbetween is same, and in GoF setting you don't damage anything at all, unless you have ship full of powder and bombs. I know my cannoners aren't best in Carribean, they are just average, but it's not realistic actually. Bombs should destroy hull and crew, balls hull. So, that's why I ask you, where should I edit damage done by bombs and balls? I tried searching in installation folder in programs, but I couldn't find it. I already edited some crew stats, and ships, characters, with use of your tutorial, which is very helpful. But I can't find where to edit damage done by weapons.
2. Also, I tried to edit cannon damage and range. I wanted better range for caliber 48, so I found CANNONS folder, but didn't know what to do from there. I edited few numbers, but nothing changed. That's why I thought it's maybe wrong folder, but tried searching elsewhere and didn't find anything. So, can you help me?
Thank you very much!
p.s. Sorry if there are mistakes in this text, my English is not very good, I'm Croatian, and I know just basics![]()
Luke159 is the expert here so you should look in his RTBL topic for clues - and - you should also look at the Nixarass cannon damage mod.
In addition, you realize that all the damage dynamics are tied directly to you and your gunner's skill level, skills and perks. Because of this I often like to play on Mod Options "In Between" starting out, and when I level up to about 15 to 20 I switch over to "Realistic". I feel like you become too deadly when you get to higher levels so I like realistic at that point.