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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

For what it's worth, I for one would really like to download Eras upon release. Although I have always preferred ships of the later periods, I can't help but admire your work on the ships in Eras.
Problem is, I still don't have CoAS. :facepalm
Hallo GOF Fans and Pirates,

Please Can someone answer the following questions Bzgl GOF 2.0 mod?

1.) does anyone work on the GOF 2.0 Mod (don't let die this Mod)
2.) Is in the GOF 2.0 Mod: Cpt. Blackbeard(NPC) and Sword of Triton?
3.) and is in the GOF 2.0 Mod any New Islands?
4.) is in the GOF 2.0 Mod: Eward Teague(NPC), Tia Dalma(NPC)?

It would be nice if anyone can answer my this.

To all GOF 2.0 Modder, i am looking for contact to a GOF Moder,
to Show them me littel ideas! I would be happy if someone
Contact me.

Cu Jacko
I'm still alive and i'm still buy working on these changes. In fact i had made a further 2 patches with the last one 2.0.9 removing the surrender feature. Anyway i have gone bac to the drawing board and rather than import stuff from GOF 1.2, i have decided i will focus on bug fixing so that we have a solid platform in which to work off of. The new mod will have to be uploaded to ModDB because it will be easier for many people to download and it will free up the FPT for Pieter who must be in need for the space GOF 2.0.1 Beta has taken up (sorry for my ignorance of not been here bud).

So the new version, called GOF 2.0.2 doesn't have some of the features that 2.0.1 had, the first of those is the reinit feature hasn't been added (although that will be added) just got to remember which files i need to get the coding from. Now with the COAS FTP gone i can't download the small patches to to find the one where it was added so i can reduce the files i need to search through. Anyway the new mod is GOF 1.0 and GOF 1.1 with some of the files from GOF 2.0.1 installed, the files been things like the shipsutilities and Cannons.C files etc.

So anyone willing to help out not only with the testing but bug fixing feel free to send me a PM, All i ask is that those willing to help out with the bug fixes. Only to focus on bug fixing and not porting, adding or changing anything so that we don't end up going back on ourselves to test something out because of a new feature or change. The only changes i want to see are those to bugs, later on we can work on small mods which will add features that can be fully tested before new features are added. My main goal still stands though, i only want to make GOF stable and have as much content added in GOF 1.2 as possible.

I don't know when it will be, that you will see GOF 2.0.2 on ModDB. But as soon as its up i will post the link in the first page of this topic. For now i don't have as much time as i did, so i can't say as to how active i will be on the forum. But just because i'm not online for a few day's doesn't mean i haven't had time to work on the mod either. Ship aupdates that have been released for fixing rope issue's etc will need to be moved into GOF, no new ships can be added on till testing is over (and i don't expect testing to end for a long time).
Ok rather than release the whole mod again, i have put all changes into a patch, GOF 2.0.8. Bellow is the change log.

////////////Change Log:
* Derfflinger waterline changed to -0.6 by---------------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Crew hire costs lowered--------------------------------(currently to be tested)
* Player starting money increased to cover all starting goods and crew costs-----------(currently to be tested)
* Direct sail from GOF 1.2--------------------------(requires testing, i also forgot to inlude this in the readme included in the patch)

* Lyon model updated to latest version by----------------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Derfflinger high camera bug fixed by-------------------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Sloop spanker fixed by---------------------------------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Nightmare model updated to latest version by-----------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Unicorne model updated to latest version by------------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Character error messages--------------------------------(currently to be tested)
* Fixed missing musket by--------------------------------------------------------------------Buho
* HMS Victory sails fixed by-----------------------------------------------------------------Hylie Pistof
* Surrender feature from GOF 1.2 reverted back to a earlier version for testing.
* BlackPearl1 sailorpoints file updated to latest version by---------------------------------Superkid

Link added to first page.
Thanks for keeping up the work on the mod! and i think you mean 2.0.8*

No problem bud, its been a while but durring my inactive time from the forum i had still worked a little on the game. I just had to do some code hunting to fix a few things before releasing the update. No it is version 2.0.8, but when using 7zip to rare the files up, it adds the .7zip to the end making it look like

Oh wow! Perfect Thanks.

Your welcome bud, now all that is needed is some people to help test the game. No restarts due to patches or nothing. Just play the game as you would and have fun, report any bugs you find and i will get to work on trying to fix them and when i'm happy with the amount of testing (it will be a lot of testing though) i will release the bug fix patch which can then be tested.
After sailing from Base Terre to Charlsetown in 3rd person sailing i was hopping to find the island of Nevis with a fort and town waiting. Sadly this wasn't the case, so direct sail is still not working. I will look into that at a later date and continue testing.
I'll install the 2.0.8 version of gof next week after this block of classes is over and get to bug testing whenever i have time to :) and i was referring to the fact that you called it gof 1.0.8 in your post :p

Also 2 quick question:

Does this mod replace patch 2.0.7 or does it go on top of it?

and can you upload the patch somewhere else? mediafire says that its limited the dl limit of the file.
No problem bud, hopefully most bugs are fixed already by now.:onya

Yes you can install this patch over 2.0.7, or if you going to install a fresh version at any point then all you need is GOF 2.0.1 and the latest patch. All patches already include all previous work from the older patches. Once the testing is over and i'm happy i will release a full version of GOF2 as that is then fully up to date and tested, that way we have a fully up todate version of the stable mod. That is a long way off though.

Oh ok, i didn't click on 1.0.8 lol, anyway thanks for pointing that out.;)
Hello Guys.

Please don't let the GOF Mod die!!!

Guys i need for me littel GOF Mini Mod:
• Free Moders
• Quest writer and creater

I think Luke was saying that he ISN'T letting it die just yet. :whipa

Thats exactly what i was saying bud.:onya

I believe we have done well, we've made GOF more stable and that was a big issue with GOF 1.2. I'm hopping we have fixed the boarding issue's now which was the second big bug from GOF 1.2. There are bugs within GOF 2 and i hope to fix them as and when i can, however i'm like so many here who learned how to nod by trial and error and alot of the bug fixing for things i have never looked into will be done through trial and error. But by the time the bug patch is done, i'm hopping we have alot if not most bugs fixed, i don't know of anyone else working on COAS now (other than MK, but he's bussy with the era mod). While we all wait for the era mod, this gives us something to do to pass the time and keep the interest, and it gives me chance to finally give the fans the mod we originally intended to release.
Yes, this Chance to refresh the Interess of GOF Mod.

I think we can with New Mini Mods the GOF Mod expand,
and this Could keep the intess of Mod alive.

I work yet on the Concept paper of me Mini Mod,
but i alone can Finish it. I Need helper!!!

Ps: is the Patch 2.0.8 the Bug Patch or will came later
A New One?

Cu Jacko
No patch 2.0.8 was the patch i was working on before i burnt myself out and then got into a position where i was doing more racing on F1 2012 than i normally do. The bug patch will be much later. For now the focus point is testing only, with all bugs reported in here so i can get to work on trying to fix them. Only once i am happy to say testing has finished, will i release the bug patch.
All the time i have been thinking the error that yu are given when manually aiming at a ship was because the ships coding was wrong, a typo or something. Now i know its not the case. I was just in a battle against 2 pirtate ships and using manual aim i had no problems, then i boarded one of the ships and sunk it and as i came about to fire a broadside at the sole remaining pirate ship (again manual aiming) i was thrown the error message. Up on till the sinking of that ship i had not been given any error messages on either ship. So its something else i need to look into, perhaps the code for ships sinking or a code that referse to that code that isn't working correctly.

If anyone knows what it might be feel free to point in on the correct track, in the mean time i will add that to the list of bugs to fix and continue my testing. Also the imagie bellow is not from the battle i'm talking about, but another battle i had a few hours ago. But it shows the exact same error thrown after sinking 1 enemy ship out of a minimum of 2 enemy ships in battle.


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