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Mod Release Gentelmen of Fortune! v1.2 Full Release Patch 1.0 FAQ/Bugs/Installing

Hello, can anyone help me? I don´t seem to undestand the "Navigation" skill in GOF 1.1.2. I travel from one port to another and it doesn´t increases the skill. It only works when I carry a passenger, escort a ship or transport something for the merchants. Only when this quests are active it "registers" the sailing experience. When I go freely, just sailing from one port to another nothing changes. My "Navigation" skill remains the same. Is it a bug or something? How can I increase this skill without any active quest. Sorry for my english and thank you in advance.
That's no bug.

The Navigation skill increases if you are at see and travel at sea it takes month to gain points depending upon your setting (experience low or much more needed for level-up).

With the max setting of gaining experience (you need less points to level up at navigation) you need like 8-10 hours playtime to be able to be a good skipper at a 4th rate ship, of course that can vary from player to player but it takes long it can also be twice as long if you've picked another setting of gaining experience at game start.

The game is meant for a long run so hang in there and enjoy your pirate career.
Thanks for answering so quick, Joe. Let me see if I get it right, and forgive my ignorance. So when I travel with no active quests the skill rises anyway, but so slightly that it doesn´t changes the experience percentage, that means it increases 0,x, not even 1%? Because with an active quest in a short trip (from Nevis to Antigua) it went like 69% and two skill points ahead (I had 0% and 5 in the skill and after that quest I had 69% and 7 in the skill). It was a two days (in the game of course) trip. I tried to do it on the world map (I prefer to sail it in direct sail, but just to try) and it was the same. Two skill point ahead. Now I do a long trip, from T. and Tobago to Cuba without a quest and i doesn't goes up. I don't seem to get it in my rough wooden head. Is it explained, the skill system, on any .txt or somewhere besides the Character menu? Thanks in advence once again. It's just a detail it's an excellent mod anyway.
No problem Canoppio.

I can just tell from my experience and that is that the navigation skill for your player character rises over time and that is due to complete missions and as mentioned also if you just sail around. Many times I simply battle and sail around without completing missions and still the Navigation skill rises. So the factors that seems to count here are (listed with no particular order).

-Sailing on the world map
-In battle at sea
-riding a storm
-complete quests

The fact that it takes very much time makes it understandable that you can't see a change after you traveled for instance from Bermuda to the Spanish Main. The increase is so low it's probably not even noted in the char stats though it is there.
Hello, I have a problem with GoF (v.1.1.2). I can't adjust brightness and gamma, because the window with these settings is inactive. It is impossible to move the sliders to adjust them. I will be grateful for your help.
I have Win XP and GF 7600 GT.
Thanks a lot, Joe, now I seem to understand. Anyway just sailing is fun but I need the skill to get better ships. To the sea, then and to enjoy the view, the battles and everything else. In return for your patience I'll send you one of my "Ships 'n sea" drawings. A token of gratitude. One last question, it always rains at 21:00 right? It is not random at any time? And it rains only from, for example, 21:04 and stops 21:08. I tried to change it from the .c files but it's still the same. If anyone knows why or any ideas how to fix it I would thank.
Hello, I have a problem with GoF (v.1.1.2). I can't adjust brightness and gamma, because the window with these settings is inactive. It is impossible to move the sliders to adjust them. I will be grateful for your help.I have Win XP and GF 7600 GT.
It's since the game runs in windows mode not fullscreen, that can be changed in the engine.ini file very easy. I'll check the exact value you need to adjust and post it later on. I'm not at my PC so can't say out of my head and can't check. I'll tell you soon.

Thanks a lot, Joe, now I seem to understand. Anyway just sailing is fun but I need the skill to get better ships. To the sea, then and to enjoy the view, the battles and everything else. In return for your patience I'll send you one of my "Ships 'n sea" drawings. A token of gratitude. One last question, it always rains at 21:00 right? It is not random at any time? And it rains only from, for example, 21:04 and stops 21:08. I tried to change it from the .c files but it's still the same. If anyone knows why or any ideas how to fix it I would thank.
We all are pretty friendly around here and I'm happy if I can help so more people can enjoy this great mod to the fullest. "Ships 'n sea" drawings? Now I'm curious, thanks in advance.

About the rain... thats odd... I'm almost sure that it is random. The last time I played it rained by day and also by night with intervals it stopped. Maybe its just a coincidence that the time you describe it rains? I don't know.

on a side note many changes you might do yourself in the gamefiles will only take effect if you start a complete new career, with the exception of some files where it works. It's how the game is designed. Also some data seems do be leftovers or unused by game so you might end up editing some value and don't see any effect. It can be tricky to find the correct code to change some setting.

it's best to not change anything you simply can ruin your running career the game unfortunately isn't very stable and changing values in an active career increaes the chance for crashes (ctd)
I don't know what happens, i see it rains any time but it lasts a few seconds and it clears. Not even the 4 minutes hour change. Has anyone had the same problem? It's a shame because rain is beautifully done. Just in case I installed CoAS, then GoF 1.0, then 1.1 and the 1.1.1 patch and then 1.1.2. I think is no there as it seems to be the only "bug" or "personal bug" as it doesn't happens to everyone.
No problem Canoppio.

I can just tell from my experience and that is that the navigation skill for your player character rises over time and that is due to complete missions and as mentioned also if you just sail around. Many times I simply battle and sail around without completing missions and still the Navigation skill rises. So the factors that seems to count here are (listed with no particular order).

-Sailing on the world map
-In battle at sea
-riding a storm
-complete quests

The fact that it takes very much time makes it understandable that you can't see a change after you traveled for instance from Bermuda to the Spanish Main. The increase is so low it's probably not even noted in the char stats though it is there.

Just to added to this, if you sail a ship that you do not have the skills for and/or do not have a navigator who has those skills then your skills will rise slower than normal depending on the negative hit. The lower your skills and the higher the ships class the more the hit on your skills, its alway's a good idea to hire a good navigator as he'll allow you to sail a higher class of ship or if you are happy with your current ship then you can navigate the ship better with the ship been a little faster. If the stats on the ship panel that shows navigation, gunnery etc are red then use a lower class of ship because you will be taking negative hits to your skills. You can right click on any of the ship skills and it will give you a short discription about it, but for navigation it will tell you the required navigation skills for each class. Comes in very handy when you see a ship you like but aren't sure if you or your navigator (if you have one) have the required nav skill to sail her.
Go to the main folder of your game. In Age of Pirates 2 you find a file named engine or engine.ini depending upon your OS setting the extension will be hidden

Find the line
full_screen = 0

and change it to
full_screen = 1

There you go you should be able to adjust brightness and all setting ingame again as drawback you most certainly can't tab-switch the program since that will lead to a CTD, well for me it is that way.


You installed correctly. Got no idea why it is that way. As mentioned maybe you've changed some values by hand while your career is running certain things can happen then

-the changes does not apply at all, only a restart, a new carreer will bring the changes
-the game might crash
-some strange things might happen
Go to the main folder of your game. In Age of Pirates 2 you find a file named engine or engine.ini depending upon your OS setting the extension will be hidden

Find the line
full_screen = 0

and change it to
full_screen = 1

There you go you should be able to adjust brightness and all setting ingame again as drawback you most certainly can't tab-switch the program since that will lead to a CTD, well for me it is that way.

Thank you very much :)

I think I found one more bug. I have a lot of money (about 200 K), but when I'm sailng on world map and it's time for pay salary to my crew (about 30 K), I can't accept the payment in in this window. I have to refuse, because the button to accept is innactive. Every month my crew wants higher salary (because previous is unpaid), i still have enough money but, it is impossible to pay.
Please help me.

[sorry for my english]
Go to the main folder of your game. In Age of Pirates 2 you find a file named engine or engine.ini depending upon your OS setting the extension will be hidden

Find the line
full_screen = 0

and change it to
full_screen = 1

There you go you should be able to adjust brightness and all setting ingame again as drawback you most certainly can't tab-switch the program since that will lead to a CTD, well for me it is that way.

Thank you very much :)

I think I found one more bug. I have a lot of money (about 200 K), but when I'm sailng on world map and it's time for pay salary to my crew (about 30 K), I can't accept the payment in in this window. I have to refuse, because the button to accept is innactive. Every month my crew wants higher salary (because previous is unpaid), i still have enough money but, it is impossible to pay.
Please help me.

[sorry for my english]

You are right and it's a known issue see here.
Well, now I found that editing the weather files does affects the game in progress, this is to anyone who wants to tweak or mod the weather as it doesn't requires a restart. I didn't figured what's wrong with my rain though. It lasts a few seconds randomly and dissapears. I re-installed it from zero and does the same thing. If anyone with this fully working can send to me the "AOP2\programs\weather" folder just to see if it's the same. Thanks to everyone.
I have another problem. I have an excellent spyglass and it shows no more informations than cheap spyglass. Is this another bug?
...can send to me the "AOP2\programs\weather" folder just to see if it's the same. Thanks to everyone.
I'll have a look today, if the folder is small enough I'll upload mine tomorrow.

I have another problem. I have an excellent spyglass and it shows no more informations than cheap spyglass. Is this another bug?
That's not a bug. If you've switched realistic spyglass on in the mod options it works as intented... can't remember what exactly is the difference since I changed that in my private version quite heavily.

You can however disable the realistic spyglass with one click in the mod options then you have much more info again with the excellent spyglass, should work without restarting your career try it out..

place can you addin the GOF 2.0 a no-cd crack!?
I don't see a need for that if one must use something like that he can get that elsewhere but this is a mod and those usually don't provide no cd and or cracked exe. Just my 2 ct mate... besides this is not the right place to ask that.

besides a no cd or cracked exe can cause CTD and more instability we don't need that do we?
]That's not a bug. If you've switched realistic spyglass on in the mod options it works as intented... can't remember what exactly is the difference since I changed that in my private version quite heavily.

You can however disable the realistic spyglass with one click in the mod options then you have much more info again with the excellent spyglass, should work without restarting your career try it out..
Thanks again :)
1) I have one more problem. I have neutral relationships with United Providence and there is no bounty on my head. Despite this, Dutch ships are still atacking me, and I can't go to Curacao because port cannons are shooting me (so I can't finish quest Killing the Beggars). My nation is England (Blood), and its at war with United Providence.
How can I fix this?

2) Is it normal that my officers (fighters) may die during boarding? If so, they are usseles, because i can loose them in every boardin of bigger ship.
3) If capitan in tavern agree to join me, I can sell his ship and hire him as officer (Captain have very good stats (f.e. "cannons" 96). So I can earn money and hire very good officer for free. Is this a bug?
1) I have one more problem. I have neutral relationships with United Providence and there is no bounty on my head. Despite this, Dutch ships are still atacking me, and I can't go to Curacao because port cannons are shooting me (so I can't finish quest Killing the Beggars). My nation is England (Blood), and its at war with United Providence.
How can I fix this?

2) Is it normal that my officers (fighters) may die during boarding? If so, they are usseles, because i can loose them in every boardin of bigger ship.
3) If capitan in tavern agree to join me, I can sell his ship and hire him as officer (Captain have very good stats (f.e. "cannons" 96). So I can earn money and hire very good officer for free. Is this a bug?
Fist thing first I've attached the weather folder so you can compare it with your files. I think I haven't modded something inside there so should be GoF v1.1.2

to 1)
That happens from time to time seldom though. Some important notes about realations you-nation-other-nation.

A. The personal nation you are, lets say a French and try to sail into an English port for instance the English are neutral to French so the national and the personal requirement for a peacefull encounters are set, you will not be attacked.

B. If you are French and have even Good realations to the English but French is at war in general with the English and you try to sail into the harbour flying a French flag the Fort and ships will open fire on you since you represent the enemy to teh English, French in this case.

Check the nation realationship as well as your personal realationship they must both be neutral at minimum so you won't be attacked.

to 2)
Yes that is normal to use one as fightwer make sure he has good stats in the fighting department and many HP doesn't hurt either also good skill in defence is a plus also you must take into account that your fighters will take advantage of heal potions. Give them some potions so they can heal themself in combat to a certain degree, that helps that they don't die that fast though it's no guarantee. It's pirate life you know one can die in an instand *smiles*

to 3)
That's the best that can happen to the player to get a ship and companion for free so he can do whatever he likes to the gift... yes it's just that way however it doesn't happen all the time quite often those guys simply say "No thanks" to you. So be happy if they join.

Sometimes they even ask for money to join you.

All in all no bugs you report here mate but gameplay related things.


  • Weather.7z
    20.9 KB · Views: 106
Thanks for sharing the folder, Joe. It still does that weird rain stop thing. I´ll try installing those TAGES drivers, but don't know if it's that. The rest of the game is running nice i think. Now somebody can explain me how to get poits to my character, I'am at level 3 and don't have any personal or ship skill ot any other. Isn't it like PotC? One skill point and two abilities per level up?