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Mod Release Gentelmen of Fortune! v1.2 Full Release Patch 1.0 FAQ/Bugs/Installing

What is your authority number? Also are you the captain of a ship that is beyond your abilities? You will see negative numbers next to your character numbers on the interface if that's the case. These areas will keep you from recruiting more officers and that's why it says you have a full crew.

I have a major issue, and a few minor ones. (Everything else has been great with this mod so far, great job!) I did a clean install of the game, then added the GOF mod....just so you know.

Major Issue: I started as Red Legs Greaves, and as a Pirate. I went through the start, selected my abilities, did the sword practice, but when I clicked 'Go ashore' ....nothing happened. I tried clicking mouse buttons, enter, fast travel, etc.....I was stuck on the boat. I tried again, and the same thing happened. So I tried being English, and it worked fine. I tried the Pirate again, and it would not go ashore. So, I used the dev cheat to go to tavern, and that worked.....but when I went to port, I thought they were shooting cannons to salute how awesome I am and everything, but noooooooo.....they were shooting at me. Because I went into an English tavern, and the Pirate flag on my ship proudly flying. That didn't end well for me. So the setup of the boat location is near Barbados.
So in short, I cannot play as a Pirate Nation guy.

Minor issues: I was in a ship battle with a class 6 ship, mine was a class 4. My Authority and Leadership are maxed. I blew all his sails off, and took his crew down to a sliver of white with Grape Shot. I had 188 men on my ship, he had maybe two, and he didn't surrender at my boarding. Then I noticed, no one was surrendering no matter how out classed and outnumbered they were. My pirate is an evil dude that likes taking slaves and selling them, but the game isn't allowing it now.

I have forgotten the other minor issue....so it must not be worth mentioning. lol
So the pirate nation is broken, we will have to look into this.

The surrender was removed because of some problems which we had and will be added back in once we have fixed the issue where everyone surrendered no matter how high the odds was stacked against you. IE a MOW surrendering to you when you are using a Sloop and not a single shot fired from either ship is a perfect example. So for now no ships will surrender.
So the pirate nation is broken, we will have to look into this.
Confirmed. Probably this code isn't working for Pirates:
ch.HeroParam.ToCityId     = FindAlliedColonyForNation(sti(ch.nation), true); // JA: Nation-Dependent Start Location
You could revert to my copy of the code or simply do something like this:
	// JA: Nation-Dependent Start Location -->
if(sti(ch.nation) == PIRATE)	ch.HeroParam.ToCityId     = FindAlliedColonyForNation(sti(ch.nation), true);
else							ch.HeroParam.ToCityId     = "Pirates";
// JA: Nation-Dependent Start Location <--
Thanks Pieter, downloading your update now so i can get the changes you had made to the rpg utilities file. Looks like the patch will have to be updated again. :modding
Thanks Pieter, downloading your update now so i can get the changes you had made to the rpg utilities file. Looks like the patch will have to be updated again. :modding
What update is that? I haven't uploaded anything recently; not AFTER you posted your patches anyway.
You could try the code I posted rather than reverting to my old code; that way, at least we keep Jonathan's code in use as much as possible.
Sorry to be the bad news bringer. But it's been awesome so far.....just the Pirate Nation not working is the only major problem for me.
Instead of re-doing 1.1, just make a new patch, 1.2.

Ok, i will use GOF 1.1 as the base and add all new updates over that so when its released anyone new to GOF doesn't need to download GOF and then 2 patches.

Thanks Pieter, downloading your update now so i can get the changes you had made to the rpg utilities file. Looks like the patch will have to be updated again. :modding
What update is that? I haven't uploaded anything recently; not AFTER you posted your patches anyway.
You could try the code I posted rather than reverting to my old code; that way, at least we keep Jonathan's code in use as much as possible.

Moree bas new's, that code you posted didn't work Pieter. I have now got the code from the patch update you released a while back and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't then we are back to the drawing board.

Yep bad news, its not Jonathan's code. So its back to the drawing board. :modding
Instead of re-doing 1.1, just make a new patch, 1.2.

Ok, i will use GOF 1.1 as the base and add all new updates over that so when its released anyone new to GOF doesn't need to download GOF and then 2 patches.

Thanks Pieter, downloading your update now so i can get the changes you had made to the rpg utilities file. Looks like the patch will have to be updated again. :modding
What update is that? I haven't uploaded anything recently; not AFTER you posted your patches anyway.
You could try the code I posted rather than reverting to my old code; that way, at least we keep Jonathan's code in use as much as possible.

Moree bas new's, that code you posted didn't work Pieter. I have now got the code from the patch update you released a while back and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't then we are back to the drawing board.

I know you guys want to fix the mod overall, but can you change the location of the starting ship location to Bermuda? (Where the start of the game is for non-Blood characters) That way people can use the Dev console (F11) cheat to go to the proper tavern. I think it's set for closest port. It's not a fix, but it's a major help.
Or tell me how and I'll do it myself.
Ok more plodding around and it was Jonathan's code after all, i have reverted back to the one that sets all nations to start at their main ports and that works for the pirates now as well. :dance
Ok more plodding around and it was Jonathan's code after all, i have reverted back to the one that sets all nations to start at their main ports and that works for the pirates now as well. :dance

Can you post that code and where to put it ? Pretty please with a wench on top?
Ok more plodding around and it was Jonathan's code after all, i have reverted back to the one that sets all nations to start at their main ports and that works for the pirates now as well. :dance

Can you post that code and where to put it ? Pretty please with a wench on top?

No sorry, i like to like more than one wench on top, if their was 3 then i will. :doff

See bellow, add file to Program\characters and when asked to overwrite say yes. Done and done. :onya

Good news guy's i have got the nations starting locations to work, now each nation will start in random towns of their chosen nation and pirates will start in Bermuda. :dance


  • RPGUtilite.c
    75.8 KB · Views: 880
Ok more plodding around and it was Jonathan's code after all, i have reverted back to the one that sets all nations to start at their main ports and that works for the pirates now as well. :dance

Can you post that code and where to put it ? Pretty please with a wench on top?

No sorry, i like to like more than one wench on top, if their was 3 then i will. :doff

See bellow, add file to Program\characters and when asked to overwrite say yes. Done and done. :onya

Good news guy's i have got the nations starting locations to work, now each nation will start in random towns of their chosen nation and pirates will start in Bermuda. :dance

Sorry to be the new guy that doesn't know anything....but see below what? I don't see a link for a file to download. EDIT (Nevermind....browser refresh and I see it now. Thanks !)
You didn't give me my 3 wenches, damn you. :slap xD:

Oh, sorry.....I was having a joygasm about your patch. I'll send three over a day for three months. :b:

Woohoo. :bow

Now back to bug hunting/fixing. Hope you have fun playing as the pirates bud. :onya

Well, thanks to you and all the others in the mod team that did all these great Mods and fixed stuff so fast, I'll be able to. I'm off today, and was hoping it would be fixed soon so I could dump some time into it. But I didn't want to sound whiny, or as a liar just trying to get sympathy speed on a fix, so I kept that to myself. lol