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Guide Full Walkthrough and Guide for SD:TEHO

and one more, baptizing slaves - nice, but what it changes? gives reputation or what?


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Help please,
Smugglers don't like me. Probably did to many missions for governors to kill smugglers. What to do fellows?
Can you please post a screenshot of the dialogue?
It could also be that you have a large ship.

and one more, baptizing slaves - nice, but what it changes? gives reputation or what?
Yep, I think it gives good reputation; aside from being the good option anyway.
No, I am still with Mirage Ketch - 4 class
when I ask them in tavern to trade, they say that after what I have done, I am lucku that they didn sent bounty hunters for me
(in game there are no bounty hunters working for smugglers :) Yeah?)
So do I have to wait, sink some merchant ships, lower my rep or what?
An one more thing. Expalin please
I just upgrade speed in my Mirage Ketch, basic was 14.41/max 16.00, but after upgrade I have... 19.87/max 19.20
it impossible, the first value should be less than maximum, because of the crew on board, cargo etc
and... also manuverability changed... was 46.29/max54.00, after speed improvement, it is now...54.25/max 54.00
bug? The good one? :)
No, I am still with Mirage Ketch - 4 class
Then the ship is indeed not your problem.

when I ask them in tavern to trade, they say that after what I have done, I am lucku that they didn sent bounty hunters for me
(in game there are no bounty hunters working for smugglers :) Yeah?)
So do I have to wait, sink some merchant ships, lower my rep or what?
I am not sure, maybe wait a bit and they will calm down. Or diplomats can help you?

I don't remember smuggler bounty hunters, only from countries.

An one more thing. Expalin please
I just upgrade speed in my Mirage Ketch, basic was 14.41/max 16.00, but after upgrade I have... 19.87/max 19.20
it impossible, the first value should be less than maximum, because of the crew on board, cargo etc
and... also manuverability changed... was 46.29/max54.00, after speed improvement, it is now...54.25/max 54.00
bug? The good one? :)
Wait what? o_O

This is weird. If you go into the sea, does it stay that way?
Yes :) And if I throw more stuff from ship it rises :)
Maybe it's because my Navigator has 86 navigation, so quite high


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One more note to walkthrough
Mission "Price of Consumption" has its continuation
after finishing it, I don't know what is the time, I came back to San Jose months after - doctor that helped me in mission, Sergio Saldo, run after me. With nice proposition - starting "mission" - GOODS of STRATEGIC VALUE...

ok, its the same mission after first persian blade given to Fadey


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"A reason to hurry"
wird but nice quest, should be in walkthrough

1) talking with brothel lady after sex, about officer (but save game before choosing girl with brothel owner)
2) go on ship - firts F2 and remove boardes from officers positions
3) go to cabin - take a lot of money around 200 000 pesos and 30 emeralds (emeralds it should be, not any other gems)
4) sail to bay/cove/beach on the island, land (alone).
5) if there is no soldier patrol, sail to another bay/cove/beach
6) talk to patrol - if they say they are looking for the convicts - it is regular patrol, not the "mission one" - (maybe a bug). I think the best option here is to reload save before choosing the girl and have sex one more time...
7) the right patrol will give you this dialogue options like in picture
a) start the transaction
b) start fight with 4 soldiers (officer, 2 swordsman, rifleman)
c) stop the conversation - and never finish this quest

first option is most interesting
8) if you pay money - they say sth about governors valuables, give you some password and reply - go to governor's residence
9a) you can speak with governor about bad soldiers - he will give you a treasure map as a reward
9b) you can speak with governor's servant in next room - password reply - and....5 dublon chest and 5 treasure chest land in your inventory!!! ooo so heavy!!!!
10) Go outside with map or treasures - 3 pirates will approach
11a) give back map or treasures - quest ends, but...
11b) show them finger and fight - quest continues
12c) go to global map and after few seconds you will see purple sails on the horizont, "mission ship" - pirates will atack you - once it was a frigate, once corvette - I board the ship, duel with captain with funny conversation - nothing special in the cabin - quest ends

if you don't give the map to pirates you will find same treasure where the map leads and then you will be atacked by pirates, but in the jungle, no enemy ship

8) alternatively - if you pay with emeralds the officer will give you treasure map - then if you report to governor (in this way there is no option to speak with governor's servant), and give him map, he will give you just a sword, not a special one. Still you will be approached by pirates, because you have the map, still you can go for treasure
8) alternativ 2 - if you kill the soldiers you will NOT find map in their bodies - then if you report to governor (in this way there is no option to speak with governor's servant) you will be blamed for acting badly..

I thnik that is all...
Should be in walkthroug - nice mission, but how we can know that we should go for it without boarders and with 180 000 - 200 000 pesos or 30 emeralds? How we can know that sometimes it can be spoiled if we found "normal" soldier patrol...


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I also put it here, in walkthrough section

No spoilers, only quest's names
I am still playing, I sailed to every island and city (think so), did level limit quest, Dutch Gambit, Final Lesson, Caleuche, I will do FTJR, Pirate Saga, Hero of the nation, and Happily Ever After...

Please take a look, did I miss something?

A Burden of the Gascon

Canibalism Does Not Exist

The Stolen Jewel

Rum Matters

The Whore-Master

The Missing Assistant

Bottleneck Commodity

The Spanish Engineer

Grandee Albalate

The Caribbean in Nutshell

Price of Discretion

A Chief of Redskins

Resing Dog

Just Like Home

Prison Break

A Price of Consumption

Manga Rosa

The Final Lesson

False Trace

The Dutch Gambit

Long Way to Gallows

Dangerous Cargo

Regatta (not listed in log)

I Want Your Shop, Your Goods and Your Life

Slave Trader 1,2,3... (not finished)


Goods of strategic value

Matter of honour

Unfortunate thief

Fadey Swords (not listed in log)

Golden Fleet (not done)

Delivery of prayer books

Transporting citizen

The Shipwrecked (not finished – and probably never will be :) )

Bounty Hunters (can it be finished???)

Harbobr master's mission. Returning the stolen ship

A family relic

Searching for captains. Request from nobleman.

Return the manuscripts to the priest

Church robbery

Serching for the ship (from shipyard)

- irrelevant charecteristics

- with specific features

Captive smuggler

Burnt ship

Harbor master's freights

- deliver cargo

- bring amount of specific goods

Slaves for a nobleman

Harbor's master mission. Chasing captain (forgotten log)

Damsel in the jungle

State convicts

Goods delivering

Mail delivery

Prison business

A reason to hurry

Found documents

Church mail

Assigments from governors

- kill smugglers

- gang in jungle

- board the ship – bring package

- board the ship – bring criminal

- sneak into city for sth

- protect city

- destroy transport ship

- find deserter in pirate nest

Upgrading the ship


Mission from brothel. Get rid of client (not listed in log)

Hot Raid

Easy Pray

Smuggling Bussines


Sea marathon

Captive captain

Sleuth in the brothel
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Greetings. I read somewhere there is a way to make the store salesman never provide us the hassle of telling us that he is "busy with many customers and to come back tomorrow", so that when you come back he will tell you the same thing again.
There was somewhere a way to put this effect off, but I can't find it.
Hi guys, I bought this game in a sale a few days ago because a bought new laptop. And I trying this game because I offen played CoAS long time ago and play it many hours and now I waiting for Sea Dogs legendary edition. :)
And I have a problem with game. I cant go to any town on world map and french colony as well. I can go only to Guadalope and Sant Piere.
My main story or walkthrough was shorter like in the manual in this forum. I chose borrow money from priest then I was in the church and borrowed money from priest, then I payd for navigator man from prison and then I was in Pirate colony for wine, but it was bluff and I fought with pirate ship. After this I can go "outside the world" but I cant go everywhere. Can you help me please what should I do next? And sorry for my english. :)
Hi guys, I bought this game in a sale a few days ago because a bought new laptop. And I trying this game because I offen played CoAS long time ago and play it many hours and now I waiting for Sea Dogs legendary edition. :)
And I have a problem with game. I cant go to any town on world map and french colony as well. I can go only to Guadalope and Sant Piere.
My main story or walkthrough was shorter like in the manual in this forum. I chose borrow money from priest then I was in the church and borrowed money from priest, then I payd for navigator man from prison and then I was in Pirate colony for wine, but it was bluff and I fought with pirate ship. After this I can go "outside the world" but I cant go everywhere. Can you help me please what should I do next? And sorry for my english. :)
Welcome to the forum partner.

From what you say you are playing the first part of the game that works as a tutorial.

If you want to enjoy the game to the fullest I recommend you take a look at the guide that DarkEternis has on Steam, it is highly recommended for new players.

Anyway you can go wherever you want from the fight against the pirates in Le François.
Thank you but I really cant go inside to any town. If I am close to some town so I cant moor. I can go to world map only.
And I forgot write one thing in last post. I cant hire new crew in tavern in Guadalope and Sant Piere as well. So I still play tutotrial. Well, Im not glad but never mind.

But I try to look at the guide what you mentioned, JTem. Thanks
Thank you but I really cant go inside to any town. If I am close to some town so I cant moor. I can go to world map only.
And I forgot write one thing in last post. I cant hire new crew in tavern in Guadalope and Sant Piere as well. So I still play tutotrial. Well, Im not glad but never mind.

But I try to look at the guide what you mentioned, JTem. Thanks
This is the link to the guide:
