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FTP Down!

Pieter Boelen

Navigation Officer
Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
When I visit http://www.pyratesahoy.com/potc/ , I get a "Suspended Page" notification that also states:
"The website you are trying to view is currently experiencing difficulties, please try again later."
That's NOT good! :shock
Looks not good to me either.
Can't get a connection to FTP server with Filezilla or Core FTP Light.
The server seems to be not available.
Hope someone will get a fix for that soon.
Apparently the FTP really IS down properly.
I sent a PM to Keith in the hopes that he'll see it and be able to do something about it.
Keith said he paid for another year, but I haven't heard anything else.
Indeed it still isn't working yet, so I'm not quite sure what's going on. :modding
This is just pure speculation on my part and I could be completely wrong, but I would bet this has something to do with a bandwidth limit. I am pretty sure the account is supposed to be unlimited, but the term "unlimited" doesn't mean what it used to! We may have to wait till the end of the monthly cycle to have the FTP back. :rolleyes:
That does bite the big one.

If it is a bandwidth issue, then lets not look at too much like a bad thing.

Think of it, we have not expierenced this problem in recent memory (or ever) which could mean that our mods are going out like hot cakes! Of course, it might also mean that our ftp provider is a cheap bastard (doubt it)

If it is decided that we are in the market for a better provider, I do personally know a couple hosting providers , both with competitive prices, and great speeds...
One thing that Keith requested us to do is to clean up the FTPs, removing everything we don't need and keep only what we do.
With the amount of files we've got stored on there, the total size has to be HUGE! And that can't be cheap! :shock
That might be tough to do with the ftp down :facepalm xD:

Perhaps as soon as the ftp comes back up, a pm is circulated to all modders, and users who have files hosted on the ftp to limit what they've got on there, and delete the stuff that isnt needed
We could use our PM thread for that if necessary. Then hopefully most people could clean up their own stuff. :woot
i'm guilty myself. As multiple versions of a mod are released, i do have the tendency just to keep adding. However, I havent been around that long. I can imagine that if some more of our 'seasoned' members did the same thing, they would have gb's of material... :woot
Still no word on the FTP eh?

Its unfortunate. As things stand now, all work has grinded to a halt of the CM. With Luke being away, I was hoping to look through his section of the FTP to see if had left any files behind so that I can finish up the latest patch for the CM

...waiting is not something i do well xD:
No word yet at all. I did ask, but all I get is silence.

You should be able to find a way to at least do something without the FTP.

For one thing, you could experiment with this: http://forum.piratesahoy.net//topic/16064-limit-special-ship-type-to-certain-country/
I already posted how to do it; all you need to do is test.

And if somebody could work on this, it'd also be REALLY valuable!

And what about some CoAS person actually managing the CoAS forums?
Eg. cleaning up the stickies and updating the opening posts of the important stickies with the most relevant information.
It really shouldn't need to be me to do something like this: http://forum.piratesahoy.net//topic/15127-coas-combined-mod-version-3/page__view__findpost__p__371412

If necessary, we can add some more CoAS Modders to the Moderators team! How about yourself?
Don't get me wrong, there is plenty to do. However I was refering to the release of CMv3.1.5 There are just a couple of little fixes to finish up. However, the only files that I have are the ones that include those fixes with the 'simple' or H.E. mod

As for a change in responsibilites, we will discuss that in private.. oK?

EDIT: I guess it would help if we noticed that the FTP is back up :))