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Cannot Confirm Everyone gaining 20+ lvls after boarding a Ketch


Sailor Apprentice
Hi guys!

So.. I was level 19 and at Philipsburg. When I went out of port, I was met by a pirate Brig and Ketch, while in a Bermuda Sloop myself.

When I caught op with the Ketch, it boarded me. Somehow, only 2 of my 3 officers ever spawned in this boarding party. I won the fight, my 2 officers survived and assigned a first mate, carpenter, gunner and a navigator to the Ketch and swapped ships.

Then the weird thing happened.. My FPS dropped to 1-2 at best, because for whatever reason, every single officer I have (and I have a lot) + myself, started gaining level after level. And because I have so many officers, the game nearly crashed from leveling up so many characters simultaniously.

I originally planned to board the Brig as well, but at 1 FPS i wasn't quite sure I would live through that, so attempted to sail away.

When I finally got far away after about 25 minutes to go in to the worldmap, the game nearly crashed again the next day, as every officer suddenly got a boost to their Carpenter and Defense skill simultaneously. But after that, the game worked fine again.

By the time I could go to the world map, I had gone from lvl 19 before boarding to level 44 by the time I was out of combat, and it still wasn't done leveling up..Any idea how this can happen? I mean.. it wasn't like i captured a man-o-war while sailing a Tartane..?

There was also no captain in the captain's cabin and no dialogue on the Ketch. In stead, there were simply 3 crew members that I had to cut down.


  • error.log
    5.7 KB · Views: 262
  • compile.log
    233.2 KB · Views: 248
  • system.log
    14.3 KB · Views: 255
There is something very odd going on with your game. "error.log" contains a lot of references to "kam_selectmodel.c", in particular:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\kam_selectmodel.c; line: 137
Unknown data type
Line 137 is this:
GameInterface.strings.IslandName = XI_ConvertString("Model") + " - " + GetModelIDFromListNumber(nCurScroll+1);
So it's getting upset about the island.

There are also a lot of complaints about "Leveling.c", which is probably more directly related to the unwanted levelling up.

"system.log" shows this:
Can't load texture resource\textures\BLADE8.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\INTERFACES\PERKS\64\.TGA.tx
There are a lot of that line about perks, but the really odd one is the report that it can't find "blade8.tga.tx" because that's the texture file for a Maltese knight sword and should exist even in the stock game.

The game install may be faulty, in which caes you may need to reinstall the whole game from scratch.
There is something very odd going on with your game. "error.log" contains a lot of references to "kam_selectmodel.c", in particular:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\kam_selectmodel.c; line: 137
Unknown data type
Line 137 is this:
GameInterface.strings.IslandName = XI_ConvertString("Model") + " - " + GetModelIDFromListNumber(nCurScroll+1);
So it's getting upset about the island.

There are also a lot of complaints about "Leveling.c", which is probably more directly related to the unwanted levelling up.

"system.log" shows this:
Can't load texture resource\textures\BLADE8.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\INTERFACES\PERKS\64\.TGA.tx
There are a lot of that line about perks, but the really odd one is the report that it can't find "blade8.tga.tx" because that's the texture file for a Maltese knight sword and should exist even in the stock game.

The game install may be faulty, in which caes you may need to reinstall the whole game from scratch.
Interesting.. it is an install from scratch i'm playing on.. There's more weird stuff going on in my game when it comes to islands though. Especially the Tortue trinity (can't remember the other port names out of the top of my head). For instance I was sailing near Aruba, wanted to join a battle. In 3D sail mode almost instantly it said 'Land Ho!' and poof, I could fast travel to Tortue port and the other 2. Went to World map and it turned out I had been teleported nearly to the other side of the map..?

But yeah this was by far the oddest thing I had happen to me. Not a single Ability went up by even 1 point, but my char went from lvl 19 to lvl 43 from simply boarding a Ketch.. and multiple other characters got anywhere between 5 to 50 ability points.

On a sidenote: can I preserve savegames when doing a clean install of the same mod version?
On a sidenote: can I preserve savegames when doing a clean install of the same mod version?
If you install the exact same version again, then yes.
Though note that a lot is saved in the savegame, so if the install was indeed corrupt, there might be something "off" in the saves too.