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WIP ENB replacer

Ok, will try that. So far after trying for hours the first part that enables Reshade works but the 2nd part that enables FX settings does not work.
At first I kept getting those errors again and it did not work. I kept trying different combinations and finally just copying then into my POTC folder without the ENGINE.exe worked. I can really see a big difference too. Everything is way too bright and washed out on my system. POTC FX 2015-10-06 14-16-08-85.jpg POTC FX 2015-10-06 14-17-48-37.jpg I tried turning it down in options but is is not right for me.
I must say the Game look better now, whit the "The Directx_June2010" installed.
I have now two Games, "Potc" and" Reshade Potc", less see what happens now.
It works! I downloaded some preset from"LazyNet" and the work too.
Now the problem is the characters shadows, who is flickering a lot.
It works! I downloaded some preset from"LazyNet" and the work too.
Now the problem is the characters shadows, who is flickering a lot.
noticed that too. But didn't they do that in the stock game also (a bit)?
Did you get the AA to work? I never could and then the errors came back, ending all work on it.

I can remember no flickering shadows before.
Here is a picture whit Reshade running


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I just got done chatting with someone who seriously knows what he is talking about, and he says to never use SMAA and FXAA together. If anything they will make it look worse.

I will be reinstalling and testing this later today.
I think this screenshot with "Battlefield settings" looks fine


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This is as close as I could get the camera to this ship and it is still jaggy. POTC CAB 2015-10-05 21-11-34-40.jpg

I still want this to work but no one has done it yet.
I can see the pixels, but other than that, it looks perfectly fine. :onya
I already have, but here they are side by side. On the left is my current desktop in DX8, and on the right is Reshade with no AA. This is 2015, not 2002 and the scene on the right is no longer acceptable. I was getting better screenies as far back as 2008.

POTC CAB 2015-10-03 16-44-00-13.jpg POTC CAB 2015-10-05 10-14-53-99.jpg

Oh yeah......Beer!.jpg
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I have moved some step forward, but need a lot of steps to the goal.
So no more talking about Reshade from me just now.:shock
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