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WIP Elessarias Arcadia Xebec

Most of the stats seem a bit high, now that I've looked. 12 pound long guns are probably too large for a vessel like that. I'll have to check the game files to find the proper relative sailing qualities.

The stats I provided with the model are for stock COAS and there's nothing lighter than 12lbs guns. As for more realistic stats, I think this xebec should be armed with 6-pounders. It's a pity that we can't place different guns on our ships in COAS, because this particular one could carry much larger guns as bow chasers (maybe even 24-pounders) and slightly larger ones as stern chasers. And it is also annoying that one vessel can be armed with cannons and culevrines of the same caliber, for example 12-pdr cannons and 12-pdr culevrines.
Agreed. It would be nice if someone could find a way to fix that, but that's probably too much to ask for. At least we'll be doing it right in HoO.
The different calibres for cannons and carronades have been fixed for PotC, so the same should be possible with CoAS.
Carrying multiple calibres on the same ship is not possible though, or at least it seems that way with both games.
The different calibres for cannons and carronades have been fixed for PotC, so the same should be possible with CoAS.
Carrying multiple calibres on the same ship is not possible though, or at least it seems that way with both games.
If it's possible at all, it could only be faked and it'd be tremendously complicated.
In fact, how would we want to handle that for HoO? I'd imagine we'd need an interface showing every cannon position in the ship for each separate ship. Lots of work indeed.
In fact, how would we want to handle that for HoO? I'd imagine we'd need an interface showing every cannon position in the ship for each separate ship. Lots of work indeed.
I would expect cannon management to be organised by deck (i.e. one calibre per deck), with a special case for bow and stern chasers.
After all, there would be no need to set each individual cannon's calibre one by one.
That does sound a lot more workable. And would limit any ship-specific coding to numbers of cannons and number of decks. :yes
Thanks Armada. Good point. I work fast and sometimes at face value. It's fixed. MK


@Hylie, I mostly used Riders numbers. I must add that I overhauled all of the ships numbers and reworked the entire ships init file for GOF Eras. I did not make her a class 3 as Rider has her in his entry, but did make her a class 4. She is the only class 4 Xebec in the game. Her numbers put her a little above all of the other xebecs and make her competitive with some of the smaller class 4 and class 5 frigate types.

I've uploaded a package with the model files, textures, stats entry and walk file here: Arcadia_POTC.7z :onya
The interface pic is integrated into the main textures, which I'll upload when they're needed for the next patch.

For the stats, I settled on a weight of 350, max calibre of 9 lbs, and speed/turn values of 12.5/80.
Cheers! Do you have the new Essex versions added into the interface pictures too?
Yep! I also have the Centurion covered, and I've removed the old RN/US_Frigate and Lydia images.
More on the Centurion shortly.

So we're removing the RN/US_Frigate and Lydia for good then?

Any thoughts on the Trinity repaints? Should we add them?
RN/US_Frigate are effectively replaced by RN/US_Essex, and the Lydia really has no place alongside these fine frigates. :walkplank

The Trinity repaints sound good to me. More variety is most welcome!
I'll have to double-check on appropriate folder names for the Trinity versions. Will make you some interface screenshots too at some point; don't think you've got those yet?

Also on that subject, here are two updated interface pictures for the FastMerchantmen from Hylie Pistof's files; not sure if you have those included already?


  • fastmerchantman1.jpg
    11.5 KB · Views: 261
  • fastmerchantman2.jpg
    11.5 KB · Views: 250
I don't have screenshots of the alternate Trinity versions, but I do have the FastMerchantman pics. I'm holding back on including those, because as soon as I'm done with the Centurion, I'll finish off the new Corvette and remove some guns to make a merchant version replacing the FastMerchantman.
hey is arcadia xebec replacing blue bird xebec and if that so:pirate41:
how to replace it,sorry for my bad english