Greetings higher Capitans! this Spanish pirate need help from your knowledge, once again... lol.
Problem: I am working on Spanish Mod, and i want add new NPCs, but I havent found the key to do it...
Initially, I looked into the files from this folder "Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters\init". I found some interesting lines like these in the file called "StoryCharacters.C":
This new information was taken from other files in the folder mentioned previously. I created a new game, and i went to BasTer... this was the result:
Henry talked with me as well as his clon in Port Royal (
And now, i have a problem. If i make a new test in other place, it doesnt work (My first test was lucky?). I tried in several houses in Belize and in the lighthouse in Tortuga, but my Clon NPC doesnt appears!. I Know that the solution is in those lines, but I dont know where I can take information about the locators and the location groups...
I've been thinking that may there be a solution using Coords. but i dont know how can I do it. Came this point, i dont know how continue... If someone of you know how do it, please, Can you explain me it? THANKS so much!
(Sorry for the grammatical mistakes)
Problem: I am working on Spanish Mod, and i want add new NPCs, but I havent found the key to do it...
Initially, I looked into the files from this folder "Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters\init". I found some interesting lines like these in the file called "StoryCharacters.C":
I recognized quickly this information about Ascold. I thought that adding new lines in the same file, i would be able to add new NPCs in the game, and i did a test. I copied the lines about morgan in the same file, and pasted it below://////////////////=====>>>> Ìàãè÷åñêèé êâåñò Àñêîëüäà.
makeref(ch,Characters[n]); // Àñêîëüä = xiDStr("Ascold");
ch.lastname = ""; = "Ascold";
ch.model = "Corsair1_2";
ch.model.animation = "man"; = "man";
ch.location = "BasTer_houseSp1"; = "sit";
ch.location.locator = "sit1";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Quest\Ascold.c";
ch.nation = PIRATE;
ch.rank = 38;
ch.reputation = "15";
SetSelfSkill(ch, 90, 90, 90, 70, 90);
SetShipSkill(ch, 20, 90, 10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 50);
LAi_NoRebirthDisable(ch); // âîñêðåñòü ïðè óáèåÃÂèè
LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0);
LAi_SetHP(ch, 200.0, 200.0);
LAi_SetImmortal(ch, true);
ch.greeting = "Gr_Ascold";
n = n+1;
So, I edited the highlighted blue lines...//============== ÃåÃÂðè ÌîðãàÃÂ! Âñåì òðåïåòàòü. =================
makeref(ch,Characters[n]); = xiDStr("Henry");
ch.lastname = xiDStr("Morgan"); = "Henry Morgan";
ch.model = "Morgan";
ch.model.animation = "man"; = "man";
ch.location = "PortRoyal_houseS1"; = "sit";
ch.location.locator = "sit2";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Quest\Morgan.c";
ch.nation = PIRATE;
GiveItem2Character(ch, GUN_COMMON);
ch.equip.gun = GUN_COMMON;
GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade27");// ñàáëÿ ÌîðãàÃÂÃÂ
ch.equip.blade = "blade27";
// ==> Êîðàáëèê ÌîðãàÃÂó äåëàåì ñ õîðîøèìè ïóøêàìè
ch.Abordage.Enable = false; // ÃÂÅËÜÇß!
ch.Ship.Name = "Elisabett";
ch.Ship.Type = GenerateShip(SHIP_FRIGATE, true);
ch.Ship.Stopped = true;
ch.Ship.Cannons.Type = CANNON_TYPE_CANNON_LBS48;
Fantom_SetBalls(ch, "pirate");
ch.rank = 45;
SetSelfSkill(ch, 90, 90, 90, 60, 70);
SetShipSkill(ch, 100, 10, 100, 100, 90, 60, 80, 90, 50); = "50000";
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "FastReload");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "HullDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "SailsDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "CrewDamageUp");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "CriticalShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "LongRangeShoot");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "CannonProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "ShipDefenseProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "ShipSpeedUp");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "ShipTurnRateUp");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "SwordplayProfessional");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "AdvancedDefense");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "CriticalHit");
SetCharacterPerk(ch, "Sliding");
ch.standUp = true; //âñòàâàòü è ÃÂàïàäàòü ÃÂàâðàãÃÂ
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");
LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0);
LAi_SetImmortal(ch, true);
LAi_SetHP(ch, 230.0, 230.0);
ch.greeting = "Gr_Morgan";
n = n + 1;
ch.location = "BasTer_houseSp1"; = "barmen";
ch.location.locator = "stay";
This new information was taken from other files in the folder mentioned previously. I created a new game, and i went to BasTer... this was the result:

Henry talked with me as well as his clon in Port Royal (

And now, i have a problem. If i make a new test in other place, it doesnt work (My first test was lucky?). I tried in several houses in Belize and in the lighthouse in Tortuga, but my Clon NPC doesnt appears!. I Know that the solution is in those lines, but I dont know where I can take information about the locators and the location groups...
I've been thinking that may there be a solution using Coords. but i dont know how can I do it. Came this point, i dont know how continue... If someone of you know how do it, please, Can you explain me it? THANKS so much!

(Sorry for the grammatical mistakes)