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Solved Disabiling Sound Files

Jason Maffettone

Lord of Entropy
Quest Writer
Storm Modder
Can sound files simply be yanked out without causing harm to the game because it is looking for them. Specifically the background noises in the taverns. The belching, swallowing, lip-smacking sounds. They make my fucking flesh crawl and I want them gone. Also the store keep in the pirate settlement in Nevis. The one who looks like Michael Jackson in drag and whose voice keeps going up in pitch as she speaks.
Can sound files simply be yanked out without causing harm to the game because it is looking for them.
Yes, they can. The game will mention in system.log that it can't find the file, but it should otherwise do no harm.

Of course a cleaner solution is to use the tricks described in Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks | PiratesAhoy! to find where they're referenced and instead remove those references.
I have used many different soundfiles here and there in my quests so I recommend not
to skip any files at all. Make a mod which changes the tavern background sounds instead.
Make a mod which changes the tavern background sounds instead.
That would be better for sure. :onya

I have used many different soundfiles here and there in my quests so I recommend not
to skip any files at all.
To prevent confusion, Jason wants to do this in his own game.
If sounds are to be deleted from the mod, we'll definitely use the clean solution. :yes
Yes, it's a personal thing and I am inquiring only for my personal use. Certain noises simply have a bad effect on my nervous system.
make a empty soundfile and replace the tavern sound with this one. that would be the best solution
I made a fix for the tavern sounds and changed Kate Blowhorn in QC_store from a soprano to a more alto voice.

Obs these files are NOT for general purpose.


  • JRH 08-16 private sound fix for JM.7z
    10.5 KB · Views: 133

I wanted to disable the voice that screams before firing and so I made an empty file and replace the old one as suggested but it also disabled the canon sound for some reason.
So my solution for that was to just take the existing file ( make a backup just in case) and apply a 20 dB attenuation. The sound is still there but I can't hear it in-game and I didn't change any of the files so could this be another acceptable solution?
Is the cannon sound the same sound?
If not, that doesn't seem to make much sense....
No, it's another file. This one is a 2 second file called "CannonReload-002" and only has the screaming in it.
Bizarre. What happens if you completely mute it or at least bring the volume further down?
Maybe the game sound engine gets confused if what it expects to be a sound file is, for example, a 0 kb empty file?
It is indeed bizarre. Now it's at -60 dB so it's complete silence and the canon sound is ok.
But my file is 1.21 MB. It's not too big either because when I export the original one after making the changes, it's 2.29 MB and it works fine.