I tried the changes in your last post and it seems to work.
That's a pleasure to read that.
I have not seen a dialog to change my sails yet...
Well, in common_shipyard.c you should've thes lines :
dialog.Text = pcharrepphrase(DLG_TEXT_BASE[24],
TimeGreeting() + DLG_TEXT_BASE[25] + GetAddress_Form(NPChar) + "?");
Link.l1 = pcharrepphrase(DLG_TEXT_BASE[26],
Link.l1.go = "Shipyard";
link.l11 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[28];
link.l11.go = "Cannons";
link.l111 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[131];
link.l111.go = "Couleurdesvoiles";
Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[29];
Link.l2.go = "quests"; //(ïåðåññûëêà â ôàéë ãîðîäà)
case "Meeting":
dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT_BASE[37];
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[38] + GetFullName(NPChar) + DLG_TEXT_BASE[39];
Link.l1.go = "Shipyard";
link.l11 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[40];
link.l11.go = "Cannons";
link.l111 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[131];
link.l111.go = "Couleurdesvoiles";
Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[41];
Link.l2.go = "quests";
case "Couleurdesvoiles":
ref _chr;
if (sti(pchar.money) > 3000)
NextDiag.CurrentNode = NextDiag.TempNode;
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT_BASE[132];
Link.l1.go = "exit";
And in common_shipyard.h :
string DLG_TEXT_BASE [133]
"Yes, all right. Thanks in the plenty. ",
"I'd like to change the color of my sails.",
"No enough money !!!",
That French blue is too blue IMHO.
That's why i gave this link :
For exemple, to get the green you see you change argb in battle_interface.c for the nation you want :
argb(5, 64, 164, 151);<== already for spain. (5 is alpha value, emblems seems to be seen a little more better).