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Unconfirmed Bug Dauntless fight problem build mod 14 3.3. WIP


Powder Monkey
Now I am fighting with dauntless very big ship I have black pearl. We are at rocky shore and I can not defeat this ship. Ship is controlled by "james norrington" and

when I decrease his ships health he changes his color and I can not attack his ship any more.

when I board on his ship no crew is displayed and I can not talk with "james norrignton" the captain.

when I sail to tortuga I talk with gibbs and game takes me to tavern. I am sitting but gibbs is not sitting in front of me.

Here is my save file. I have no errors and no crashes.


  • -=Player=- QuickSave.rar
    582.6 KB · Views: 152
This is after you completed the storyline right?

That is a sometimes bug. Sometimes the Dauntless is there but it is not supposed to be there.