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Cross of the Dutchman up for voting on Steam Greenlight!


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A few years ago, I ran across the start of development on a new game from independent Netherlands game developer Triangle Studios called “Cross of the Dutchman.” Unfortunately, due to forum upgrades, the original article I posted in September of 2011 got lost in translation, however, you can still read the original post along with the comments over on the Internet Archives Wayback Machine! Today, Triangle Studios has announced that Cross of the Dutchman has finally been completed and is headed for Steam Greenlight!

Cross of the Dutchman tells the legendary story of “Grutte” Pier Gerlofs Donia. A hero 7 feet tall with the strength of an ox. A man who stood up to the oppressors of his land after a great injustice was done to him and his family. A kind man who turned into a brute, and took up the task of liberating his homeland, and destroying those who stood against him.

This is great news indeed! I spent quite a bit of time on their forums a couple of years ago trying to help them as much as I could with development. Unfortunately, things didn't go as we all wanted at first, and later there was a failed Kickstarter campaign. Because of time constraints and real life issues, I eventually drifted away from the project. Remco, and the great group of developers at Triangle refused to give up on the story and kept plugging along despite all the setbacks.

Earlier this year, I checked back with them to see how things were going. Remco kindly offered me the opportunity to play a demo of the first couple of levels of CoTD, and I must say I was quite impressed! As you can see from the launch video above, visually, the game looks beautiful! There were still a couple of bugs that needed to be ironed out in the copy I played, but it was quite fun and the game controls are very intuitive! You don't have to take my word for that though, soon you will be able to find out for yourselves!! Here is the complete press release :

Leeuwarden (the Netherlands), June 26, 2015


After an extensive period of time, the independent game developer Triangle Studios has finished production of Cross of the Dutchman, a game where players assume the role of a folk legend who lived in 16th century Western Europe.

Starting today, Triangle Studios is calling upon all adventurers, history geeks and action game enthusiasts to cast their vote on Greenlight and help get the game published on Steam. The release of the game is scheduled for September of this year, exactly 500 years after the historical events around the main character of the game took place. Cross of the Dutchman will be available for players on PC and Mac.

In Cross of the Dutchman, players experience the invasion of the Saxon legions that took place in the early years of the 16th century. Pier, a man of formidable size gets involved in the conflict between the native Frisians and the invaders, ultimately putting the lives of his friends and family at risk. Through the events portrayed in the game, Pier transforms from being a humble farmer into the commander of a rebel army.

The development of Cross of the Dutchman was recently completed despite of a series of hardships. Even though the development started just over six years ago, the project has seen multiple revisions and was even put on hold because of budgetary reasons. Triangle Studios is incredibly proud to announce that Cross of the Dutchman is finally ready for a worldwide audience!


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Interesting story.. I played a similar game called Expedition: Conquistador which was nice, but I finished it in a day and after you finish it you can't do anything more on it.. hope this has more of a never ending gameplay.
Unfortunately, like Grutte Pier himself, the game does have an ending. I am not sure exactly what they plan on doing with it though, I have tried to get them to give me details on the finally and what kind of boats will be in the game, but so far they have kept pretty quiet about it. From what I saw of the demo, there is a lot to do though, I doubt you will be able to finish it in one day.

I did back Expeditions Conquistador when it was on Kickstarter, it looked like it had some serious potential. I have the game but haven't had the chance to play it yet, I will get to it eventually! :wp
Yea it's pretty unique too; the new world; strategy; simulation; roleplay, all into one. Too bad open world gamplay wasn't "fully" included. But you'll enjoy it a lot.
Just a bit of an update, they have set the release date for September 10'th!

Cross of the Dutchman Releases September 10th + Free Game with Pre-order

Triangle Studios is excited to announce the release date for Cross of the Dutchman! On September 10, 2015 the game will be available on Steam, Green Man Gaming, Humble Store and various other leading distribution platforms for PC, Mac & Linux at the price of $8.99 for the Standard Edition, and $10,99 for the Deluxe Edition.

All gamers who pre-order through Green Man Gaming will receive a 15% discount, as well as a free copy of the survival multiplayer game, “It came from space, and ate our brains” that can be redeemed immediately on Steam.

The Deluxe Edition will contain a copy of Cross of the Dutchman, as well as the following extras:

● Soundtrack of the game - Listen to the music that was written for Cross of the Dutchman.
● Artbook - A comprehensive digital artbook filled with concept art and drawings from the game.
● Project Timeline - Take an in-depth look into how the game progressed from concept to prototype and ultimately to the final product.
● Papercraft - Print, create and display the great Pier Gerlofs Donia on your desk.
Cross of the Dutchman is based on a true story. More information regarding the truth behind the legend is soon to be released via a developer diary in which Triangle Studios will visit the hometown of the main character Pier Gerlofs Donia, his final resting place, and various points of interest regarding the life of the farmer who liberated Frisia from the Saxons.

Green Man Gaming
