Basically what the title says, I came to Cozumel hideout and ran into this, every crewmemeber in the interior has this dialogue for some reason
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The Almeida guy, forgot his full name. He's in the Freeplay character selection. I think Bartolomeu o Portugues made a side quest for him.Which storyline were you in before?
That helped me find the used dialog files:It appears that Johan Elting Storyline doesn't have the same dialogue problem with the crewmembers in the hideout, and seems fine.
//find if merch will allow char to trade, based on char's RMRel with merch's
//nation, and char's rep.
bool TradeCheck(ref char, ref merch, bool first)
if (LAi_IsCapturedLocation) return true; // KK
int pNation = sti(char.nation);
int mNation = sti(merch.nation);
int rep = sti(char.reputation);
float rel = 0.0;
// PURSEON -->
rel = GetRMRelation(GetMainCharacter(), mNation);
if(GetNationRelation(pNation, mNation) < RELATION_ENEMY && pNation != PERSONAL_NATION) // your flag is NOT hostile to the merchant
if(rel <= REL_AFTERATTACK) // but you are flying a false flag!
if (frnd() < GetChanceDetectFalseFlag() || CheckAttribute(merch,"FalseFlagDetect")) // checks if the merchant will believe you
merch.FalseFlagDetect = true; // you have been caught and the merchant won't be so trusting next time
rel = RelationToRMRelation(GetNationRelation(pNation, mNation)) // believes your false flag
DeleteAttribute(merch, "FalseFlagDetect"); // you are actually friendly
if(rel <= REL_WAR) // are you at war or not?
merch.FalseFlagDetect = true; // merchant KNOWS you are an enemy and remembers this
DeleteAttribute(merch, "FalseFlagDetect"); // you are actually friendly
merch.traderelation = rel;
rel = sti(merch.traderelation); // PB: Use the SAME relation for the WHOLE dialog
//find loc
bool strengthcomp;
int locIdx = FindLoadedLocation();
if(locIdx<0) return true;
if( !CheckAttribute(&Locations[locIdx],"townsack") ) return true;
// PB: Recoded Checks -->
// -- Town fight strength vs. squadron fight strength --
// Store/shipyard owner can be intimidated if player has three times more crew than the town has troops
int ttroops = GetTownNumTroops(Locations[locIdx].townsack);
int ptroops = GetSquadronCrewQuantity(char);
if(ptroops > ttroops * 3) strengthcomp = true;
// -- Actual Checks --
if(mNation == PIRATE)
// Pirates don't do business with the navy
if(ProfessionalNavyNation() == UNKNOWN_NATION)
// If you aren't hostile with the pirates, they'll always accept you
if(rel > REL_WAR) return true;
// If you have no loyalties to any one nation, they'll accept you too
if(GetLetterOfMarqueQuantity() == 0) return true;
// If you are Hostile with their nation, but you are a Hero
if(rel <= REL_WAR && rep >= TRADEREP_ALL ) return true;
// If you are less than Neutral to their nation, but you are a Horror of the High Seas
if(rel < REL_NEUTRAL && rep <= TRADEREP_MIN ) return true;
// If their nation is less than Hostile to you and you are Matey or better
if(rel > REL_WAR && rep >= TRADEREP_WAR ) return true;
// If their nation is better than Wary and you are Neutral or better
if(rel >= REL_AFTERATTACK && rep >= TRADEREP_NEUTRAL ) return true;
// If their nation is Friendly then they'll trade with you regardless of reputation
if(rel >= REL_NEUTRAL ) return true;
// If their nation is better than Neutral, you are Swindler or better and can intimidate them
if(rel >= REL_AMNESTY && rep >= TRADEREP_STRENGTH && strengthcomp) return true;
// You have a Letter of Marque with the nation and have been promoted at least once
if(GetRank(GetMainCharacter(), mNation) > 0 ) return true;
// You are friendly to the pirates, flying a pirate flag and the town is tolerant of pirates
if(CheckForPirateException(merch) ) return true;
// PB: Recoded Checks <--
//MAXIMUS -[we are here already, why we can't complete our mission?]->
if(first && CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress", "begin") || CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress", "failed"))
if(char.quest.generate_trade_quest_progress.iTradeColony == GetCurrentTownID()) return true;
//MAXIMUS <-[we are here already, why we can't complete our mission?]-
return false;
if(TradeCheck(PChar, NPChar, true)) { // NK
if(NPChar.quest.meeting == "0")
d.Text = DLG_TEXT[4] + DLG_TEXT[5];
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[6];
Link.l1.go = "meeting";
NPC_Meeting = "1";
dialog.snd1 = "";
dialog.snd2 = "";
dialog.snd3 = "";
d.Text = RandPhrase(TimeGreeting() + DLG_TEXT[8] + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false) + " " + DLG_TEXT[9] + DLG_TEXT[10], DLG_TEXT[11] + DLG_TEXT[12], DLG_TEXT[13], &dialog, dialog.snd1, dialog.snd2, dialog.snd3);
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[14];
Link.l1.go = "Wait_Time";
Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[26];
Link.l2.go = "clothesyou";
Link.l3 = DLG_TEXT[16];
Link.l3.go = "exit";
// NK -->
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[27] + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false) + DLG_TEXT[28];
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[29];
Link.l1.go = "exit";
// NK <--
if(NPChar.quest.meeting == "0")
d.Text = DLG_TEXT[4] + DLG_TEXT[5];
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[6];
Link.l1.go = "meeting";
NPC_Meeting = "1";
dialog.snd1 = "";
dialog.snd2 = "";
dialog.snd3 = "";
d.Text = RandPhrase(TimeGreeting() + DLG_TEXT[8] + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false) + " " + DLG_TEXT[9] + DLG_TEXT[10], DLG_TEXT[11] + DLG_TEXT[12], DLG_TEXT[13], &dialog, dialog.snd1, dialog.snd2, dialog.snd3);
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[14];
Link.l1.go = "Wait_Time";
Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[26];
Link.l2.go = "clothesyou";
Link.l3 = DLG_TEXT[16];
Link.l3.go = "exit";