• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Couple of Questions

Here is the path to where my stuff is stored. I don't know what else to do.
I give up, no matter what I do, I convert it, it pops up as a tga on my screen but when I go to the folder of where it says "TGA" nothing is there. -_- Why must this be so frustrating.
Umm, in that folder look at the top and click on view and try out the different options there.
make it simple guys:
LEFT SIDE_____________________________________________________________RIGHT SIDE
here should be chosen descop or folder where u want extract files_____________here should be chosen folder where game textures are and
and after editing them use this side to find edited tex to convert_____________which texture u converted to edit
it back
just to let u know if after u edit desired texture apears on left side with red circle on tga logo and it wont let u convert it back to game texture folder
it means u didnt save it right in ur image editor.while saving edited texture and taking TGA as format it shouldnt be compressed mode also some
image editors cant save it right for txConvertor like PhotoFiltre image editor while Paint.net image editor saves it txConvertor compatible
Greetings to all!
I hope I have correctly selected the theme for the question!
Where can I download the ship Pinnace 28 guns?
2 + (11 +11) + 4 = 28.


  • 098270c3.jpg
    108.1 KB · Views: 182
You can't. That is a POTC ship that has not been ported into COAS. It was made by De Zeeroovers, who are upset because others have taken things they have created without their permission. We have their permission to use it in POTC only.